
Chapter 34

The next morning the ringing of her phone woke her up from sleep.

She yawned as she reach for her phone wondering who could've call her so early in the morning.

She looked at the screen of the phone and saw Zaynab's name flashing on it. Ofcourse it would be her, she is the only one that would dare to call her so early in the morning.

"Sister in law sister in law" Zaynab's voice boomed immediately Fadimatuu answered the call.

"Assalamu alaikum to you too" Fadimatuu sarcastically said.

"Oh my bad, Waalaikumussalam, I can't give a bad impression to my soon to be sister in law" Zaynab cheekily said.

"Who is that?" Fadimatuu tried to act ignorance.

"Ofcourse you na, immediately Mama informed me this morning of your marriage with Akhi, I'm so happy that I can't control myself. You and Akhi are the perfect match for each other" Zaynab said with enthusiasm.

"Hmm" Fadimatuu just hummed in return.