

Today both wolf king and lion king were gathered in the scorpion castle with their mates including Noah for a friendly feast, After the entry of the scorpion beastmen in the beast city, many other kings opposed it but soon realized that antidote was important for their females and tolerated them. Even though the scorpion king schemed together with the fox king, he didn't like his methods, it was very cruel, he had a hunch that he would commit more heinous crimes in the future so he intelligently started avoiding him after fulfilling his purpose, He was cold-blooded beastman by nature and didn't care about loyalty if his tribe was in the wrong hands.

Then he approached wolf king and lion king to build his tribe's power. Demir was observing his father's cunning face while conversing with both the kings and smirked inwardly, his father was so much like him, both didn't do anything without benefits and didn't care about allegiance if it was dangerous to them.

The scorpion king laughed loudly "Do you like the food your majesties?"

The wolf king nodded his head "It is delicious, thanks for inviting me and my mate"

The lion king smiled "We appreciate your hospitality my king"

The scorpion king beamed at them "I'm glad that you are enjoying" then he glanced at Noah who was beside his father "How about you prince Noah?"

Noah looked up from his food "I'm also enjoying the feast"

The scorpion king nodded his head and returned to conversing with the kings. Demir who was glimpsing at Noah from time to time opened his mouth "I heard that you are familiar with snake king?"

Noah nodded his head "I know him, we were staying on the same island"

"How is he nowadays?" Demir questioned him

Noah frowned "What do you mean by that prince Demir?"

Demir raised his brows "I heard that he got himself a mate and is currently in the snake valley incubating his eggs, I'm quite familiar with him and can't believe these things, so I'm asking you who witnessed it"

Noah remained calm "It is true, he indeed got himself a mate and by now I think he is back on the island, they will also arrive at the beast city tomorrow"

"Tomorrow?" the wolf king exclaimed "Why didn't you inform me this earlier?"

The lion king glanced at him "He informed me, I was busy and forgot to tell you"

The wolf king sighed "Why didn't Lucas inform me? he could have sent some men, I would have arranged everything for their stay"

Noah looked at him "Don't worry uncle, I have already made all the necessary arrangements, they will stay in the rose palace which was empty"

The wolf king frowned "Why? Shouldn't they stay in wolf castle?"

The wolf queen glared at her mate "Why do you want to disturb thier privacy? Let them stay in the rose palace, however, it is near our castle, they can visit us anytime"

Noah nodded in agreement "Yes uncle, even snake king requested to get a separate place for them"

His father looked at him in worry "What about you son? Did Lyra accept you?"

Noah smiled sadly "She doesn't feel the same towards me, but I'm okay with being near her, I just want to stay by her side"

The scorpion king narrowed his eyes "Why doesn't she like you? You are a prince and future king"

Noah chuckled "Maybe because of her love towards the snake king, she even rejected Lucas because she was not able to accept anyone other than the snake king, but eventually, they became mates and are happy now"

Demir raised his brows "She likes that snake king that much?"

Noah squinted his eyes "If I have to say, she loves him more than herself. Lyra missed him every day when he was away in the snake valley, I always felt envious towards him"

The scorpion king said sadly "He is lucky to receive so much affection even though he is a cold-blooded savage beastman"

The wolf queen nodded her head "And to add she is so pretty, everyone who looks at her will fall in love with her, my son is also lucky" she added proudly

"Is she that pretty?" the scorpion king asked curiously

The queen nodded her head vigorously "When I saw her for the first time, I couldn't take my eyes off of her, I thought some divine creature fell from the sky, and she is so respectful towards others, I didn't feel even a little bit haughtiness in her behavior a stark contrast to other females"

The scorpion king's eyes sparkled, he glanced at his son and grinned "Can you bring her here to have dinner with us tomorrow?"

The wolf queen sighed "They will be tired after traveling, I will bring her one day, but not tomorrow"

The scorpion king was disappointed, Demir looked at his father and chuckled, he knew what was running inside his father's mind, but he was not interested in that very pretty and very polite female, he was just intrigued about her because she was Blake's mate.

But when he heard that she loved Blake so much he couldn't help but feel envious, Why can Blake have someone who loves him and not him? What was so different about him and Blake? together with Victor and Killian, four of them trained together towards a common goal, to become an immortal beastman, all of them were cold and ruthless not minding the bloodshed they created, others called them monsters and feared them, but now after suffering through all that, why was only Blake getting a happy ending? Then his mind started to turn dark. Should I snatch his happy ending and make him return to his past self? wasn't it unfair for only Blake to have all the happiness? what about him? He also wanted to experience it no matter what. But how? these thoughts occupied his mind making him restless, he got up from his seat "I'm done with my dinner, I'm going inside"

He left the room and went towards his chamber, he held his forehead slumping on the bed "Will someone ever love me like that?"

His eyes started watering "I also don't like being like this, I want to experience the warmth and care from someone special to me. Is it so bad to wish for love?" he murmured and closed his eyes, then fell asleep.

Outside the room the scorpion king realized his son's pain making his heart clench, he knew that his son was acquainted with the snake king, both were similar but only the snake king came out of his past, the only thing he could do was stay silent because his son didn't like him talking about his personal life.

He turned to wolf king and lion king "Thank you for coming to our castle you majesties"

All of them got up and left the castle leaving an empty wall filled with loneliness.