Upcoming catastrophe

The wolf king bent down towards his son and helped him to stand up, "Get a hold of yourself Lucas, think about searching for your mate instead of just mopping around. You are a warrior, so behave like one"

Lucas looked at his father with dead eyes, "How can you say that after knowing the meaning of not feeling one's presence through mate bond? And you are asking me to behave calmly in this situation?"

His father pursed his lips. He understood his son's misery regarding this matter because it was that serious. Not feeling their female's presence through mate bond happens when the female is dead or is in grave danger. His son and the snake king's outburst was obvious but he didn't want his son to lose his female without even searching for her.

"I understand your worry Lucas, but now is not the right time to drown in your own grief. Instead, look for your mate, I will also send a search party from our tribe"