The Wedding Is Cancelled

“Why are you acting this petrified?” Chris slowly approached the man.

“Don’t tell me something is actually wrong?” Chris glanced at his sweaty face and those eyes which were averting their gaze from him.

“No…everything is okay.” The master of Lona household, aka the man who was Sherry’s uncle unconsciously wiped his fore head once again. He had asked his wife to sort out things before there was any change in the plan.

Fiddling with his finger he waited for his wife to report back to him all the while Chris closely observed the emotions flickering in his face.

Something was absolutely wrong. Chris pondered for a while and looked at his watch. It was already the time for wedding which meant the deed must have been done already.

‘Did they fail?’ He had doubts but he quickly waved it off because he was confident in his own plan. Taking into account Sherry’s blind love towards him and her naïve nature, he had formulated this plan with all of his heart.

There was trumpet of victory already ringing inside his mind.

All of the guest were already seated in their respective seats and the priest was also ready to conduct the wedding ceremony.

With a smile he looked at the sweating man and said, “ I will be waiting in the altar. Please bring your daughter soon.”

But what he said was betrayed by his voice and his look on the face.

Those dark eyes, curled up lips that showed a dangerous smirk and mockery in his face betrayed what a groom waiting for a bride was supposed to be looking like.

“C-Chris…” He tried to call him but Chris was already walking towards the altar to wait for his bride…

As if…

He was waiting for the news of the death of his soon to be wife.

Just then the silent phone of the man came back to life as it rung with Di Di di sound.

Seeing his wife’s name in the caller id, he felt a relief and hurriedly picked it up in the first tone.

Before he could ask her about the progress his wife was the one who spoke first.

What he said was more than enough to drain all the color from his face.


Chris had just placed himself in the raised platform where the priest was standing with a bible in his head ready to start the wedding when everyone started to make gasping noises.

Chris was standing with his back facing the villa so he could not see what was going on there. From where he stood he could see the guest trying their hard to look at the villa.

Some were even straining their neck.

‘Hehe..seems like that wretched fool has died.’ Chris thought the commotion was due to Sherry’s uncle and aunt rushing here with a pretense of panicking because that was the plan.

He even readied himself to act shocked and shattered when the news will come to him.

Among the guests was a dignified man who sat with this legs crossing and overlapping on top of one another.

Levian Smith glanced at the tall and slender figure that was advancing towards them in a normal and elegant pace.

He compared the ugly and disheveled face he had seen the day before with the angelic face that he saw now, his heart almost doing a somersault.


Unconsciously, from his mouth escaped the word he had never used in his life to describe a person. In his life only money and profit had ever looked pretty.

His secretary who was sitting right beside him thought he was hearing things when he heard what he said.

‘Did my boss just call someone beautiful? He wondered if his ears were ringing but if he was not than he was sure the world was going to end.

It was already weird he was joining a social event such as marriage but now he was even saying weird things.

His secretary knew things were not going to be same anymore.

Levian observed Sherry for a while and thought there was something wrong with how she looked.

Weren’t bride supposed to walk with their father?

And what about the bouquet of flower in their hands? Although he had never shown interest in marriage he knew one how the wedding ceremonies worked.

Looking at the current bride, he understood there was going to be some drama right now.

“I made the right decision coming here today.” Levian was not the type to enjoy scandalous affairs but if it involved the interesting lady he thought it was worth him wasting his time.

Meanwhile, Sherry was marching towards the place where Chris and the priest were standing. Lifting her long white gown that highlighted all of her curved and edges, Sherry walked with her head held high.

“Why is she alone?” The guest whispered among each other as they looked at Sherry. “What about Mr. Lona.”

The reporters and media people who had come to take footage of the wedding today shifted their focus on the woman.

How could they not smell the drama that was about to take place? They were born to sniff out even smallest of spicy news.

Chris felt there was something wrong with how everyone was behaving and had no choice but turn back and see what was happening.

Someone was walking towards him clad in white dress and looking closely he realized it was none other than his fiancée.

“Ghost?” his heart beat almost stopped as he looked at Sherry but when he noticed her shadow realizing she was a human in blood and flesh he was even more panicked.

What the fuck was going on here? Wasn’t she supposed to be dead by now?

What about Bella? He grew more and more uneasy with this unfolding of event.

But the reality was slapped right into his face as he watched Sherry take steps closer to him.

Chris was sweating from his hands and foreheads. He remembered the troubled look on the face of Sherry’s uncle and finally realized why he was panicking.

“The plan had failed.” Chris muttered under his breath through his gritted teeth. He clenched his fingers in to a tight fist.

Without sparing anyone any gaze, Sherry directly walked from between the chair where guest were sitting. In a short time she was standing right before the whole crowd.

The priest was also some what surprised by this weird turn of events.

“Hey hon-ey, why are you here alone?” Chris almost bit this tongue as he confronted Sherry who was looking at him in the eyes.

Under the meaningful look of Levian Smith, the invited guests, the priest and the reporters Sherry took a deep breathe.

“This wedding is canceled.”