
“I’m so full. We ate too much.” TangShi flopped back on the couch, nursing her food baby belly and groaning as Linlin picked up the takeout containers from the coffee table and dumped them in the kitchen.

“You could use a little extra fat; you’re so thin lately.” Linlin appraised her with a critical eye. Glad that since moving here to YuZhi’s apartment she seemed less stressed out and unhappy in life and was back to being her fun and sunny friend. The diet that nasty Aunt had forced on her had made her lose weight and it was her job to fatten TangShi back up again. Feeding her anyway she could.

The girls had met up after TangShi was finished with school and had gone shopping, before heading here for take out and relaxing with a movie. YuZhi and ZhengLi had been MIA these past few days, something to do with an entertainment center being built in Shanghai and it was causing them endless issues with funding.