Lucy breaks the news.

What are you talking about Lucy?Don't tell me you are serious,Tell me everything you just said is just a joke please Lucy.Sebastian said as Lucy told him everything that went down concerning Ralph and his family.

I'm sorry Sebas but that's the situation of things right now and I really don't like being a bearer of bad news but as it stands that is what happened.Both your parents and your siblings are dead and I'm deeply sorry that I couldn't do anything to stop it but I'm just powerless in that situation. Do you remember Ralph?The man who is referred to as the second most powerful man in this geographical area after your father?

I don't know if you would remember him because you were still a small boy then and everything may not be clear to you but just try to remember because he had visited your father most times in the house.

Hello are you there ?Sebastian,look I know this Is very hard for you but there is absolutely nothing that can be done about it Sebas,you have to be strong and accept this with every fibre of your being.If tears could bring back the dead ,I know that you would cry a river but nevertheless we have to accept everything that cannot be changed and move one okay?

Nothing Is okay Lucy,I am very heartbroken and I cannot accept things the way they are.He must get a taste of his own medicine!I swear on my father's grave,I swear on my mother's grave ,and lastly I swear on my siblings graves that I will take the life of each and everyone who has the blood of That despicable man running through his or her veins,I will crush them and I will make them pay for what they have done to my family.I swear on what I hold so dear to my heart,that I will wipe them all away from the face of the earth and they shall never live to tell the tale.No amount of pleading from anyone will change my heart and that is final.

I'm breaking down but I will have to hold myself and brace up .I will fight this battle to the last and I won't rest until my mission comes to a fulfilment. I will never rest untill I accomplish that mission. Its either I kill all of them,or I die trying.Either way,I will embark on this journey no matter what.

I could hear him cry so hard and I wished I could hug him but it wasn't possible at all.He was in a far away place and we could only communicate through the mobile phone.

It's a pity things turned out this way for you Sebastian and I want you to know that you are not alone.I am also hurt knowing that I won't see them anymore even though we aren't family,I still care about them like we were one.But I'd like you to reconsider Sebas.You don't know the kind of man you are about to face and I wouldn't like to lose you too .Please I'd like you to reconsider the decision you've just made.Its not too late to take back everything you've said and just leave everything about the revenge.I didn't call you to tell you this so that you can put yourself in danger.I only called you because I thought that was the right thing to do since I know that you would be filled with so much hope of coming back to see them once you are done.

I want you to relax and think things through my friend,remember you are still very young and you have your whole future ahead of you.

What future are we talking about here?Weren't my siblings young too?Or are you insinuating that they don't deserve to live their lives.What more is left for me to do?Since I've lost everything. I've lost my dad,my mum and my siblings.Isn't it better I go with them?that way I won't have to be alone in this wicked world and suffer.i will fight with the last drop of my blood and I will ensure that Ralph and his whole family is wiped out of the face of the earth and only then will I have peace.

On saying this Sebastian ended the call and broke down in tears.If only I knew I wouldn't have left the house,I wouldn't have left them all alone.I should have stayed there and live and die with them,if I knew this would happen,I wouldn't leave their sight for anything in the world.I messed up but I have to do something.My heart is burning with so much desire to take them down one by one and I will do that with all pleasure just as Ralph did to my family.I will kill them slowly but steadily and I will make sure one of them survives it.

What's wrong Sebastian why are you shedding tears like a baby?A militant is supposed to be very strong and he should be devoid of emotions.What could make you cry this way?Damian who has been Sebastian's friend and brother since he came into the country asked hm..

I lost my Family Damian,I lost all of them I lost my dad,my mum and my siblings and I just want to die with them.What am I still doing here?What's the need?I said as hot tears flowed down my cheeks uncontrollably. I couldn't hold it back and I didn't want to hold it back too.It was such a hard pill to swallow and I didn't want to withhold such emotions inside and have it all bottled up.I had to Express those emotions and let it all out even though I was a man .

I'm sorry for what happened Sebastian. Such is life,I want you to know that your family wherever they are,are looking out for you and even thought they won't be here with you physically,they would always be in your heart and they will direct your steps .

Take heart young Sebastian. I promise you everything will be fine brother. Take it as a challenge and handle it with so much courage and strength. Be a man Man.

Incase you need anything,any sort of help.I'm open for anything.

Besides when I come back,I'll like to know what happened and how this kind of tragedy befell all of them just like that.For now,let me get you something to eat at least .To get a hold of yourself.

Believe me I know how you feel brother.

No one knows how another person feels Damian,no one knows!.