Welcome To Japan!!

After 11 hours 31 minutes, we reached Narita International Airport.

Man!! that was huge but less small than London's, Gatwick Airport though. But it was nice.

There Mrs.Emi bid farewell to my mom and me, without even seeing my dad. I don't understand it, but, I figured that was supposed to do with the rivalry.

Me and my family were covered by the media and the people over the airport. i covered my face with a mask and cap, so that, no one could see me.

suddenly a voice, "hey!! Kousei!! Tsubaki!!" was heard from the entrance.

It was uncle Ryota Watari, who I never met one face to face but, I have spoken to him on some video calls when my mom and my dad calls and talks to him.

"hey!! there guys!! It's been a while!!" he said.

"man!! you look good as ever watari!" My dad said to uncle Watari.

"then, Tsubaki!! at last, it finally happened! you two are married, just like I said! hahaha," He said to my mom.

"Yeah!. so, this is my son, Kei!. Kei! this is me and your father's childhood friend, Watari" she introduced us to each other.

Uncle Watari started to stare at me. man, it was weird.

"Nice meeting you Uncle!!" I greeted him.

"likewise,..but you are more handsome than I saw you in the call, and you are cooler than me when I was young, Kei!!. he said. it was a bit embarrassing though, cz I don't even have a real friend, even though I am a pretty boy.

"Okay! guys, shall we head towards our home now!!" my dad said.

then we all escaped from the crowd gathered there and hopped into Uncle Watari's car.

we started to move, I opened Instagram and I posted my story about reaching japan. my followers started to grow at the same time, now I have at least 30k+ followers.

"hahaha! Kei, I think you are going to be a pianist like your father!" uncle Watari asked.

"no...that's not happening, CZ we gave him permission to make his own choice, so he can become whatever he wants. but, he is also a prodigy in all things like sports and piano too." my dad said.

"it's a wise decision guys! besides, he is your son, after all, he will be a great man, in whichever path he chooses." Uncle Watari commented.

"by the way, uncle! what are you doing in Japan!" I asked him.

"I am a sports professional and the coach of Sumiya Junior & senior high school," he said.

"hold on! Watari, you are a teacher in Sumiya?" my mom asked him.

"yeah! I was searching for jobs after the soccer matches. after becoming a player, I broke my leg in an accident. so I joined sumiya for teaching soccer." he said.

"then please look after Kei for me! okay!" my mom said.

what the! when did I join that school?. I am confused.

"huh? Kei you are the new popular student, that everyone s talking about? Man, I thought it was someone I never knew!" Uncle Watari said.

"mom! wait a sec! please tell me what's that all about?" I asked my mom.

"your father, I, and Watari are all from sumiya. so your father decided you go to the same school. besides, it's the best school in Nerima Ward. you will love it! there." My mom's face was glowing when she said that.

But for some reason, I saw my dad having a sad look on his face.

"Dad! is everything okay?" I asked my dad.

"huh? it's nothing...you need not worry Kei!" he said.

I saw a bakery on the right, suddenly, I just remembered my dad saying a bakery's name.

"Uncle!! Uncle stop the car!!!!"I shouted.

Uncle Watari stoped the car after hearing the shouting.

"wait for me a second! I will be back!!" I got out of the car taking some money from my mom's purse.

"Kei!! where are you running??" my mom shouted.

I ran towards the bakery to buy him some sweets.

When I entered inside I saw an old lady selling sweets. but the shop was a bit big.

She asked me what I want to buy, suddenly,

"you!! are you!!!" she said slowly.

"hey, there mam! I am Kei. I need to buy.....ah! those Connelles. please give two of them and give me a chocolate box." I said.

"Kei!! I just felt you are just like my daughter Kaori!! you can call me Ryouko Miyazono, you can address me as Grandma! okay?" She said.

I felt like something inside me warming up like a family's love. I cannot tell that feeling but, I really felt like she was my grandma.

"Okay! then, Grandma Ryouko!" I called her grandma.

Her eyes started to fill with tears. and I wanted to do something. so,

"Grandma, I just moved here, so, whenever I have time! I will come and meet you okay?" i said with a smile on my face.

"Okay then! take them for free! my dear! just come and visit me some times okay?" she told.

"Okay! grandma! I will head out now! thank you, grandma!" i waved my hands to her saying bye, and ran to the car.

The car was waiting for me.

"what took you so long Kei!" my mom shouted at me.

after entering the car, the car started to move.

"that is!!! Connelles!!! right?" Uncle Watari asked with a wired face.