Chapter 2

Within the life one is given the oddest things often occur taking one off guard. In as much as one strives to live their life based on a routine that has them knowing the next set of events as each second unwinds, life unfortunately pays no dues to those plans. In fact, life often places an unorthodox situation in our hands and how we react to it is literally up to us.

Closing the door to the shop, I gave one last wave to Ms. Friedman. Clasping the opening of my coat tighter to withstand the cold wind whipping past me, I grit my teeth tucking the box of brownies she gave me for free under my arm. Considering I was a bit of a sweet sycophant, it was thrilling to work in a place that quenched one's caffeine cravings but had amazing sugary treats. If I wasn't careful I would acquire the Type 2 diabetes that my father suffered a lot sooner. I had spent the holidays back home watching my mother monitor what he ate like a hawk. And when I returned in preparation for the start of the semester when I spoke to her the other day she expressed how exasperated she felt catching him in the middle of the night with a piece of cake in his hand. I found her frustration humorous as I pictured my father's six foot frame hunched over in the fridge feasting on the sweet good. They had met back in high school and from what my mother told me, she didn't like him at first. But my father wasn't the type who gave up easily, he was stubborn in that way which now that I think about is one of the characteristics I acquired from him along with his laid back disposition. My mother on the hand was a bit stricter and was more of the disciplinarian in the household. As a result I had a tendency to find more comfort in confessing my sins to my father than her, knowing her rage was one I couldn't handle.

Although my characteristics were more similar to that of my father's I was the spitting image of her. With cocoa-brown skin that took no time for me to love, jewel shaped black frames encasing eyes similar to the color of whiskey; I had also acquired her high cheekbone structure and button nose. The only slight difference between us was I was slightly taller than her 5'2 stature by a mere three inches or so.

My mother had been one of the first people who sparked my interest in the arts. The first book I can remember her reading to me when I was a child was "Oliver Twist" by Charles Dickens and as I grew older I began exploring different genres. Going far beyond the books offered in local libraries to get books from friends who stole them from their unsuspecting mothers or older siblings that were laced with steamy, erotic scenes. It was in those books my intrigue in sex was triggered and I couldn't help but giggle to myself whilst I walked briskly down the street towards my apartment that was fortunately close thinking about the times I hid under my blankets on school nights reading scenes that would make a nun question her choice in never spreading her thighs.

It wasn't long before I felt relief wash over me at the sight of my building, taking a warm bath sounded very appealing but as I neared the steps that led straight to my home I paused briefly, perplexed by the sight of a figure sitting hunched over on them. Taking a quick look around me I relaxed slightly when I caught sight of a few figures moving about on the street in case anything happened. With that in mind I took a few cautious steps each one a bargain with fate. In all my experience of living in the city I learnt it was imperative to be on guard and I could feel my muscles involuntarily tense the closer I got to the figure as I took deep breaths through my nose.

I couldn't make much out from the person whose entire head was covered by a black hoodie whilst they placed their upper body onto their legs covered in black pants as if in need of support and I flinched slightly when their body tensed the closer I came. But they made no other move, from the silhouette I could tell it was a male and as I briskly walked up the steps maintaining a safe distance lest anything should happen I mumbled a low greeting to the stranger only to be met with silence. Keeping my breathing under control I spared a few glances their way as I pulled out my keys quickly and once I stepped past the threshold of my apartment I immediately shut it pressing my body against it to calm the fast rhythm at which my heart beat.

I admit now that maybe I was overreacting, being too fast in assuming the worst of the individual outside. And without wanting to ponder too much on the issue I pushed myself off the door and discarded my coat simultaneously along with the thought of the man outside despite the miniscule voice in my head whining to continue wondering. I managed to convince myself they'd leave soon and for some time I managed to distract myself with preparing a warm meal for myself before taking a warm bath.

After spending some time slaving over the stove, it was only halfway through dishing for myself when I noticed my phone ringing. Smiling lightly at the name that flashed across the screen I wasted no time in answering only to be met with an immediate complaint from my confidant, "I know it's a requirement for us to honor our parents but I swear my mom is getting on my nerves," Donovan groaned. Chuckling lightly I could already picture his lips downturned into a frown, "What did she do this time?"

"She's been trying to be my fucking wingman the whole time I've been here."

"You're way too dramatic. And besides she just wants to see you happy, honestly I don't get why you're turning her care into a crime." The scoff on the other end indicated his refusal to accept my point and I withheld the urge to roll my eyes, "Easy for you to say. You're not the one being pimped out."

"So I take it the family bonding is going well," I replied placing the phone on the counter after putting him on speaker to keep placing generous portions of food onto my plate. "It's okay… but after having a serious talk with my dad it really hit me that we'll be out in the real world soon."

"We're already out in the real wor –"

"You know what I mean, Gigi. Soon we're going to have annoying ass bosses breathing down our necks, bills to pay…"

I groaned at the reminder of the possible beast waiting on the other end of the tunnel once we finished school, "Don't remind me."

He laughed knowing why I didn't want to venture further into the conversation about working and having a job, but I was glad he chose to accept my request when I changed the topic, "How was your day?"

Though the question was merely simple as if a switch had been flipped my mind landed back to the stranger and when I sauntered towards the window to take a discreet peek, I grew even more confused at the sight of them still outside. It was only when Donovan called my name that I was reminded of the fact I was still on the phone. Feeling sheepish I reached out to grab my phone and replied him, "Besides freezing my ass off my day was okay. But I-I don't know…" I paused contemplating if mentioning the person outside was even worth it but I always felt comfortable sharing anything odd I came across or discovered to him, "maybe it's nothing but… there's someone sitting outside my apartment. I thought they had left by now."

"You think they could be dangerous cause if you feel uncomfortable –"

"No, no they haven't done anything. It's just weird how long they've been out there. I don't know maybe I'm just overthinking it," I replied observing the figure again wondering what was going on with him. And a number of thoughts emerged in my head at the possible reasons as to why he seemed so detached from the world around him if his lack of response was anything to come by.

"If anything happens call the police, when I come back I need you to be in one piece." Smiling at the serious tone he often used I walked back to the kitchen unable to hold back the next set of words that slipped past my lips, "You know in as much as you complain about how much I annoy you, you might as well just admit a part of you misses m –"

"Byyyyyeeee!" he interjected ending the call proving that despite being an adult he secretly had childish tendencies that emerged when I least expected. Staring at my phone I giggled placing the device in my pocket and proceeded to finish serving the meal I made and I began to ask myself why the thought of the faceless man was bothering me once again. And for a moment I considered the possibilities that maybe something might be wrong with him and that instead of ignoring him, I should at least offer some aid just to silence the voice in my head that developed from my mother's advice to help those in need.

Taking out a bowl from the cupboard I filled it with a decent portion of food and grabbed a fork, walking towards the door I felt my heart begin to hammer against my chest. I knew how most would consider what I did reckless and a way of asking trouble to descend upon me but kindness was something that everyone deserved and he may be harmless and just in need of someone extending a kind hand to him.

Stepping outside I winced at the cold air revealing the blunder I had made in leaving my coat inside but once my eyes landed on the person's broad back I gritted my teeth and marched down the steps choosing to brave the piercing cold. Hesitating slightly I tentatively reached up and tapped his shoulder lightly in a manner that wouldn't scare him all the while holding back the need to react at the tingling feeling in my hand; his head lifted but didn't turn to look my way. Gulping I lifted the bowl up to him and placed it beside his profile silently hoping he'd see the gesture as a form of a peace offering, "H-Here," I said softly smiling gently in the process, "I hope you're fin – well obviously you don't seem fine but I hope… whatever you're going through will pass." I kept my tone light trying to figure out the appropriate words to say, I had never really been in a situation like this before.

He turned granting me the chance to see his face and if there was any doubt on whether he was dangerous all those fears dissipated once I noticed his eyes, they were the first thing I noticed about him. Windows to the soul dusted in the shade of indigo, they bore into mine rendering me slightly immobile at the story behind them. The bloodshot color surrounding the depths of his soul pushed me to inspect the rest of his face with moisture radiating across mildly pink cheeks and a tear escaped to travel slowly past his square jaw littered with hair. He reached up to rub his Roman shaped nose and once he sniffled the sound disrupted the questions beginning to emerge in my head only to have him reach out tentatively towards the bowl. Gripping it the sight of the bloodied knuckles stood as stark contrast against his alabaster skin and before I could say anything he cleared his throat looking away from me, robbing me the chance to see any more of his vulnerability, "Thank you… I'm fine honestly." His voice was deep reverberating into the space between us pulling me in, already leaving me in awe to hear more of it and I couldn't help saying softly, "Are you convincing me or yourself?"

He didn't reply instead he placed his attention back on me and I could see his eyes move all over my face in a way that didn't make me feel uneasy as opposed to when Roland did it. The look albeit was slightly intense my gaze dropped to his Adam's apple and beside his neck I noticed a tattoo peeking out at me. The hoodie covering his head deprived me of the opportunity to see more of it. Before I could try figure out what it was he stood up abruptly and in response I stood up as well. Despite him being a step below me, he still towered over me and I could tell his height was above the average height of most people. I would have smacked myself for ogling the man a bit if the flutters in my belly weren't so intriguing to experience given the situation. "Thank you," he mumbled taking a step down increasing the distance between us and for the life of me, I couldn't find the strength to look away even after I said, "You're welcome." Nodding his head slightly he continued to shuffle down the steps and proceeded to walk away just like that, leaving me to ponder on the strange situation that's been placed upon me. But everything is a process and in time one will see that in our existence things often unveil the unexpected in order to lead us onto a path that makes you thankful life didn't pay attention to your plans.