Believe you

The next morning was a very bright day on the island and it was even brighter for Lucas, he was over the moon thinking about the things that happened between him and his Ly, Finally, she became his mate and his mating mark a silver howling wolf was on her right collarbone.

Lucas was lying on his side caressing her face. Lyra stirred in her sleep and fluttered her eyelashes revealing her ocean blue eyes, His breath got caught in his throat looking at her perfect features, and he couldn't control himself from kissing her lips.

Lyra giggled because he was showing his desire for her as soon as she woke up "Stop it, I just woke up, let me at least open my eyes fully"

He didn't stop and continued showering kisses all over her face and neck "It is very difficult for me to stop when you look so delicious in the morning"

She laughed loudly "Where did you learn to talk like this?"

"I just said what was in my mind" he replied

"Ly, can we do it one time? I promise I will not ask for more" he added looking like a hungry wolf ready to devour her

She squinted her eyes and replied in a sharp voice "Get lost! Didn't you have enough yesterday? Let me go" she tried to get up but was pinned down by him

"Ly, please I promise to not tire you out. You just lay there and I will do the work" he shamelessly said

Lyra looked at him in disbelief, His shamelessness was getting to her, she also felt wet down there 'Maybe it is pregnancy hormones' she thought and cleared her throat

"Okay, but only one time. Is that clear?"

Lucas grinned and started their morning workout.

Finally, after an hour, he let her get out the bed. They both walked out of the room with Lucas supporting her to walk, Lyra glared at him, he promised once but did it four times. She was surprised because of the beastmen's stamina. she needs to do some workouts to keep up with them.

As they entered the other room, Lyra spotted Blake cooking food for her. Even though she felt awkward facing him she didn't regret making Lucas her mate. Both of them were equally important to her and in this world polyandry was normal, If she wishes to stay in this world then she needs to adapt to their customs and norms, she should not mop around bringing her modern ideologies into the beast world.

Lyra left Lucas's side and back hugged Blake kissing his cheeks "Good morning"

Blake held her face on his cheek and kissed her "Do you want to eat something first or take a bath?"

"I'll take a bath first" she replied still hugging his neck.

He nodded his head "I'll go and boil some water"

Lucas stepped in and said "I'll go boil the water, You continue cooking"

After Lucas left Blake turned towards Lyra and hugged her tightly and buried his face on the crook of her neck inhaling her scent. She felt that he was unusually quiet today and asked him "Blake, Is there something you want to say to me?"

He shook his head and hugged her more tightly not letting her go as though he was scared that she would disappear. Lyra felt anxious because of his odd behavior and pushed him slightly to look at his face, but he held her tighter and said in a whisper "Please don't abandon me"

She paused and hugged him back rubbing his back "Why would I abandon you, Blake? Where did you even get that idea from?"

"I'm scared, You are the only one in this world for me, I'm afraid to lose your love for me" Blake replied

"Am I selfish for wanting to be the most important person in your life?" he added

Lyra's heart ached for him, this is why she was scared of getting more than one mate, she wanted to avoid it if possible, but circumstances were different. How could she break Lucas's heart when he went to so many lengths just to find her and found her mated with another man. Still, she decided to push him away but because Blake gave his permission she went forward with it.

Lyra cupped his face in her hand and pecked his lips and looked at his emerald green eyes "Blake, You know that I love you right?"

Blake nodded his head "I know that you love me, but I'm scared that you will stop loving me"

She sighed "Blake, you know that I'm alone in this world without my parents right?"

"I know" he replied

She continued "Did you know how shocked and devastated I was when I got to this world? I was constantly thinking about ways to get back to my world but didn't voice it out in open"

He tensed up hearing that "Lilly please don't think about leaving me. I don't care if you don't love me, just stay with me" and hugged her

Lyra patted his back consoling him "I don't know how to leave this world and even if I knew, I would not return"

"You were, and will be the first person I will think about if I get to leave. I don't care about my past now because of you, I can't continue living without you" she teared up saying that

Blake's heart was filled with warmth, His Lilly loved him so much to give up on her world for staying with him, it was pathetic of him to even doubt his Lilly, She was pregnant with his children and continued showering him with her love but his insecurity got better off of him.

"I'm sorry Lilly! Please don't cry, I believe you"

Lyra continued crying her eyes out and hiccuped "You dumb snake! Why would you doubt yourself? You are very handsome, strong and more importantly, love me, why would I stop loving you?"

She pushed him away "Get lost! I don't want to talk to you"

Blake chuckled hearing her praises, he regained his confidence when he heard her calling him handsome and strong. Yes, he was strong but maybe this affirmation from his Lilly was all he was waiting for in his empty life.

He picked her up and made her sit on his lap and cooed her "Yes I'm dumb for doubting your love for me, I'm sorry Lilly, please don't cry anymore, it is bad for our babies"

She stopped sobbing hearing about her babies and complained "Hurry up and cook for me and our babies. Are you going to starve us?"

Blake kissed her cheeks and smiled "I will cook for both my big baby and small babies"

Lyra's mouth twitched fighting a smile and she just said 'Hmmph' and turned away walking towards the bedroom. Lucas was still filling the stone tub when she returned. As there were only two rooms, she could only wash up in the bedroom.

Lucas brought a small bowl for her to clean her mouth. As there were no toothbrushes and toothpaste in this world, she continued using charcoal and salt to clean her teeth and sometimes used clove to rub her gums as it was antibacterial. After that, she entered the stone tub and relaxed her body in the hot water.

Blake brought the food inside the bedroom and fed her while she was still relaxing in the bathtub, after eating she nodded off to dreamland. Blake carried her out of the water and wiped her dry, then covered her like a buritto in thick animal skin and slept holding her in his arms.

In the evening Renold came near Lyra's house and knocked on the door. Lucas opened the door with a frown on his handsome face and grumbled at Renold "Why are you knocking on the door so loudly? Ly is taking a nap!"

Renold smirked "Oh! Sorry, I just came to inform you that our tribe's witch master is blessing the pregnant females for safe labor, So I felt that Lyra should also get the blessing as it is her first pregnancy"

Lucas thought about it and nodded his head "I will bring Ly at night"

Every tribe had their witch masters to serve the moon goddess who was believed to be the one who created the beast world. Witch masters had divine power and they would bless females. Their ancestors even said that they were powerful enough to bring someone back to life. He didn't talk about this to Ly when she was in his tribe because she was uncomfortable meeting anyone outside.

Lyra woke up from her nap and got out of Blake's arms to walk out of the room and saw Lucas returning from closing the door "Who was at the door?"

Lucas hugged her and nuzzled against her hair "It was Renold, He came to inform about a witch master blessing pregnant females for their safety".

"Witch master?" she questioned back

He pecked her forehead "They are someone with divine power who serve moon goddess, It is good for you to get blessed"

She nodded her head, She didn't quite believe in divine power or blessing but since Lucas insisted she didn't argue.