Chapter 5

At 6 PM they returned, driving in a Renault Dauphine .

--You are a man of style. I've never stolen a car before," --said the girl, sitting comfortably in the left seat of the nimble, tiny, red wine-colored vehicle.

--I hope I can pay it back. It's just a loan.

--Do you feel up to driving? I can do it," ---she suggested. She was really glad to ride in comfort.

--Don't worry. For now I need you to tell me where you live.


--Forget it. You don't know this car. Make a bow tie. Put on those black glasses you found in the glove compartment. They won't recognize us. He said calmly.

-- They live normally. They have homes. Wives. Children.

--They all have.

-You? Do you have children?

--There's one over there. 25 years old. When he was little he wanted to be a seminarian.

--He's not what he says he is,---" the girl said.

--I'm a retired pensioner. I think we have a contract, though,"--- Zacharias evaded. Contracts haunted him.

--How so?

--I'll charge you a fee for taking care of her, I'll deduct lodging. That's all.

At twelve o'clock at night they arrived at the house, and as soon as they entered they saw that everything had been searched. They destroyed the remaining furniture, defecated and urinated on the beds, broke their kitchen utensils.

--. Come with me. This car has to be placed next to the abandoned cars. It's nighttime, they came because they wanted to check if I was gone. They'll come back, they didn't find you, they didn't find me. ...If they find me, it will be different... Let's pray we're lucky and they don't run into this Renault...

--What are you going to do?

--What I told you. They'll be back at dawn. They know we went out and left us a message. They came when they left the bar.

--What are you going to do? ---She insisted.

--Give them my message. Come with me, we'll walk into the plain, the coordinates I gave are far away so you won't hear the noise of the engine, I can't walk fast either, I have a fractured rib and it's hard to breathe.

-Friend. It's not a good idea. This area at night is a sea of poisonous snakes, crocodiles, dingoes,"-- she reported, remembering how those who wanted to help her ended up.

--They won't be any more dangerous than the snakes we're facing.

They walked in the middle of the night amidst the ululating solitude of the endless plain. In the bone-chilling cold. Nothing like the burning heat of the day. They waited for hours until they heard the soft, rhythmic sound of a small plane.

-Who are they?

--My banking service. --He reported to leave things exactly as they were.

After a while. Four huge boxes on parachutes descended.

--Well, your credit seems pretty strong," --she admired, seeing how the others, without lights or radio, sent the cargo to them.

--My services are not free. I will charge you for them,"-- Zacharias reiterated, trudging toward one of the huge boxes carrying the parachutes.

--I think I have enough to pay you,"-- she said, buying him another Cadillac, she was determined.

--There's a military backpack in there. In it we'll find canned goods, chocolate, coffee. sugar. I've loaded everything I can," ---he said, taking a Thompson and attaching a silencer. We'll come back later in his pickup to get the rest. No one will find this.

--Are you a policeman??,"-- she asked anxiously, though she feared the answer, something told her the old man might be more dangerous than the snakes on the ground.

--A planner. We have a lot of things to correct around these parts. I looked in the second box. You'll find a Colt automatic and some pins. You'll have to learn how to shoot it. Happy Hour times are over.

The girl did.

--I'm going to have a harder time getting around with this weight on me," --she said, trudging through the chaparral, with a backpack on her back.

--Unfortunately she will have to do it. First we must have the house safe. Then we can move this and what is to come,"--- he answered, taking strength from where he had none with the other immense knapsack.

--Will you help me?

--Something like that.

With difficulty they began to return.

Carrying the slow pace of the man, and for the first time with a weapon in her hand, Edali Jimper felt safe.

They arrived at dawn, just in time to see the pickup trucks pull out.

--I'll have to work long hours cleaning up. It's not the first time. A few times I've escaped. Others I've been caught,"--- said the young woman with an angry expression and bitter tears running down her beautiful face.

--I'm tired,"-- said Sanchez, breathing heavily,-- "I can't help you.

--Don't worry. I think I have a way to make breakfast as Hashem commands.

--You paid for it. You've made your first purchase. They waited all night. They must have checked...Not finding us must have puzzled them. It was lucky they didn't find the Renault.

--They're good scouts. They know we went into the plains. They were afraid of snakes or they didn't have much fuel to look for us.

--Are you afraid of snakes?

--No. I know how to catch them. Ever since I was a little girl I have.

--What good news!