Chapter 13

She arrived in front of the small supermarket. It was a symbolic gesture, but a very important one. She breathed in and took a basket. The fat woman said nothing, her eyes lowered as she added and counted.

--Lucy. It wasn't your fault. I think we all have a new opportunity. It's enough that we don't lose perspective,"-- said the girl.

The woman kept her eyes down and received the money.

Edali walked through the village. Everyone looked at her in silence. It seemed that a dark shadow had dissipated showing them for what they were.The epilogue to so much evil was the burning of the old rusty chevrolet.It was a last and desperate act of impotence of the thugs.

She made a gesture. It was not in her plans to have a love affair at the moment. The diamond exploration and exploitation permits had arrived in the mail. The extraction of abundant and free water for the town was beginning the construction phase of the aqueduct. It was a lot of things and he needed a lot of people.

--A lot of people are coming. Some friends have done some things for you. Maybe you will receive a visit. -- He told her with an affectionate hug. Something very strange indeed in him.

The girl hugged him. She had become very fond of him. In her heart she regretted that it took her so many years. He was an attractive old man. Perhaps if he had made a proposal he would have thought it over and meant it. Who said that the difference in age made a difference?

--I don't want him to leave. I feel abandoned and fragile without you. You gave me my life back.

The man walked to the bus. It would be many hours on the road.

--Such a beautiful girl is never going to be alone. Besides, it's just a goodbye. I'll be back for another coffee...

With a lump in his throat he watched the stranger board the bus and sit in the last seat, looking at her through the back window he waved to her, leaving her standing in the middle of the street. When she met Zacharias, treacherous tears for different reasons came out and crossed her beautiful face. Today other tears for different reasons came out of her eyes, as she watched her benefactor walk away. She was sincerely devastated.

The white diesel slowly drove off down the road. Until finally disappearing into the distance.

Edali sighed. An immense responsibility lay before her. The village would take its reins, she would devote herself to her homestead. Everything was paralyzing. To make it go, freely, without coercion, without pressure, with freedom and progress FOR all was the difficult part. There were too many open wounds. It would be a very long task

After the End.

The red and white Corvette l Turbo pulled up in front of the huge house of the landlady of Diamonds of Water.

A boy in jeans, black hair, extremely attractive got out of the car.

--They tell me the owner's name is Edali Perjim.

--That's right," --said the doorman, under an umbrella, "--Who's looking for her?

--Actually, I wanted to talk to her to ask about someone.

--We'll see what we can do. Can you wait here?

--Sure," --replied the boy, winking at the sun, watching the workmen repairing and painting the exterior of the gigantic mansion. Red and white. It was a nice combination.

--In the thermo there is a good coffee. Take as much as you want.

--Thank you,"-- he replied, still staring at the feverish activity in the light of all.

Minutes later he was in the young woman's office.

It was a mutual surprise for both of them. She because she had never seen such an extremely handsome and sympathetic boy. Black eyes, black hair, a profile different from what she normally saw, a very harmonious structure. He had it all. And an impressive dressing style. Levi jeans, US Keds loafers, a plaid shirt, a Tweet with the initials of the University of California, and a mustard-colored jacket.

For his part he was amazed to see a beautiful flower of this land. Very young. With a great power in her hands to develop. Attractive, too beautiful. Dangerously sympathetic, well formed sensual.

--I'm looking for my father. I know he was here. The references he left along the way tell me so. They told me that in Diamonds of Water they would give me information.

--Don't tell me you're Clark's son.

--Is that what his name was here?. That's not his name.

--Who's his father?"-- she asked, curious.

--He was a cop. A very good one. Sometimes he missed some very important ones. Other times he put them in front of a judge and got no results. He was accused of a crime that was never solved. I was small. I was born in Caracas, a city in South America.My mother was from there He is from Oregon. My grandparents are from there. Son of Mexican and Mohave Indian. This time he used our real last name. Sanchez. I'm Carl Sanchez by the way. Without my dad's glasses. His name is Zacharias Sanchez. He really changed from heaven to earth.

-Sometimes he didn't wear glasses. Kind of scruffy. Didn't like to talk. He never ate. He was happy drinking coffee with milk. His only weakness I think was a...

--Red Cadillac with the shiny black roof,--" the boy said, gesturing.

--It's one of his disguises. Extremely thick glasses. -- continued the young man, fascinated, contemplating the beauty right there. His father and his traps to delay him. He stood before a wall of detention almost impossible to scale.