Damn them all! Rotten earth, slave of the devil,--thundered the voice in the middle of the street, --The dung of rottenness. The prostitute Rome that lives in this damned town. I curse it in the name of God.
Zacharias awoke to the screams. He leaned out of the window to see a man with a wagon. Standing in it and accompanied by 5 girls of various ages he cried out, armed with a bible.
--I cry out to God. I cry to God for mercy, against the devil that copulates with this lost land of God's love. I Stephen Campbell, by the power of the holy spirit bathed in me and my family ask for mercy and curse again this land of prostitutes, murderers and thieves.
--Shut up, you fool,-- cried from the roofed sidewalk, policeman Peter Glenn, --Keep your filthy, crooked mouth shut.
--The Lord God give me the strength and authority to save a soul if I can. To every Christian around here it is imperative that you flee from the clutches of the devil.