“Hey, that is not the way to talk to people,” Anna said and pouted.
That pout made Lee swallow had, it was so cute and adorable, and he wanted to kiss those pouting lips and have her to himself. He wanted to get Jessica out of the room since they finished lunch so that he could spend alone time with Anna but he didn’t want her to hate him if she didn’t get to spend the last few hours she had in Trinidad with her friend.
“Anna let me know if this big bully gives you trouble when I visit you later okay, well I am leaving now,” Jessica said and then head out of the room. She wasn’t afraid of Dr. George finding her now because she knew that he must have already left the hospital.
She did overhear his conversation when he was talking to someone on the phone that he would be ending his shift at one and then he would meet up with them after he left the hospital.