Mad man


Xavier coldly looked at the scene happening in front of him. It was almost comical watching the so-called elders of his tribe concurrently blame Kyle—his subordinate. And the fun part here was that the same elders just a few months ago had urged him to take Kyle as his aid bragging about his power and loyalty. Aside from this, he also saw the only elder keeping quiet regarding this matter and he is Kyle's father. The old man looked terrified of his son's possible cruel future. 

"This treacherous runt almost sold our tribe to those bastard strays," said an elder gritting his teeth. Then he earnestly looked at Xavier before adding, "Your Majesty, you should punish him severely for this" 

"Yes, your majesty," another elder said agreeing with the previous one as he glared at the kneeling Kyle, "Let this serve as a warning for others in the tribe who might harbor such vile intentions"