
Chapter 134

After Khaleel stormed out of the room, and Fadimatuu followed him, she pulled him to sit on a chair outside the hospital.

They sit down on the chair in silence, with Fadimatuu's hand in Khaleel's hand in a comforting manner.

"Why did she return after she left us? Did she think we are kind of stupid people that would accept her back into our lives after all that she did to us?" Khaleel asked Fadimatuu as tears rolled down his cheek.

Fadimatuu's heart broke at that, she hates seeing his tears.

She wiped his tears as she hugged him tightly. "Habibi I think she has a reason for coming back. She has surely regretted whatever she has done to you, didn't you see the regret in her eyes?"

"I don't care about her regret, the thing is I'll never forgive her," Khaleel said fuming in anger.

"Calm down Habibi, no need to be angry right now," Fadimatuu said softly.

"Why can't you forgive her?" Fadimatuu asked.