Horse tribe

Blake started searching for suitable prey for his Lilly to eat, he transformed into his beast form and slithered through the forest and heard some noise in his surroundings and silently followed the sound to look what was going on and came to halt seeing a pack of silver wolves in the vicinity.

As far as he knew this was not the territory for hunting because it was too far from the beast city and on top of that, this was his territory and no one dared to lurk around here, to think these imbeciles came here they were looking for death but too bad he didn't have time to deal with them, his Lilly was hungry he needed to get her food so he slithered in the opposite direction from them and caught a deer and returned to the cave

On entering the cave he saw his little Lilly obediently sitting inside hugging herself and he was very happy and content because now he finally had somewhere to go to, and finally, someone was waiting for his return he smiled and came next to her and called her "Lilly I'm back. I will cook for you"

Lyra didn't say anything and replied "mmm"

Blake cleaned the meat and put it on fire and started roasting, it was hard for him to sit near the fire but for his Lilly, he'd gladly fall in the fire.

Lyra saw that he was roasting meat without any condiments and also without salt so she questioned "Why are you not adding any salt to the meat?"

He turned towards her and asked back "What is salt is it a kind of meat?" his legacy didn't have anything related to salt or did he forget because he didn't recall his legacy for almost a century.

Lyra frowned, didn't everyone here knew what salt is, so she informed "It is white with small crystals, and it provides energy to the body if I don't eat food with salt I will fall sick"

Then it flashed him "Are you talking about sea essence? I thought only females from the mermaid tribe eat it, I'll take you to a nearby tribe to buy everything you want but first, finish this meat"

Without any other option, Lyra started eating the meat, it tasted quite good but was too bland then she saw that he was not eating

"Why are you not eating? Come and eat this I'll not be able to finish all this by myself" she said to him taking a small portion for her to eat

He was surprised to see the amount she was eating, which was not even a bite to him, and asked

"Why are you eating so little? Does it taste bad?" it was not good if that was the case she was already so small.

"This is the normal amount of food I eat, don't worry you can eat all that is left"

So Blake took the remaining meat and went into deeper parts of the cave and swallowed it completely

Lyra was stunned to see that, Why did he take raw meat? Does he eat raw meat? Oh my! he is a dangerous one

After finishing the food Blake took Lyra to the nearby village which consisted of horse tribe, Lyra observed that men here were farming vegetables, fruits, cotton, and rice.

Beast men stopped working when they saw a snake beast with a powerful disposition walking towards them, and many were surprised to see a beautiful female with him. Females normally didn't like being with snake beastmen because they were cold-blooded and aloof, that's why they snatched females from another tribe and got abandoned quickly too. so they pitied the female in his arms, for such a pretty female to end up with a snake beastman they wanted to save her but being herbivores animals they didn't dare to.

After reaching a stall Blake impatiently tapped his fingers on the wooden door to get their attention, the shop owner who also belonged to the horse tribe came towards them "What would you like to buy"?

"I want all the salt in your village. Bring everything out" blake demanded

The owner cowered because of blake's threatening aura but was not able to give in because salt was very precious and without that even an herbivore male would not survive so he gathered his courage and said

"Please have mercy, salt is very precious and we will die without it, we can give you rice instead of that"

Blake clenched his jaw and said, "You dare negotiate with me?"

Lyra seeing this stopped blake "I don't need that much salt I just need to sprinkle a small amount at a time"

Blake turned to her and asked "Are you sure?don't hesitate to ask what you need"

"Yes, I am. let us get a jar of salt and rice" she suggested, because having an Asian mother she grew up with a fondness for rice

Blake smiled and turned towards the shopkeeper and took out a clear gemstone and placed it on the cabin.

The owner's eyes gleamed seeing the gemstone and he joyfully brought two jars of salt and a hundred kilograms of rice in a sack. Not everyone can possess clear gemstones because they were found in dangerous mountains and even kings only had a small amount of them.

Lyra was also surprised as the shopkeeper happily gave so much salt when he said that it was precious, then she was intrigued by the gemstone blake offered because she saw piles of them on the innermost side of the cave.

The shopkeeper kept on smiling and said "We only have this much rice as of now but you can buy anything in the village you want. Thank you for your generosity in giving clear gemstone"

Lyra was still processing the value of that weird gemstone when suddenly she felt her lower abdomen clench in pain. Then after some time, she started to feel something damp in her underwear. 'NO! not now' Lyra screamed in her head and started fidgeting to get down from Blake.

Her code red was here to visit her in public.