Road 44

Bradley Willis wanted to pucker his lips.... He had a hard time blending in... He wasn't like they said... The British always made it clear to him several things...that it was a British research team, that the results were for the British ;that between him and a random busybody...They preferred the busybody.....

-- How do they know that photo is not a misleading one? A road to nowhere.

The other one made the gesture of "To find that out, there's you."

-- I will always be at your disposal. I have to leave for another urgent activity that I have to solve..." --Sanchez said goodbye.

Bradley understood that there was no vacation in sight for the moment.

After all, the US was not yet at war, although it was practically 70% of the English effort.... Sooner rather than later they would go directly to war. His urgent call for return confirmed it ....


...So it wasn't about the Cadillac, it was about a distant collection of scribbles she had written in elementary school.