
Standing near the door, Killian observed Xavier's dazed face with displeasure. He wanted to punch that stranger and throw him out of their house but held back. 

He was still lost in his thoughts when he sensed Kenna's presence. And as expected, a tiny blazing bird settled on his forearm. Killian didn't know why, but he sensed that Kenna was in a bad mood. The bird that constantly pestered him with its endless blabbering was now too quiet. 

"Kenna?" Even its master's call failed to reach it because Kenna was focused on something...No someone else. 

Kenna's sharp gaze wavered for a moment due to dread. It stared at Xavier with terror-filled eyes. The only thing that ran inside its mind was to take its master out of this place. The sudden flash of vision rendered Kenna motionless. 

A vision where his master was slumped on his knees while he was bleeding from his chest and the stranger had his master's blood-soaked heart in his hand.