Good morning

The next morning, Lyra woke up being sleep-deprived because she was on high alert due to that thing that was poking her the entire night. How can he stay hard for the entire night? Is he really a human? well, he is not. She thought inwardly.

Lucas woke up refreshed because he was able to smell his female for the entire night and was even able to hug her tightly. He thought of mentioning mating yesterday, but at last, he didn't because he knew she was still trying to get accustomed to the new environment.

Then he continued seeing her adorable face when she was trying very hard to keep her eyes shut feigning sleep. He slowly bent down and bit her earlobe and she jolted awake because of that.

He grinned and said "Good morning Ly"

she was very angry at him for biting her. Pushing his face away from her, she held her ear with one hand and glared at him.

"Why did you bite me? Are you a dog or something?" she said gritting her teeth.

He grinned even wider at her words, "I can be your dog if you want. Come and punish me" he said leaning his naked body towards her.

This pervert! she blushed furiously and turned away and got up from the ground.

As she was avoiding his heated gaze, a commotion happening outside caught her attention. Howls and growls of different animals were heard.

Lyra curiously, went towards the window to see what was happening but everything she could see was a large crowd of beastmen from different tribes. Then she decided to ask Lucas about it.

"Lucas, what is going on outside? why is there so much crowd suddenly?"

Lucas went towards the window and took a look and turned around saying "Today is a full moon banquet and it is a special occasion for the Wolf tribe because wolves from different tribes gather around here in the town of beasts to find their mates"

"Are there types in wolves?" she asked with interest.

"Of course, there are. I belong to the silver wolf pack and the other two tribes are the black wolf and Red-eyed wolf tribes. Why don't you know about such common things?"

Because I'm a human, she thought and didn't explain anything more.

He too didn't prob further and said "Today all the females from every tribe go to the banquet but only the wolf tribe gets to participate to fight and find a mate but if the female is not interested, then her other mates fight off the pursuers"

"Do I have to go too?" she suddenly asked

"Yes, you should. They provide many delicious foods for females who attend. I know that you don't enjoy my cooking, so eat today to your heart's content there. And later, I'll quickly learn how to cook by asking other males"

"I can teach you. I know how to cook" she said.

Lyra's mother was half Asian but she inherited complete western features and didn't quite resemble both her parents. sometimes she even thought about being adopted but seeing how her parents loved her, she discarded those thoughts. well, it was the story for another time. Her mother taught her to cook many delicious foods. It was more like, she forced her to learn telling her that girls should learn housework. Now she was pro at housework because of her mother.

"Really? as expected of my female. She is wonderful," Lucas said proudly and continued, "Still, we should not waste this opportunity. You can also mingle with other females there"

she thought for a moment and said yes. It was indeed a great way for seeing the new world.

Then as the time came for going to the banquet, Lucas was nervous walking here to there.

After watching him walking like a pendulum, Lyra couldn't hold herself any longer and asked

"What are you doing? Why are so nervous?"

He stopped and said "I cannot bring you out. You are too eye-catching"

"what am I? A rare animal to people to look at?"

"Indeed you are rare. You are very beautiful and I have never seen anyone as beautiful as you. I'm scared that many males will start pestering you"

who wouldn't be happy to hear compliments? And Lyra, still a teenager was of course happy hearing him. Then she lightly giggled.

Pulling a thin animal skin she wrapped it around her neck covering her mouth leaving only her ocean blue eyes open.

"Is this enough? now they can't see my face"

seeing the scarf covering her mouth, Lucas worriedly said "How are you going to eat food with your mouth covered?"

"I can manage. When I'm eating, you can block my view. come let's hurry up" she said pulling his hand.

But Lucas held her back and sighed seeing her beautiful eyes, "Why are even your eyes beautiful? cover them up"

Lyra was speechless.