Victor's worry

"Victor..." Lyra said as she tried to control her sobs. Her heart kept on thumping loudly against her chest.

"What happened sweet girl?" Victor asked feeling helpless. She was crying so much that it broke his heart. He caressed her back soothingly trying to comfort her. And only when her loud sobs turned into sniffles did he pull away before cupping his mate's face between his palm. 

His right thumb rubbed her swollen eyelids, "Did you have a nightmare?" he asked softly and earned a little nod from her.

Victor leaned forward and said as he kissed his mate's closed eyelids, "What did you dream that made you this sad? Tell me, sweet girl"

But unfortunately, Lyra didn't have an answer for that because "I can't remember"

"You don't remember?" asked Victor while frowning. She was crying uncontrollably just a moment ago but now she looked confused.