Golden barrier

(Approximately an hour ago)

Lyra gazed as the fox king dashed out of his own coronation banquet like being chased by someone. Maybe he indeed was getting chased by someone? She didn't know about it and it was not like it had something to do with her, so she turned back her attention to her handsome mates standing in front of her. 

She felt Blake draping a thick fur coat on her shoulder. With a little tug, she entirely covered herself with the coat before smiling at her mate, "Thank you..." 

Blake smiled back and kissed her cheek before pulling her towards his warm embrace. He could see her small shiverings even with the coat on. So he hugged her trying to keep her warm. 

Whereas, Victor put his palms in front of the bonfire until it was warm enough and then put them on his mate's cheeks. Seeing him doing this back and forth many times, Lyra felt bad, "I'm alright, honey"