
TangShi looked at the reflection before her and stopped to wipe the single tear which made its way down her face. Tonight, had been a blur of so much going on that she had not even a moment to catch her breath, to process what was happening, and now her heart was finally allowing itself to catch up. Sad for her situation, and bitter that there was no way out. Her dreams of returning to California were now dead for another two years.

She stood alone in the spacious suite of YuZhi Leng, her legal husband, and yet she had never felt so alone in her life, or so unworthy. She had been swept away, dressed, tugged, pulled, and pushed by a stylist in an expensive boutique before being thrust into a car to her doom. Prettied up like a fancy cake about to be served at a feast.

She had been led to a room where her father and lawyers sat, signed the papers that sold her soul to the devil and made to digest all the details once more about what was expected of her.

The license office was small, private, and they were rushed through, signed off, and told they were legally wed before she had a chance to read what she was signing. Her red book slid back towards her with the newly taken couple pictures and there it was, married.

This family moved fast, and the secrecy was incomparable to anything her father could have pulled off. It was unceremonious, unromantic, and made her feel like a piece of meat at market. Sold to the hungriest bidder for a measly price and then wrapped up and shipped home for devouring.

YuZhi had barely looked at her at all the entire time, his utter disinterest in her was soul destroying. He didn't touch her, and even had the nerve to stand and use his cell phone while they waited on their documents, to call his girlfriend. TangShi had to endure listening to him sweet talking another woman and telling her he would see her in a day or two when he 'took care' of his duties. It was obvious to TangShi he meant her, and the fact he knew their wedding night was inevitable. She felt humiliated to be surrounded by these people, while witnessing her new husband croon down his phone at his mistress. It hurt her pride and caused a pain in her chest that was almost like being stabbed with a searing hot poker.

None of the people around them had seemed shocked at his behavior or hearing him talk to that woman or whisper their farewell I love you’s. TangShi's heart had turned to dust. It seemed part of the arrangement of their marriage between his grandfather and him was that Rhea could stay secretly hidden but continue to be his companion, although not girlfriend anymore. She had heard old man remind him in the car that intimacy of a sexual nature was forbidden with Rhea and that Rhea understood they were now officially over. At least until after they parted in divorce, but what he did with his time as long as he was discreet was no problem.

Old man even had the nerve to look TangShi right in the eye when he uttered those words, making it clear she better not raise complaint, and accept the decision. TangShi had wanted to cry, blurt out about the unfairness of this, but nodded obediently and stared out of the window for the journey home. Lost in her own mind, and more miserable as the miles passed by. Her new forced husband would still spend his time with his playmate, and she would be left to do god knows what in a house all alone.

"Miss, do you need assistance in undressing and bathing?" The sweet young voice of the girl who had been assigned to her care brought her back from her lost thoughts, and she blinked at her reflection behind her. A small pretty girl in her late teens, a little short, and curvy, but utterly adorable. She had given TangShi a warm feeling at first meeting, and she hoped they would have a harmonious relationship while under this roof.

"No, Xiaosu. It's fine, I can do it myself." TangShi dismissed her with a smile, and a genuine warmth in her tone. Hoping the girl would not feel offended at being refused and turned her attention back to the image before her. She didn’t want to appear ungrateful or cold, but she needed alone time.

She looked nothing like she did a few hours ago. Teased into a slim and fitted red satin dress which hugged her curves and accentuated her slender frame. Her makeup was heavier than she wore normally, her hair pulled into an up do that made her look older somehow. Refined, almost identifiable as a young miss of Lei. Expensive and nothing like the girl she was.

She wasn't disappointed by who she saw, it just wasn't her. Groomed into glamourous, and almost noble, reeking of wealth. It seemed fake and shallow of her to get any enjoyment out of looking like she had stepped out from a palace, and she began to undo it all very carefully. It felt like a mask, one to cover the stench of her own shame, shielding her complete loss of any pride.

This dress cost more than everything she owned, and she wasn't comfortable with that fact. Despite growing up in a wealthy family, she had never experienced it as if she was. She was inferior, and things like this made her nervous. She didn't want to damage or dirty it and hoped it would be returned to old man Leng now her wedding duty was done.

TangShi made quick work of undressing and showering and came out to see a nightdress laid across the foot of the bed, while she was still in a dressing robe. It was clear Xiaosu left it here and her face blazed with embarrassment as she picked up the scrap of sexy lace and silk and knew exactly what this was for. Enticing her new husband to lay hands on her and consummate their wedding.

Trembling with nerves as the reality of this night loomed over her. This would be the first time she had sexual intimacy with a man. It was clear all the way here he had zero interest in her and Xiaosu had been instructed to assist by giving her something that might pique his interest. It made her feel sick and cheap.

TangShi swallowed her nerves and her pride, swallowed down the thoughts of what was to come and tried to cool her burning cheeks. Pushed her nerves and anxiety aside to calm the churning of her stomach. She dried quickly, lathered on her body lotion, and then slid on this scrap of a dress. It was short and clingy and left nothing to the imagination, shocking her to complete shame when she caught sight of herself. She had never been one to dress provocatively and now felt naked.

Her hair loose and damp, her face free of makeup and looking somewhat wild with her current blush, she was a seductress in the mirror. Not the sweet girl she left at her father's home earlier. She moved to grab a robe, in a bid to cover up this scanty outfit but the noise behind her made her freeze in fear and spin to see what it was.

YuZhi was sauntering in as if he owned the place, his eyes sweeping over her for a moment, but he had no expression at all beyond that furrowed glare he had worn since they wed. He didn't blink at her attire, but instead nodded at her hair and glared harder.

"Dry that before you get in my bed. I don't want to sleep in dampness." He walked past her, ignoring her mostly, and went and locked himself in the bathroom as the shower came on. The entire interaction was less than thirty seconds.

TangShi stood in pale faced silence. Not only was she mortified to being seen dressed this way but hurt that he completely ignored it and dismissed her so coldly. It's clear he wasn't inexperienced at seeing a woman in lingerie if he had little to no shocked response. No doubt Rhea would dress this way to entice him, so he wasn’t all that moved by it.

TangShi was his wife now, and tonight he would have to make it official and commit to only sleeping with her until they divorced. How could he still act like she was a bothersome fly buzzing around his head that he had to endure. YuZhi had absolutely no scruples and no sense of decency.

TangShi stamped her foot, grabbed the robe and draped it around herself before making herself busy and drying her hair thoroughly. Doing so in temper and not being delicate with her movements. Riled by that same fury she encountered at her father’s house and allowing it to warm her cold bones.

YuZhi came sauntering out when she was finished, draped in a white towel around his waist. Boldly uncaring of not being covered in front of her and nudged her sideways out of his way as he leaned in for the drier in her hand. He didn't utter for her to give it over, but snatched it, avoiding her face in the reflection before them and switched it on to drown her out. He blanked her presence and acted like she was not even there. It made her even angrier, and her simmering fury upped a notch.

"You’re a jerk!" TangShi forgot herself, speaking out at his rudeness with a harsh snap, and then slamming her lips shut and turning away to simmer with anger. Knowing she really shouldn’t be causing fights on the night of her wedding.

She had met her share of arrogant and rude people in her life, but this one was completely the worst. She ignored his expanse of tanned and toned manly perfection he was so easily flaunting with his lack of clothes and instead marched to the bed. Grinding on her that he was so comfortable being this way, that it was obviously not new to him to be undressed in front of a woman! He had no sense of decency at all.

Her shyness forgotten when replaced with rage, she hauled off her robe, throwing it aside in a dramatic fashion, whipped back the sheets and got in angrily. She immediately scooted to one side, turned her back to the center and laid on her hip to make it clear she had no interest in him either. The cold standoff, only horizontally.

This pompous man could go to hell for all she cared, agreement or not. She knew when he got in there would be the inevitable sex if a baby was to be created. Of course, she was scared as hell, but her temper pushed all of it away. She would refuse him if he continued to make her feel this way. It's not like she had to be submissive at ALL times. She still had to consent before he could touch her in that way.

She laid there seething, cursing him under her breath and jumped when all the lights went out and left her in pitch black just after he switched off the drier. TangShi froze and stayed completely still, holding her breath as nerves increased, listening to the noises of YuZhi moving closer. Her bravado dying a death and thoughts of refusal fading away when faced with impending sex. She swallowed her and tensed her entire body.

The inevitable drop of his towel making a noise as it hit the wooden floor had her flinching, and she immediately wondered if he was naked and entering the bed as the mattress dipped. It made her roll backwards in shock, hands flailing and unable to catch anything to stop herself. A little cry escaped her lips as his weight caused her to fully turn and collide with his naked chest as he too slid into the bed. Only he was facing her, and they smashed ungracefully, nose to nose. The mattress was too soft, and his weight had affected it too greatly so they had both been pulled to the center with a loss of balance and an ungraceful roll.

"Arghh" TangShi's flat palms met hard toned pecks, coming to a sudden stop as gravity finished the job of bringing her to him. Heat rushing up her limbs, tingles electrifying her skin, and coloring her face. YuZhi seemed to freeze at the unexpected contact before shoving her away from him aggressively and snapping cruelly.

"What are you doing? Are you this shameless that you think to seduce me the second I appear? Are you so desperate to have my baby inside of you? What kind of woman are you? I mean I am all for moving with the times and sex before marriage, but I have known you all of five minutes and you’re throwing yourself at me." he sneered in disdain, instantly hostile, his opinion of her lowering if that was even possible and TangShi scurried back from him messily. Meeting his eye in the dark and sticking her chin up in defiance. Pushed by him to temper once more.

"It was not intentional. You're too heavy, and you moved the bed. It's not my desire to touch you either! I wouldn't dare by choice! I don't even like you!" She vented in temper, regretting her words the second they rushed out in impulse, as she saw the deepening level of rage move into his own pale eyes. The arrogance of wealthy men like this was almost a famous trait and she knew she just wounded a fragile ego so carelessly.

"Really?" he mocked her with a smug sneer and yanked her back to him by the wrist so quickly she gasped in reaction and couldn't fight. Falling against him with a small thud. "You don't want to touch me? Those are words that shouldn't have been said so freely after signing away your life to tie yourself to me… do you know how many women would give everything to be right here now? You're so classless, no wonder you sold yourself for a chance at becoming a Leng." His disgust was real, his voice low and raspy with an edge of danger that pulsated between them. He slid his arm about her waist and yanked her fragile body to him so brutally, he knocked her breath away. Hard firm muscle met soft curves and the growing desire between his legs made an imposing appearance as it was forced against her pelvis.

It seemed she had aroused this man by pushing his temper alone and she knew that was not ever a good thing when it came to intimate acts between a man and a woman. TangShi was not experienced but she had read enough female magazines to know about the working of sex and assault.

TangShi paled in terror, knowing her first night was not about to be anything but awful. She had angered him and insulted him and now not only was his body ready to seal their marriage, but he was also in no mood to make it anything pleasant for her.