
Killian groggily opened his eyes and stared up at the familiar stone canopy. He tried to move his arm but sensed someone clasping it and turned to his side.

Lyra frowned and opened her eyes when she felt him moving. Relief washed over her seeing Killian's serene face. She immediately hugged him and buried her face in his chest, "I was so scared...I thought something happend to you"

Killian was surprised by her sudden hug but soon his surprise turned into happiness. Seeing her worry for him made his heartache but also satisfied. He embraced her back and rested his chin on her head, "I'm fine, treasure"

She pulled away from him and looked at him with tear-filled eyes. Her fingers caressed his face gently and Killian closed his eyes as she parted her lips, "Killian?" she called him, and he opened his eyes and looked at her with inquiry in them.