
After talking to both queens, Lyra came out of the castle with Noah. Reaching the entrance they caught sight of a guard beastman waiting for them, Noah narrowed his eyes and inquired "Why are you here?"

The guard bowed his head and replied "I'm here by the order of Lion King young master, he asked me to bring you to him"

"Did something happen?" Noah questioned

"The king said it is important and wants to discuss it with you young master" the guard beastman replied politely

Lyra held Noah's hand "You should go, I will walk by myself, it is only a few minutes of walking"

Noah shook his head "It's fine, I'll walk you to the castle first"

She sighed and pushed him slightly "Just go, I'll be fine"

Noah was reluctant to leave her alone but because of her constant persuasion, he finally left.