

Blake soon reached the snake tribe after finishing the meeting and the first sight that caught his eyes were his little ones playing on an empty ground. 

A faint smile instinctively adorned his lips as soon he saw them. He had missed them! 

With all of those problems arising back at home, Blake was unable to visit them. But seeing the little ones playing carefreely, he felt a little bitter. They did not seem to miss him as much as he did. Snake beastmen in general were like that. Indifferent, cold, and showed minimal emotions. He was like that too in the past, until he met his mate. 

But he also had to admit that compared to other snake beastmen, his little ones were more emotional and attached to their mother. Well, his Lilly was like that. Blake felt that she could even make a stone talk if she made up her mind. And he was thankful for that.