Ah, that's right. You were one daughter of many; there were only so many sheepskin…er, gloves, to go around back then. Not to mention the Church frowning on any and all sorts of contraception. And by 'frowning,' what I really mean is 'flogging.' Ouch.

Just another one of the bunch, huh? Low expectations, easily forgotten by the parents, and every item you possessed was 'shared' (and I use the term lightly) with the rest of the flock. But in a way, this only pushed you further. You acted out with pranks until your father beat some sense into you, rather quite literally. Luckily, you found other ways to get attention. You worked harder around the house and fished in that pond over and over again, until you rivaled even your old man's fishermanship. You could chop firewood like it was nobody's business. Never too early to learn a work ethic!

What was I talking about again? Ah yes, the ever-present source of religious authority. Love it or hate it, the Church holds a lot of power in this country. But how do you feel about them?