
While Victor and Lyra were lost in their thoughts, Killian and Demir were still outside looking for Kyrell.

After leaving Darcio's place, Killian felt anxious about many things. First, it was about the eagle king, learning that he was also part of a prophecy made him want to crush that gem into pieces but what frustrated him more was not knowing about the last one from the prophecy. What if it was another crazy guy like eagle king? these thoughts completely occupied his mind making him neglectful towards Demir who was staring at Lyra's mark on his wrist.

"This is my sunshine's mark right?" he came out of his thoughts hearing Demir's voice.

He glanced at his right wrist and nodded, "Hmm, why?"

"It's nothing," said Demir, "It is unforeseen seeing a female's mark on a male's body" his eyes turned dark as he added, "You are lucky"

Killian smiled still looking at his wrist, "She was born to be mine after all"

And Demir didn't like that remark at all, "Are you boasting right now?"