“Boss!” Anthony called Malfoy, who was slumped in his chair, smoking a cigar, his attention fixed on his phone. However, Malfoy was too absorbed in his screen to hear him. So, Anthony stepped further into the room and called out again. He lightly tapped Malfoy’s shoulder from behind, “Boss!"
Malfoy swiftly caught hold of the hand that touched him. His movements were quick and precise as he twisted the arm he had caught. With his upper body strength, it was easy for him to throw the man forward just by grabbing his hand. It was his body’s natural response to the touch.
“Ow!” Anthony howled in pain as he struggled to get to his knees. “Boss, it’s me, Anthony.”
“Oh, just Anthony,” Malfoy eased his stance and let go of the arm. “What is it?” he asked as he fell back into the chair, though his attention remained on the screen.