Are you hurt?

Xavier took a stealthy glance at his side before continuing to walk. It was becoming damn hard for him to keep his composure due to the presence beside him. Her feeble breathing, tripping steps, and loud heartbeats kept on distracting him. He wanted to scold her to walk properly, "Why are you walking like that!? Like a blind turtle?" 

Lyra stopped in her steps when she heard a cold voice chastising her and turned to him before giving him a sheepish smile, "I'm sorry. I can't see well in the dark" 

Xavier felt like shit. He couldn't help but scold himself inwardly. He should've known that females are different from males. The former didn't have much night vision and hence avoided traveling in the dark. They didn't feel safe enough to do so unless accompanied by their males. But what he didn't know was Lyra was even worse compared to other females in the beast world.