
"What?" both asked simultaneously

Victor clenched his jaw and repeated his words "Gregory is planning on exchanging my sweet girl's soul to bring his mate back"

Blake's eyes diluted turning into slits "What does that mean Victor?"

Victor glared at him "I thought you were far intelligent from this Blake, I can't believe that out of all, you bought his story without examining the validity"

Blake closed his eyes "Speak clearly, don't twist your words"

Victor sighed "I came by this information by chance when my father was still alive, I heard that the 'sapphire of wish' did not belong entirely to the eagle tribe but to the whole bird clan in the past, a traitor from the eagle tribe took it and disappeared, after searching for hundred of years it became a legend and everyone forgot about it, It is indeed true that only the chosen one can make a wish from it. But Lyra's mother didn't die after making a wish instead her soul traveled inside the gem and Gregory is trying to exchange my sweet girl's soul to bring back her mate's soul"

He glanced at both of them "Do you realize now? That bastard was trying to trick you guys into believing his nonsense and then he would trap Lyra's soul inside it bringing his mate's soul outside"

Lucas staggered in his place and held his forehead "That wretched 'sapphire of wish' I'll destroy it to pieces once I get a hold of it"

Victor frowned "Thanks for that, my sweet girl is still alive even after being born as a stillborn baby"

Lucas sat on the nearby boulder and hit it in frustration, it was true, his Ly was alive and well because of that damn thing.

Victor strode towards him and patted his shoulder "Relax, the 'sapphire of wish' is not something that we should hate, it was never meant to grant wishes to anyone other than its master. It was originally called as 'Gem of protection' in the past, its duty is to protect and obey its master"

Lucas looked up at him "You mean?"

Victor nodded his head "It will never kill or exchange its master's life for granted wishes, the gem only chooses the one that is worthy of making decisions justly and seeing as how it protected Lyra and brought her to you, the silver wolf tribe's prince instead of bird clan it is clear that it is seeking your help to protect her"

Lucas frowned in confusion "But why me?"

Victor raised his brows and smiled faintly "Silver wolf tribe is the most loyal to the moon goddess and the gem is indirectly requesting the goddess to save its master"

"But it trapped Lyra's mother inside itself," Lucas asked nervously

Victor glanced at his surroundings "It is not trapping her, instead it is protecting her from falling into the hands of despicable people. I'm sure that Lyra's mother didn't die after wishing to bring Lyra's life back, something must have happened to her after that, triggering the gem to separate her soul from her body, then it never came into contact with her body because it chose to prioritize its new master my sweet girl and brought her to another world"

Lucas widened his eyes "Then is it possible for her soul to enter her body without exchanging Ly's soul?"

Victor nodded "It is. But only when the gem detects that she is safe to return"

Lucas sighed a relief "Then my Ly is safe"

Victor wore a complicated expression "Didn't you hear me properly? I said it is possible only if the gem deems it as safe"

"What do you mean?" Lucas questioned in confusion

"It means that her body is not in safe hands. Gregory is thinking of forcing the gem to let her soul out by exchanging it with my Lilly's soul" Blake spoke after a long silence

Victor nodded his head "Earlier, the fish bastard said that he tricked my sweet girl's father and exchanged her mother's body just before the funeral and took her with him, the gem is warning us that Gregory is dangerous to both Lyra and her mother"

Lucas frowned "How is he dangerous to Ly's mother? Isn't Gregory her mate?"

"Is he truly her mate?" Blake murmured

"What?" Lucas asked and before he could speak more, Blake turned into his beast form and slithered towards the ocean.

Both Victor and Lucas watched in confusion as he swam inside the sea. Blake swam for a couple of minutes and reached wave city, he charged inside the castle destroying the barriers. Mermen guarding the castle panicked seeing an immortal snake beastmen attacking and continued running for their lives. Blake reached the king's room and banged the door making people inside jump in fear. The King and queen widened their eyes and stood up from their seat.

Blake glanced at both of them and spoke in a cold voice "I have something important to talk to both of you, come with me while I'm polite"

Polite? The mermaid king rolled his eyes, this crazy fellow demolished half of the castle and labeled it as polite, he clenched his fist, he wanted to oppose him at first but he didn't dare because he was quite familiar with the snake king's temper. He sighed and followed him, Blake turned towards the Queen "You too follow me woman"

Olivia blinked in confusion "Are you talking to me?"

Blake frowned "Is anyone other than you here a woman?"

The mermaid king glared at him and turned to his mate "Come, Olivia, you can also meet Lyra once you go up"

The queen beamed "Then I'm coming"

Soon Blake came to the shore with the mermaid king and queen in his company, Lucas understood that he was trying to get more information about Gregory through them.

All of them sat on the boulders, Blake observed both of them and opened his mouth "How did my Lilly's parents meet?"

Both king and queen were surprised because of the sudden question and exchanged a look then Olivia spoke "Theodore and Gregory were friends from childhood, so Gregory used to bring Theodore to this island to spend time here, one day when he was swimming in the stream, Iria came out of water surprising him, Theodore was a little stubborn and prideful and refused every female arranged by his tribe but the moment he saw her, he fell in love for the first time" she smiled remembering the past and continued "As you know, Iria was very beautiful just like Lyra, and it is not surprising for a prince of eagle tribe to fall for her, from that day he used to always follow around her, she was annoyed with him but still didn't reject his advances"

Then she frowned "But one day, I don't know what happend between them but Iria started avoiding him, this made him furious and he kidnapped her from this Island and brought her to the eagle tribe. That is when Gregory's and his relationship went down, Gregory always claimed that Theodore took his chance in meeting Iria first, he would blame Theo for stealing her away from him"

"Stealing her away?" Blake mused to himself

Olivia took a deep breath and continued talking "After a few months Iria returned to Island together with Theo, but to Gregory's bad luck they were already mates then, and Theo was very possessive not giving a chance to Gregory. But after some months, three of them said that Greg became her mate, both Iria and Theo didn't refuse so everyone believed it"

Victor suddenly started laughing loudly making everyone baffled, he held his stomach and looked at them "How can all of you be so naive? They said and you believed?"

The mermaid king frowned "What is there to not believe in that? Three of them said that Greg was Iria's mate"

Blake looked at them in disbelief then turned to Olivia "You are her friend right? Did you see Gregory's mating mark on her body?"

Olivia thought about it a little and opened her mouth "It was not there in any visible area, I thought that maybe it was underneath her cloth"

Victor fell off from the boulder and started laughing holding his stomach "Oh my, What a dumb people"

"Victor" Blake warned him in a strict voice

Victor held his hand out "I'm sorry snake, I can't believe how stupid they were in the past"

The mermaid king glanced at them and furrowed his brows "What is happening? Why are you asking about the past all of a sudden?"

Blake turned back to the mermaid king and explained everything about Gregory leaving them horrified.

Olivia's lips quivered "Wh-what? Greg was trying to harm Lyra?"

"Not only her, but we also suspect that he is going to harm Lyra's mother" Blake answered

Mermaid king held his forehead "No way, Gregory is not someone like that, you must be mistaken"

Victor raised his brows "As a new vulture king, I vow on the stature of sky god that all of this is true"

The mermaid King widened his eyes, the bird clan worshipped the sky God and considered the vow as the most important part of their life. He closed his eyes and started running his mind about everything his friend said to him. After some time his eyes flashed open "Prophecy"


The mermaid king gasped "The prophecy of blood eclipse, Gregory mentioned that to me"

Blake frowned "What is that?"

"When five treasures embrace the Sapphire will the day of blood eclipse arrive," The mermaid king said loudly