--Dr Denis Furts is a traitor,-- the entity announced to the gestapo liaison officer, --he defected from the mission and is going to turn himself in to the Americans. I don't want them to kill him. If they kill him I won't know what damage he has done to the "miracle weapons" projects; I need him to be brought in and I will see to it that he tells us what he has stolen... Not everyone can understand his knowledge... Get all Abwehr operatives over there on this task.
I need him here... Urgent...
The Beluga from its pond heard him; and concentrated....
Denis Furts Mathematician
-- It's a very beautiful ornament, simple and elegant,--Noa ruled in the cold dawn, when the sun was still rising.
--I love to watch the sun rise,-- she said quietly, her gaze intense, --I used to love early morning walks back in New York when I was little.
He looked at her in awe of such beauty, and it was all his own.