Road 48

Little did heI know , just as heI was boarding a first class wagon, several time zones down, at LAX, a Boeing B307 was landing and standing at the far end of the runway....

A CHRYSLER NEW YORKER HIGHLANDER 4DR discreetly picked up the sole passenger. An elegant colored woman.

-- Did you have a good trip,--Zacharias Sanchez greeted politely.

The woman nodded. The reality was that she hated air travel....


Noa didn't have the slightest pedagogy to explain. In fact, she explained to herself, as she tirelessly wrote at full speed on a huge blackboard in an auditorium of the University of Los Angeles at midnight in front of her two students, while Zacharias Sanchez jealously guarded the area of the hallway located in the north campus, the oldest of the university, where the faculty of humanities was located.

Anyone wandering around at night could believe that they were young graduates putting the finishing touches to their literature thesis with their mentor.