
Back in the Beast city inside the rose castle, Noah continued to wipe Lyra's body with damp animal skin hoping to bring her fever down. On another side, Blake resumed holding her hand in his palm. His eyes were closed with a frown adorning his face.

Whereas Lucas and Victor turned into their beast form and lay on the ground facing Lyra's sleeping figure on the stone bed.

Amidst all these worried ones surrounding her, Lyra fretted in her place "Ahhhh!" her scream alerted everyone inside the room. She hated this feeling, her head felt like it could split into two in the next minute. Her eyes felt too heavy to open, she could hear her mates' voice calling out for her, but it was too difficult for her to even reply to something.

"Lilly? What is happening to you?" Blake breathed heavily in panic after seeing her pain-stricken scream. His mind was muddled to think of any solution.

Noah dropped the animal skin in his hand hearing her cry, "Baby dove? Tell me...where does it hurt?"