Camp 3NTE. August 25. Monday August 2015. 6 AM.Day 9.
Yorlett opened her eyes in fright. It was dawn.
Incoherent she said.
-- I am very hungry. I want a Meatloaf and a Pavlova with lots of kiwi.
Everyone was asleep.
He got up and saw the door open and the tread of boots.
He was wide awake.
Sunday, May 17, 1925. 9.25 am.Tanami Desert.
Joshep Kreuk, Timothy Hudson looked at the Totam. Aboriginal guide muttered something.
-- What does it say?
-- That we should not be here.
-- Chickweed. I have a feeling this area is a good prospect for digging.
-- The aborigine says that these totems serve to protect from a dangerous bug called Arunkulta.
-- For me the only dangerous thing is that we don't get oil around here. I spent 5 years eating flies and mumbling Arabic words in Arabia.
-- I was in Maracaibo. It wasn't all bad. At least I didn't go to war.
-- I did. Eating sand all over the middle east.