Get to work.

We had already started by asking people about Ralphs work and his usual routines but we didn't get enough information because no one really knows Ralph very well of course apart from his close family members.I have tried getting into the mansion but I wasn't allowed because of reasons I don't know.

What happened at the mansion?Damian asked me as he brought out our food.We had already left the hotel since we've found a one room apartment that was not too expensive and we liked the location because we could have a view of some of the events taking place at Ralph's place.

Well nothing much apart from the fact that they didn't allow me to get inside the place but I think I actually achieved a little.

Wow ok tell me about it then.

Its not that big though but the thing is that I met someone who also stays at the mansion and I made friends with him instantly. This kind of opportunities doesn't come at you twice so I decided to make the best out of it.

But how did you meet the person?

I was just around the house walking around and pretending I was looking for someone that worked there untill he worked up to me and requested that I gave him a hand in carrying some loads inside the house. I immediately accepted and I know he would wonder why I jumped at the request without thinking twice.So after helping him,he said he was glad that I didn't ask for a tip as most people usually do when these kind of menial works come up.

I just smiled and allowed him do all the talking.He seemed to be interested in knowing why I came around the mansion in the first place and he was repeatedly saying that this is the first time he is seeing my face.

He later requested for my contact saying that he would like to be friends with me since I proved to be a really cool guy.

Hmm that's weird,Damian said as he gave a suspicious look to Sebastian.

What's weird?You know you always have a problem with everything and seriously it makes me sick you know.

I just find it weird that the guy you said you met there immediately asked for your number and wants to be friends with you already.I sense some kind of danger but I can't really place it somewhere.

I can't believe you are talking like this again,I just told you about how I helped him and everything but still you still chose to give me those series of philosophy of yours.Damian will you ever change ?

I won't change brother so I'd advise you start getting used to this kind of Damian.But don't you really find it strange?Don't you think its a trap or something of that nature because that's what I think.

Come on Damian,you're being paranoid.No one even knows that I exist and no one knows I'm in this city.So what on earth could make you think this is a trap?You are really funny bro.

No Sebas,you know I have a very big insight and maybe I see things that you don't see.

Do you know whether Ralph knows whether you exist or not,how sure are you?

I am very sure Damian,stop insisting okay.I left when I was still very young and just very few know me.Even if they do know me,I doubt they'll recognize me easily because I know I have changed a lot these past few days.

Well,Sebastian I don't want to go further with this because it's just a mere thought of mine.But I just hope this new friendship of yours doesn't sabotage any of our plans though.

Wow,someone sounds jealous here.You know I am only trying to get someone that will help us by giving us inside information but I see you are not really following with what I am saying.

Come on,why would I be jealous of someone over you.Thats even an awkward thing to say so just keep it in.All I ask is that you be careful out there and mind the information you give out to people.We don't want them to find out anything about you yet.

Alright sir I have heard all you said ,so can we eat now?

Yes sure let's eat,he answered.