You're better without Me

The twins heard a knock on their door. They didn't bother to respond and just waited for it to open, but nothing happened and they heard another knock. This time, Kanata said a small come in.

Who enters makes them tear up. "Hi, little ones," she said.

Ray came to them and hugged them both, coaxing them to hush down.

"Are you going to babysit us, again?" Katana asked. Ray held her face with both hands and kissed her forehead. "I'm sorry, for leaving you without telling you why" she started.

She has to do this, she knows she has to. She has to make them understand the situation they were in, she has to make them aware or somewhat let them know what kind of world they are living in, maybe not all but enough to bring them back to themselves.

"I messed up. I made a mistake with your mama-chan. I violate the rules. But, I want you to know I didn't regret violating any of it. And if the time will run back? I would still do the same. I like watching you two laughing, giggling, joking and having fun. Because you should. —Ray petted their hair, she wants them to know that she's sincere on what she's about to say— And, I think... you're going to be better without me —the twins start to cry silently, but they didn't do anything to stop her. They also want to hear her voice, even if it means listening to her goodbyes, as long as they can savor her sweet voice. They also knew this is not easy for her, because she's also crying like them— I would not be by your side but I will never leave you alone, not again. Cause this time around, your brothers will be there for the both of you. " She said.

Ray wiped her tears as well as the twins and smiled at them. "Are you leaving, Ray-chan?" Kanata asked. Katana just remained silent hugging her.

Ray is sitting with them on Katana's bed, she's sandwiched between the two who are hugging her tightly.

"Yeah. A friend offered me a great opportunity" Ray said, smiling widely.

"Where are you going, Ray-chan?" Kanata asked again. Katana listens to them attentively.

"In states" : Ray

"How long?" : Kanata

"Maybe a year or two, I don't know. Until I finish the things I have to do" : Ray.

"What are you going to do, Ray-chan?"

"I'm going to study there, work there to have lots lots of money"

"Why do you need lots of money, Ray-chan?"

"To pursue my dream, little one"

"Are you coming back?" Katana asked. The only question she wants to know is the answer.

"Of course, I will"

"Are you going to see us when you get back, Ray-chan?" Kanata

"That's for sure"

And the exchange of their lines continued until the twins fell asleep in her arms. She gently pulled away from their grasp and tucked them in Katana's bed, kissed their forehead then their cheeks, got her things and left the room.

Where she found the five elder brothers of her little ones.

"You really care for them, don't you?" The only Furuichi who wore glasses said. "Indeed" all she said.

She didn't bother to start a conversation with them and start making her way out of the hospital. She knew one of them followed her. And she's also sure, that's her persistent only male friend, Klenton.

"So, you're really leaving? I thought you're just kidding me" Klenton said, they both reached the parking lot.

Klenton looked up when he heard someone's giggles. "You don't have to be a baby, Klenton. We can always communicate, you know? That's why phones were invented anyway."

Klenton's face beat red. Of course he knew that. He's just not yet ready to lose his only friend. "Want to sleep over?" Ray asked. Klenton's face lit up, and nod vigorously.

"Can we join?'' The two looked at the owner of the voice and found Klaren, Klenton's twin and their elder brother Kleo.

Ray and Klenton looked at each other. Ray just shrugged. "You sure?" Klenton asked his brothers. The two just nod, and so they left the hospital parking lot together.