
Inside the forest of the beast city, a pair of gleaming amethyst eyes could be seen. Following it, a cloud of black smoke swirled around before taking the shape of a shadow creature. 

Kaizer who was still in his beast form looked up at his shadow creature in puzzlement, ''Why are you here?'' He couldn't understand the reason for it being here. He had ordered his familiar to protect his beloved. And the second he finished asking, he got an answer. His bunny went out of the rose castle. 

He relaxed after hearing it but it did not last long. His mind turned chaotic because he remembered something. He recalled Tyler's reason for visiting him a few weeks ago.

Tyler informed about Stray beasts infiltrating the city and taking hold of the black wolf tribe. 

Kaizer felt his blood run cold, ''Why did she go out?'' 

And he felt his anger rise when his familiar answered his question.