Killian's insecurity

Right now, Blake was with Victor in one of the meeting rooms inside the snake castle. 

Before Blake could ask Noah and Lucas about their stunts back in the forest, he was dragged here by Victor. The latter said that he had something important to discuss. Today so many wanted to discuss many things with him. First Peter and now Victor. He somewhat wished at least this matter to be a normal one unlike what Peter informed him. 

Killing beastmen inside the city's vicinity was by no chance a simple matter. If traced down, it could implicate their entire family. However, the best thing here was the backing both Lucas and Noah had. Their fathers would surely support their sons if something goes out of hand. 

"Sweet girl keeps on having weird dreams" Blake's thoughts came to a halt hearing Victor's words. 

"Weird Dreams?" The former questioned not understanding what Victor was trying to say, "What about it?"