15 Weeks after leaving water diamonds.....
Saw the sign. 1700 Kilometers to Darwin, right next to the devil's letters.
At that point the Cadillac decided to overheat. It did not bode well. At seven at night (in summer), there was still plenty of sunlight. There was no one on either side of the road. It could be days before another vehiclepassed by, and there was no telling if the driver would stop.
He lifted the bonnet , and saw steam all over. He carefully took the pressure off the radiator cap. One of those new vented radiator caps. A good choice.
-Let's see, buddy. What's going on with you? Tired of driving around? Okay. Let's get some rest. I promise... Take me somewhere nearby," ---he said as he checked the engine. He quickly understood. One of the water seals in the engine block had broken and coolant was leaking from there. To continue was to blow the engine.
--Well,-- he said, taking the semi-automatic out of his jacket and unlocking it,-- It's not nice to meet a herd of wild boars or dingoes, or both,---he informed the Cadillac. He could see it was going to be a long night.
He saw the pickup coming up slowly.
--Wow..that really needs some care , he said to himself, seeing the state of the wrecked pickup as the vehicle stopped and a man got out of driver’s seat.
He watched the man approach. He was the exact perfect driver for that truck; skinny, with a shaggy beard, a pair of panties and no shirt. Of course with a carbine in his hand.
-- G'Day . Watching the best of the sunset?
--In all of its splendor.
-- What happened?
--A bursted water seal on the engine block.
--Bad. Bad, bad. I can help you. I'll tow you into town. We'll help you there.
--Is there any auto shop around here?
--No. But if there's someone who can pick it up or give you a ride .
--I can pay you,-- he offered the man. The man shook his head.
--A Christian does not fail to help another Christian.
--Are you not a Christian?
--Absolutely,-- he answered, so as not to fall into details.
An hour later he was being towed by the old pick up to the village. A dirt road. A few houses spaced one from the other, a couple of parishioners in what would be the hotel, pub, whorehouse, restaurant and whatever else could be found.
--This is as far as I can bring you,-- the man reported as he stopped and got out.
--Thank you...You don't know how much I appreciate that. Let me pay you.
--You can pay me with two prayers and a beer,-- said the other, with the tone that the prayers were empty words. The beer was worth it.
--I'll be glad to give it to you. But I don't drink. My heart,--he said, to let them know that he was chronically ill. The truth is, he didn't want to overspend .
--I see. However, he accepted, and the two sentences were worth it.
--With all my fervor and gratitude-- he said, shaking each other's hand.
--Hey "Bugs", when do you ever do favors around here? Hey, buddy. Check your pockets, that one is a thieving scoundrel,--said one of the patrons at the local pub, on the lower floor of the Hotel.
The parishioners from the door of the bar laughed at the man's jest, accompanied also by "Bugs".