
"I finally found you, Ly, I missed you" tears flowed from Lucas's eyes.

Lyra was stunned by the sudden hug and didn't know how to react

Lucas continued "Ly I never stopped searching for you, I knew that you would be waiting for me" he couldn't contain his emotions after seeing her and didn't even notice her reluctance in hugging him back.

Lyra was instantly consumed by immense guilt listening to his words. What he said was true, she was indeed waiting for him to find her but after spending more time with Blake she hoped he would never find her, she knew the love males in this world had for their loved ones, they were bound together for a lifetime and she wasn't confident in sharing her love. That would be unfair to both of them.

She pushed him slightly and asked "Thank you for searching for me, I am fine now"

Lucas nodded his head "Now that you are here, let us go back to the wolf tribe. Come" he added pulling her wrist

Lyra halted in her steps and didn't move, seeing her not walking Lucas furrowed his eyebrows "What's wrong Ly?"

Lyra took a deep breath "I'm sorry Lucas, I can't come with you" she lowered her head and continued "I already have a mate, I broke our promise"

Lucas felt his heart clenching. He just wished her to not say those words, he already knew that, but still hoped she was forced into becoming that snake beastman's mate because she had no other choice while living with him, It seems that was not the case. He closed his eyes and calmed himself and put on his cheerful face

"It doesn't matter Ly, You can bring him with us. We are family after all"

Lyra was perplexed seeing his happy face. She was dying of guilt here and this fellow accepted Blake that easily? When she opened her mouth to talk Blake stopped her and said

"Lilly cannot travel to wolf tribe, she is pregnant and you can stay here with us" he declared everything in a monotone voice and dragged Lyra with his hand around her waist.

Lucas was surprised, happy, and confused all at the same time. surprised because he was allowed to stay with Ly, happy because his Ly was pregnant, confused because it was that damn snake that let him stay. 'Whatever, as long as he can stay with his Ly'

Observing all this, Noah at the side smiled bitterly. Then moved to find himself a cave to reside

Renold took them to a small stone house with two rooms and informed "This is the only house available as of now because many females from our tribe are pregnant and have occupied bigger houses. But there are all the necessary things available inside"

Lyra turned to him "It is enough for us to live in. Thank you for helping us"

Renold shook his head "It is my responsibility to take care of a female as a prince, You don't have to thank me"

He continued "I will send someone to bring you some food to eat,

Blake cut his words and replied "No need, I will prepare food for my mate on my own" He then turned towards Lucas and informed "Take care of Lilly, I will go and hunt"

Lyra held his hand before he could leave "Before that, I must talk about something with you"

Lucas suddenly spoke "You stay with Ly, I'll go hunt" then without waiting for their answer turned into his wolf form and bolted towards the forest

Lyra held Blake's hand and walked inside the stone house and put on a serious expression and asked "What are you trying to do Blake? What is it about Lucas taking care of me?"

She continued "I know I have once mentioned to you that I promised to go back to Lucas, but it was before I liked you. We are having children Blake and you also know how much I love you, then why?"

Blake held her and kissed the back of her hand and smiled "Lilly, I know how much you love me and I love you a hundred times more and wish to always have your love only for me" he paused and continued "But after you went missing, I understood how selfish I was in keeping you only to myself, You are a beautiful female inside and out my love and as much as it is a good thing it is equally a bad thing. Much more powerful beastmen may take a liking towards you and some may even hurt you and I need more power to keep you safe. Also, your reproduction abilities shouldn't get out in open, Lucas is a prince of one of the powerful tribes in lands and can command them in the future. Think about it Lilly, for you to remain safe and for our children to have a peaceful life we should take his help"

Lyra was stunned hearing his words, She knew how powerful he was and how he hated asking for help from others. He didn't say this in past but she knew that he hated sharing her with someone, for him to say those words, how resolute he must be? She also understood his remarks about her reproduction abilities and she was very scared at the beginning when she came to this world, but after meeting Blake and enjoying her time with him she forgot about all of it. Listening to his sincere desire to keep her and her babies safe she couldn't rebut him any longer and simply hugged him.

"If it protects our family then I'm not going to refuse Lucas anymore" she may sound selfish but her priorities were firm. She would also not treat Lucas badly, she liked him as a person and probably would have ended up with him first if Blake didn't take her away. She would genuinely try to reciprocate his feeling for her and build a better family with him.

Blake felt bitter in his heart, he felt like he was forcing her to accept something because of his inability to protect her properly but he had to do this no matter how much it hurt him. His Lilly's safety was more important to him because his life depended on her.

After that talk, both didn't mention anything more and started discussing about their babies.

Blake broke their hug and smiled at her then asked "Lilly do you feel any discomfort now that you are pregnant"

Lyra nodded her head "I felt dizzy and fainted in wave city once, but the doctor said that it was normal and will get better after some days"

Blake frowned "You fainted? Didn't you eat anything there?"

She smacked her forehead "Now that I think about it, I didn't eat anything the whole day"

His heart ached for her and he left her side to search the house. After searching the second room he found some fruits stored, then took them out and washed them, and brought them to her "Eat this for now Lilly, I will cook some meat when that wolf returns"

Lyra compiled and ate the fruits and asked "Blake, how many babies will snake beastmen have?"

He thought about it for some time and answered "You may give birth to six-ten eggs"

She stopped eating and stared at him "Eggs?"

Seeing her pale face Blake held her in his arms "What's wrong Lilly?"

She gulped and questioned. "Blake, can you explain in which form babies are born here?"

Blake didn't pry too much and answered. "Male beastmen are born in their beast form and can only turn into a beastmen when they come of age, maybe when they are fourteen to fifteen years old, and as for snake beastmen, mermen and bird beastmen, we come out in eggs, and our fathers incubate us and we hatch out"

Lyra gave an awkward smile. 'Well, it was very mind-boggling for her to speak something. She should have known, Blake was a snake in nature before anything else, of course, she would lay eggs. She suddenly imagined herself as a chicken laying eggs then shook her head for having those stupid thoughts'

Later Lucas returned with an enormous rhinoceros dragging it on the ground and took it to wash it near a small stream. This island had many natural waterfalls and streams and surprisingly was not marine water even though it was near the ocean. Lyra was surprised because it was not a natural phenomenon but also had no other explanation other than it being a mystery.