Chapter 7

There are times warning signs are thrown our way about something or in my case someone and yet we throw that caution out of the window and step on the pedal not giving a damn about whether we survive or crash. The hushed tones conversing inside my temple told me to not allow the possible danger knocking on its door in and I was quite close to keeping the lock sealed shut. I really had been close…

Stepping outside after saying good-bye to Ms. Friedman and Marcie with sweet promises to make visiting their home a regular thing I froze when just down the stairs he was standing daunting yet alluring in his suit. It was no mystery that he had been waiting whilst Leo and Daniel were on the side talking between themselves immediately excluding us, subjecting us to our own bubble as I moved down the stairs praying to not look at his eyes again. Picking up on the sound of footsteps moving behind me, I didn't need to look back to know it was him. "I'm perfectly capable of walking home on my own," I pointed out only to be met with a deep chuckle, the sound transcending space and time to trigger a shiver down my spine. "Did it ever occur to you that I simply yearn for your company?" he challenged finally coming to walk by my side invading my space with not only his body but the familiar spicy scent. "The feeling wouldn't be mutual, Zeu –"

"Just call me Zee and is this attempt to throw a cold shoulder my way a reaction to the fact that I'm in the mob or –"

"So Marcie was right…" I blurted out stopping all together to stare at him in mild shock when deep down all the past behavior made sense. His calm demeanor will always be one of the things I think made me grow to appreciate his nature such that in that moment of having heard the confession from him, it would be silly to throw a fit when he hadn't shown any harm towards me. "I mean I wasn't planning on hiding it," he murmured stuffing his hands into his pockets. "Why? I mean isn't there some code of silence you have to take?" I questioned staring at him, yearning to know why he was so comfortable telling me all this. His eyes moved all over my face and I would be lying if I said I wasn't doing the same. Truth was he didn't look... threatening in anyway even though I had seen those cobalt blue eyes darken with rage before, it was towards someone else. "Where did you hear that?"

"Movies," was my simple response resulting in him laughing going so far as to throw his head back and I could feel the burn in my cheeks due to the fact I felt silly in a way. If I had been a few shades lighter they'd be smeared in pink and I crossed my arms at his behavior until he looked down at me smiling widely, "Well look at you, one minute you have no clue what a made man is and then the next you're a little expert, I bet you'll tell me all about what us wolves are into, huh?"

"C'mon just answer the question," I whined stomping my foot which till this day I couldn't believe I actually did. I must have looked like a spoiled brat in the street but I didn't care, I couldn't care when it concerned him. "Alright," his face grew serious due to the topic at hand, "we don't inform outsiders of this life, it's better that way but with every rule there's an exception. And you just happen to be one."

"Is that supposed to flatter me?" I challenged standing my ground pumped by the need to not show any signs of weakness despite the wings lightly beating against the walls of my belly. And I held my breath the second he reached out to touch my cheek with the tips of his digits only to reveal he had been removing an eyelash. That had been the third time he had touched me with an innocent motive fueling him. It was a third time that slowly unveiled a desire I never knew existed. "It's supposed to let you know that despite all those movies you've seen that you have nothing to fear when it comes to me. All my sadistic urges are quenched upon those who deserve my wrath."

"I was with you up until the part you mentioned sadistic urges," I replied clenching my jaw to prohibit the smile begging to spill across my lips. "I'm not perfect, Elle. Besides no relationship has guaranteed success if the foundation is built on a lie." And if I thought I had managed to harbor any success in fighting the smile the man's slick tongue led to my downfall but it's funny how good losing felt upon hearing a new alteration to my name. Turning on my heels I continued walking, pace much slower than before, deep down knowing I may have wanted to prolong the journey.

"Looks like I've won you over," he sang lightly his smile similar to that of a man who'd won some battle. "Who's the one being cocky now, Zee?" I rolled my eyes only to find him staring at me with a certain look; it was hard to ignore how his eyes had darkened significantly. "What?" I asked innocently, oblivious at the time of the effect I indirectly had on him. A lopsided grin emerged on his face and when he simply said, "Nothing," I brushed it off unaware that this journey we were taking would be the first of many.


There are not a lot of places in this world where I can admit I felt free, able to be myself to feel peace and besides my home, the library was another place. For as long as I could remember the building filled to the brim with books everywhere made me at ease with everything. It offered a blanket of security to hide away whilst I buried my head between the pages of a book. If it was up to me, I don't think I'd ever leave that place which was why when Donovan kept calling asking for us to hang out for a bit I found myself pouting as I passed the doors whilst giving a simple nod to the librarian already making a mental note to go to the library close to my apartment when I had the chance. I could remember the anticipation I already felt just thinking about it.

The other thing I was anticipating at that time was a visit from my father, he had called telling me he'd be in the city for a meeting pertaining to his business in a few weeks and would be coming to see me. I had been excited to spend time with him.

After noticing Donovan standing just outside the small café situated on campus it wasn't long before I joined him and ordered a cappuccino (one of my weaknesses) whereas he ordered a simple black coffee. He paid for my drink as a form of compensation for disrupting my quiet time and as we moved along the lawn I took a seat on the grass revealing a gratified sigh at the delicious taste dancing across my tongue. "So what was so important you decided to annoy me?"

His eyes crinkled with mischief and I felt my heart drop to my stomach, "Your birthday is coming up soon…"

"D, we've been over this already. I don't want to do anything fancy," was the immediate response I gave in the hopes my request would appeal to some part of him. However, just as I expected my words fell on deaf ears when he waved his hand dismissively. "This year has to be different. We need to go out and just let loose because trust me, you'll look back on these years and wish you could have them back."

Groaning at the pleading look he was giving me I reached up to pinch the bridge of my nose at the fact deep down I knew he was right, "Fine," I huffed only to have him yell out excitedly making me cover my face in embarrassment at his enthusiasm that I knew was attracting all kinds of weird looks from people passing by. "Crap, I think I'm already making me regret this."

"Lighten up, Ali. Besides Marcie says she knows the perfect place for us to celebrate. She has connections," he grinned looking more excited about this as opposed to me. Don't get me wrong I have no depressing memories in association to my birthday. I just preferred something simple that involved very little hassle, if all I had were a few balloons and a cake that would be more than enough for me. The company was more imperative to me over anything else. "Since when were you two so close?"

"I told you, we're practically family now. So we sure as hell don't always need you around to get a conversation going."

"If these conversations of yours lead you guys to planning things pertaining to my life then I need to be there," I responded curtly stretching out my legs allowing my eyes to roam around the quiet environment. It was still a little hard to fathom the fact that in a few months we would be graduating. If I thought saying good-bye to high school was hard later on down the line saying good-bye to college was harder. "Speaking of life, have you figured out what to do with it yet?"

I had been struggling with the writing thing, albeit there was a bit of an improvement with the inspiration being fueled by the new developments to the point I had a decent collection at the time I wasn't sure if that would be enough to make my work remotely good enough to ever be considered by publishers. I knew I shouldn't be scared but at that time it was easier to choose working behind the scenes reading others work as opposed to having others read mine, which is why I hadn't told anyone including my parents about the manuscript that was stashed away in my apartment due to that fear.

"Most probably work for a publishing company."

"You going back to the same place you worked during the summer?" he asked referring to a job I was fortunate enough to get through the help of my old professor who had taken a liking to me. I thought it would be a great experience and an amazing chance to receive the exposure I desperately sought at the time but the experience wound up going slightly different…

"Probably, the last thing I want is to go back home permanently. I know my mom wants me to such that I wouldn't be surprised if my dad shows up ready to convince me to come back on her behalf."

"Nah they shouldn't do that," he replied shifting forward looking at me, "after all this city needs you… I need you," he muttered lowly the statement catching me slightly off guard especially the serious look he was giving me. Unsure of what to say I was thankful for the interruption that came in the form of Marcie who called me. Turning I found her waving me over and just behind her stood Zeus whose face remained void of any emotion. Standing up I dusted the grass that made a home for themselves on my jeans and moved towards the pair disregarding how Donovan's odd statement had ruffled my feathers but I chose to brush it off on the assumption I was over analyzing his words.

Greeting them both I found his eyes switching between myself and Donovan who was by my side in no time. Marcie went on to introduce her cousin to Donovan which did nothing to persuade him to make an effort to plaster a smile his way which was fair since Zeus wasn't willing to do the same. They reached out to shake hands, the other seizing each other up which made me perplexed at the time at Donovan's behavior. Annoyed by the ridiculous show down between the two throwing an unnecessary amount of pheromones I cleared my throat looking at Marcie secretly thankful she was here to neutralize the intense air, "Did you call me over to finally tell me about the plans you guys made for my birthday that I didn't ask for?" I stressed, her eyes widened before turning to look accusingly at Donovan, "You weren't supposed to tell her now!" she reached out to smack his arm.

"You shouldn't blame her for wanting to do something sweet for you, Elle," Zeus spoke staring down at me, his face beamed and it took a short space of time to take in his attire. The opening of the coat revealed a button down baby blue shirt with no tie in sight that enhanced his eyes and black slacks. That was the most laid back and casual version I had seen of him so far and needless to say, I wasn't disappointed. As if a bucket of cold water had been thrown to diminish the fire Donovan's voice unknowingly interrupted the slow melody that rang in my head when he said, "Elle?" I could hear the surprise in his tone at the nickname Zeus had given me when he looked down at me. After all no one had ever called me that, everyone who was ever close to me always just called me, Gigi.

"Awfully comfy there for just an acquaintance," was the remark to slip past his lips and without a second thought I jabbed him lightly in the side to be more courteous. Marcie's lips quirked watching the exchange, I knew she was enjoying the strange surge of tension. Zeus gave nothing away, throughout the entire time and resorted to just observing Donovan. Awkwardly fumbling over a way to change the topic I was fortunate Marcie once again came to my rescue clapping her hands lightly, "Well, I'm heading home."

"You want a ride?" he offered and when I tried to decline Marcie stepped in pulling my hand, "C'mon it's just one ride."

Pursing my lips I contemplated a suitable answer to give, "I mean… I guess but how about Leo and Da –"

"I'm flying solo today," he interrupted smiling broadly knowing that the only other excuse I wanted to use was futile. Just when I was about to answer I felt my arm being yanked by Donovan who pulled me off to the side to whisper down at me, "Please don't tell me, you're actually considering it."

"They are offering and why are you acting all crazy?"

His gaze landed on them before he reconnected his eyes back to find mine holding a question in them, "Look I have no problem with Marcie. Her cousin on the other hand, that's who I'm not so sure about. I mean the way he's all friendly and stuff…"

"Oh my Gosh; please calm down. Besides I can handle myself and with Marcie there, I'll be fine. I'll see you tomorrow," I assured reaching out to squeeze his arm gently only to have a throat clear, turning I found him staring at us incredulously, "You coming?"

Nodding my head, I decided to accept the offer glancing back at Donovan giving him a small smile at the time I had managed to tell myself that it was one simple ride. But there's another aspect to life that I had to acknowledge later on down the line, that some things were never bound to be just simple.