Chapter 10

Family, it's one word made up of three syllables yet it's a word infused with so much emotion and drama. Victor Walsh was born within a family that lived within a neighborhood that aimed to keep humans and werewolves apart. Within the depths of poverty that saw some of his own friends joining gangs involved in extortion and other illegal activity, he vowed to stay away from that life and built himself up as an honest man. From what Zeus told me, the only real positive side that came with being in that environment where families were destroyed as a result of the violence was when he met Eva Friedman. Their love was doomed to meet conflict from her parents who saw the union as nothing short of toxic, but they were wrong because from that union came a son by the name of Zeus Jonathan Walsh.

For a while we sat in the bus allowing it to take us along different streets that held a history of its own and once we disembarked we thanked Mr. Ruiz who eyed us both with a sneaky smile that always made me wonder what he must have been thinking. We were dropped off right in front of a little coffee shop, I remember wearing a lop-sided grin at the sight of it and I remember being dragged inside by him. It was one of the few times I saw him behaving like a child, so carefree and transported to a simpler time where the world was easier.

It wasn't long before we were seated with the warm beverages in front of us. "Whenever my father had a really great day and made some extra cash at the barbershop he'd bring me to an ice-cream shop that used to be right across the street. He'd also bring candy home and even when my mother refused he'd put it under my pillow so that I had something to munch on when I went to sleep, it was cause of him I wound up getting rotten teeth but it was worth it," he mumbled taking a sip of his Americano. I giggled lightly at the fact his father sounded exactly like mine, despite my mother refusing to allow me to do something that never stopped my dad from allowing me to do it. If my mother knew some of the adventures my father and I often embarked on I'm sure she'd happily kill us both. "He sounds like an amazing dad," I pointed out only to have his smile falter slightly at the innocent remark that led to him replying, "Yeah… he was."

The look of helplessness radiating in his eyes at the confession cemented another time where in that little shop I felt an urge to reach out and keep him away from that feeling again. "I know you're about to say we don't have to talk about it ever, but I am really trying to be open with you and I will tell you all about it… eventually," he concluded and I nodded my head smiling gently in understanding of the fact that he may not be ready to open up.

"Thank you," I breathed and when his brow rose in question at what I meant I continued, "For taking me out today and showing me your world."

He placed my hand in his and lifted it up to place a lingering kiss against my knuckles, "There's more to my world. There are parts of it that aren't all sunshine and roses that consist of rainy days and thorns that often prick those living in it," his hand remained clasped tightly around mine long after the sweet gesture had been planted against it that left my head spinning. He resorted to rubbing small circles at the back of it and following his line of vision I could tell he was focused on our joined hands. Lips in a thin, firm line and brows furrowed into a serious expression he mumbled into the space between us, "I can only hope you won't run when faced with those rainy days."

And that statement served as a preamble to the horrid storms about to come that would test the durability of this but at the time I wasn't yet willing to place a title on what was going on between us but just considered it a mere willingness to learn before jumping to conclusions. And unsure of what to say I wound up saying, "I've always found the streaks of grey lining the sky more alluring than a blue sky." His shoulders shook with laughter at the response he later on revealed to me caught him off guard and we settled into a congenial silence that had us finishing off the drinks whilst sneaking glances across the table.


Licking my lips smeared in a dark ruby color the feel of the figure hugging dress that felt more like a second skin was deemed the appropriate attire for a birthday celebration taking place at some club neither Donovan and Marcie were willing to reveal to me. Staring back at my reflection the black color of the dress was what pushed me to wear due to the way it complimented my deep brown skin. It reached mid-thigh and as much as I didn't want to admit it I had actually been looking forward to going out. I had spent the course of that day waiting in agonizing pain for the time to pass until it was finally time to go out and spend time with my friends. Throughout the course of the day I received beautiful messages from my family that left me nearly bawling like a baby. And though I was disappointed when I hadn't heard anything from Zeus, I quickly brushed it off and decided to not let that ruin my day.

After all the time had finally come to relish being gifted with another year on this earth and I decided once I closed the door of my apartment and saw Donovan and Marcie waiting for me outside to make the most of it.

Once we stepped out of the cab the neon lights that displayed the word Allure on the building made my eyes widen at the fact we were about to enter what was supposedly considered the hottest club in the city. With a line that stretched outside I was about to voice out my concern that the likelihood of us getting in was slim if it wasn't for Marcie leading the way to give a nod of acknowledgement to the large bouncer who wasted no time allowing us through. She turned back to me wearing a smirk and she quickly looped her arm with mine, "Don't worry about shit tonight. In fact the only thing you should be thinking about is giving your liver a run for its money!" she squealed leading me through the club. Laughing lightly my gaze moved eagerly around the space, I had never been in here before such that I took some time to observe the flashing lights bouncing off the walls, the bodies moving in sync with the music blasting and for the life of me I grew giddy at the new place I was in whilst soaking up the warmth.

We moved up the stairs into another area where another bouncer stood by a velvet rope that would allow one to enter into what I assumed was a VIP section. All doubt of what Marcie was capable of had dissipated by the entrance of the club such that I allowed her to keep leading us towards the area and once we were allowed through we took a seat on the plush couch already relishing the prospects of a successful night ahead. "Well here's to the death of my liver," I said looking up at Marcie once the drinks we ordered were placed before us.

Reaching out for my glass, it would be the first to a night filled with dancing and laughter with the two people who I was thankful to have. I wish I could sit here and boast about having a high tolerance for alcohol because I didn't. And it wasn't long that due to the thrill of the night pumping in my veins, I failed to keep track of the drinks I had that I was quite tipsy.

After having spent some time on the dance floor I ended up landing on the couch a giggling mess, "I don't think I'll ever be able to thank you enough," I said to Marcie who smiled at me when she took note of the way my speech came out slightly slower, "Please I only had the idea. You should be thanking the owner." Staring at her in confusion just when I was about to ask I vividly remember the feel of the seat next to me dip, his familiar scent now mixed in with a smell of scotch and cigars filling my sense to cause tingles all over me to turn and find him smiling at me. "Hope you're enjoying your night birthday girl."

"I thought you had forgotten," I grumbled playfully smacking his chest; he chuckled wrapping his arm around me till his hand settled on my hip. And I truly could blame the influence the alcohol had on me to explain why I did not push his hand away but I knew that it was just the need to be touched by him that kept me silent. "Who could ever forget you? I wanted to let you enjoy your time with your friends before I showed up."

"Well aren't you considerate," I replied leaning further into him, soaking in the warmth of his embrace and though there were shadows covering parts of his face they failed to hide the sly grin that stretched across his pink, pouty lips. "Not really… I already plan on stealing you away pretty soon," he confessed and I never knew such an admission could sound so dark and sensual all in one breath.

"What are you doing here?"

I think I've once mentioned before how much I appreciate Donovan but on that night I wasn't in the mood to deal with any possible conflict and when he asked that question with clear venom I was relieved Zeus answered in a reasonable tone. "Not only is this my club but last I checked this is a free country." Donovan took a seat across from us and frowned in clear disapproval, at the time I failed to comprehend what he's problem was with Zeus' presence. And despite the sudden tension I refused to allow the new piece of information that slipped past his lips to not be addressed, "You're the owner?"

"Didn't Marcie tell you?" he inquired making me turn to find Marcie raising her hands in mock surrender, "I was about to. But I assumed it would best if she heard it from you," she replied winking playfully in my direction.

"If I had known you owned this place I wouldn't have bothered," he huffed bolting up from his seat I followed suit irked by this side of my long-time friend that I had never seen. "What's your problem? Honestly why do you hate a guy you don't even know?"

"You don't know much about him either or his intentions to be around a human!" he rebutted and though he was right, he wasn't aware of the time we were spending out of view from the world. I was willing to at least say we were getting to know each other. "Donny c'mon… let's not get into an argument. This is a time for us to just have fun, let's save the problems for another day," Marcie pleaded grasping my hand gently to pull me back down to my seat. I complied settling down to stare up at him and waited to see what he would do. I grew immensely at ease when he took a seat and though he still looked upset I was glad he was willing to at least hold his tongue for now. Taking a few calming breaths I made a mental note in my head to take the time to talk to Donovan and try squash whatever issues he had with Zeus who was slowly becoming a constant feature in my life.

Past the slight bump on the road the rest of the night managed to pass by without another hitch and eventually we were all outside. Expecting him to throw a fit over my choice to enter Zeus' vehicle Donovan didn't say a thing and gave me a quick hug with a promise to hang out with me soon. Marcie gravitated to the backseat and within a short period of time we were parked in front of her home once again watching her profile move a bit clumsily up the stairs.

And for the first time throughout that night Zeus and I were alone. With a dark road up ahead the path often taken was scary and filled with uncertainty but as I settled into my seat the prospect of the unknown did not make me quiver. Instead the increase of the organ nestled on the left upper part of my chest was due to the feel of his hand reaching out somewhere in that dark vehicle in search of mine to give it a gentle squeeze making it damn near impossible for me to breathe.