Chapter 6

Ameerah's room was a girlish pink room.

The room was medium size, simple but beautiful and was enough for the three of them.

Ameerah's bedroom.


"Fadimatuu, Daddy returned from work let's go and greet him" Ameerah told Fadimatuu.

"Okay let's go" Fadimatuu replied her as she took her veil.

"I'm going too, you'll not leave me alone here" Zaynab said as she picked her veil too.

"Who said you're not going?" Ameerah replied rolling her eyes.

"Hey little girl don't roll your eyes at me, don't forget am older than you" Zaynab said to her.

"Leave her Zaynab she's always like this, wait until we returned from greeting Daddy then we can deal with her" Fadimatuu said and Zaynab nod in return.

"Whatever"Ameerah said rolling her eyes again causing Zaynab to smacked her arm.

"Ouch" Ameerah yelled rubbing her arm and glared at Zaynab who laugh at her.

"Let's go" Fadimatuu said ignoring their bickering.


When they went downstairs, they entered the sitting room.

They saw Ummi and Daddy discussing something.

"Assalamu Alaikum" They said salam as both of them sit on the rug.

"Waalaikumussalam" Daddy and Ummi answered them smiling at them.

"Good evening Daddy" Fadimatuu greeted him.

"How are you Fadimatuu and your father?" Daddy asked her.

"I'm fine and Abba is fine too" Fadimatuu replied him.

"Masha Allah" Daddy said.

"Daddy" Ameerah and Zaynab whined at the same time.

"What's up girls" Daddy said looking at them.

"Daddy we want to go shopping" Ameerah said giving her best puppy eyes.

"You know am busy these days, I won't be able to take you, but I'll ask Malam Tukur to take you" Daddy told them, Malam Tukur was the children's driver.

"Daddy we don't want to go with Malam Tukur, we want to go with you" Ameerah said whining and gesturing to Zaynab and Fadimatuu to agree with her who only nod in return.

"Daddy said he's busy leave him alone nah, Malam tukur can take you" Ummi said to them.

"Let them be, since you don't want to go with Malam Tukur I'll ask your brother to take you there" Daddy told them smiling.

"Daddy you meant Akhi?" Zaynab asked and Daddy nod at her.

"But Daddy you know Akhi won't even take us shopping, he'll say he's busy at work too" Zaynab said to him because she knew her brother very well.

"Yes Daddy Akhi won't even take us out" Ameerah said like she would cry.

"Don't worry I'll talk to him, he would agree and he won't say no to his uncle. You should tell me which mall you want to go and by what time?" Daddy said.

"We want to go to Ado Bayero Mall by 4PM tomorrow" Ameerah replied to Daddy who said "Okay I'll tell him".

"Fadimatuu why are you quiet?" Ummi said noticing Fadimatuu's quietness.

"It's nothing Ummi" Fadimatuu replied smiling.

"Are you sure?" Ummi said again and Fadimatuu nod.

"We're going to our room now, we're feeling sleepy" Ameerah said standing up, Zaynab and Fadimatuu stand up too.

"Goodnight girls" Ummi said.

"Goodnight Ummi and Daddy" They replied as they start going upstairs.


"Tomorrow shopping" Ameerah squealed as they sit on the bed.

"Yep can't wait for tomorrow to come and on top of that Akhi was gonna take us" Zaynab said too equally excited.

"Who is this Akhi that you're talking about?" Fadimatuu asked confused.

"He is Zaynab's older brother, and he is so serious and grumpy" Ameerah replied her before Zaynab could, and she laughed at her response.

"But you know he's nice to his family" Zaynab said.

"Yeah I know that" Ameerah answered laughing.

"Okay, so Zaynab you've a brother?" Fadimatuu asked her ignoring Ameerah's comment about Akhi.

"Yep two brothers to be specific, Akhi and Muhsin who is the same age as Imran" Zaynab replied to her question.

"That's nice, that reminds me Ameerah I didn't see Imran"

Fadimatuu said.

"Oh he's with Muhsin at Zaynab's house" Ameerah said.

"Oh okay" Fadimatuu said.

"Fadimatuu are you done with high school?" Zaynab asked her.

"Yeah I'm done, I'm waiting for Admission into Bayero University Kano. What about you?" Fadimatuu answered her question.

"I'm done too and I also applied in BUK too" Zaynab squealed.

"Are you serious?" Fadimatuu asked her and Zaynab replied with "yep"

"Which course?" Fadimatuu asked her again.

"Software Engineering, the same course as Ameerah" Zaynab answered her causing Fadimatuu to squealed in happiness.

"Don't tell me you're going to study the same course?" Zaynab asked her.

"Yes she's going to study software engineering too" Ameerah chirped in making Zaynab to jumped on Fadimatuu to hug her.

"So we're studying the same course yay" Zaynab excitedly said.

"Yes and my bestie too was going to studying the same course, Aaminah, She's as crazy as the two of you" Fadimatuu said cheekily.

"I can't wait to meet her" Zaynab said, happiness clearly in her voice.

"We'll make a perfect group am telling you" Ameerah said smiling.

"I agree with you" Fadimatuu and Zaynab said at the same time making both of them laugh.

After they finished laughing Fadimatuu asked Zaynab a question.

"Zaynab why haven't I know you until now since you're Ameerah's cousin?"

"Don't tell me you forgot about that Uncle of mine that am telling you was staying in England with his family? I even tell you about Zaynab and you forgot" Ameerah said looking at Fadimatuu.

"Oh it's now that I remembered, but it had being a while since you talk about them"

"Yes it slipped my mind that's why" Ameerah said. .

"That's why Zaynab you have a British accent" Fadimatuu said to Zaynab.

"Yep, we return six months ago before you started JAMB, WAEC and NECO, so I applied for them. And Baba said I'm going to study in BUK, before I want to study in Nile University of Nigeria at Abuja.

"Baba likes staying in Kano that's why he won't let me go away from him to other state.

But am happy now since we're together with the two of you and your bestie" Zaynab said as they do group hug.

"That's good" Fadimatuu said.

"I'm feeling sleepy let's sleep" Ameerah told them yawning.

"Me too" Fadimatuu said.

"Me three" Zaynab said laughing.

"Sweet dreams girls" Fadimatuu said as they lie down.

"Thanks goodnight" Zaynab said.

"Would you shut up and let me sleep" Ameerah said to them as she tried to sleep.

"Okay Ma" Fadimatuu answered her as she drift to sleep thinking about tomorrow.