
Chapter 93

"Assalamu alaikum," Khaleel said coming into the room.

"Waalaikumussalam" Fadimatuu murmured as she continue reading the novel on her phone while munching on a chocolate as well.

"Fatimah, how are you feeling now?" He asked concerned.

"Fine" She curtly replied.

"What are you reading on your phone?" He asked her sitting beside her on the bed.

"Novel" She mumbled.

"Can you read it another time, I want to spend some time with you?" He asked.

"No, I'm enjoying it," She said not sparing him a glance.

"Okay, then can we read it together?" He said.

"No I prefer reading alone" She uttered.

"Oh" Khaleel mumbled as he left the room.

Fadimatuu felt like she should call him back, but if she gives him the cold treatment he'll let her have the sleepover.


"Why are you sleeping on the sofa?" Khaleel asked her after he came out of the bathroom, but she ignored him pretending to be asleep.

"Babe," Khaleel said tapping her back slowly, but she didn't even move.