Your parents and older siblings sit straight up on the couch, dressed as nicely as you've ever seen them. On their laps are your younger siblings, who have fallen asleep at such a late hour. What the heck is going on?

"H-here she 'iz! Staying 'ougt this late, ye ought 'ta be ashamed!" Your mother's scolding is more of relief than of anger, which frightens you all the more. Your eyes turn to the figure emitting a powerful, authoritative presence.

A tall man in a black clerical robe and glasses examines every inch of you. You know there is a name for this ankle-length robe, but you can't quite recall…too busy being afraid for your life. Beads of sweat slip down your forehead, and you can't move your mouth to speak. It's up to the clergyman to make his introduction first.

"It is a late evening to be about, daughter. Do not be so afraid, I am a warrior of the Fates. I am Disciple Kaine, head of the Delmacian Central Division for the Cossack Order." Cossack Order? Your mind flips back to Bregan boasting about holy warrior guilds. This is not good at all! Silvanus is in serious danger, but he isn't the only one!

Your familiarity does not go unnoticed. "Oh, it looks as if you've heard of us already. Splendid, please take a seat and I'll ask you some questions. Your family was worried for you, but there isn't any reason to ruin a good night's rest. This will only be a moment, and I'll soon be off to the other households." That's your family's cue to leave the main room, which they do with as much grace as possible while trying to leave as quickly as possible. You expect to get a tongue-lashing tomorrow for keeping them awake this long; that is, if you aren't getting a real lashing from this holy warrior.

In all honesty, he doesn't look like much of a fighter. Kaine looks more accustomed to praying and giving sermons than slaying demons, is all you're trying to say. "Let's see…we have here on our records that you are Ronald Dunhall, age seventeen. Tell me, has anything odd occurred around here lately? Anything unusual?"

Something unusual happened just half an hour ago in your backyard, but you wisely keep that to yourself. Unfortunately, besides Silvanus there really isn't anything of note going on in this town. You depict a typical boring day, make note of any of the new merchants who've passed through, and generally try to make your hometown out to be the most boring place in the kingdom. It's not very difficult.

As you speak, Disciple Kaine stares at you intently with weird, unblinking eyes. It's the first time you've seen glasses on a person before—they would have looked almost silly if they were on anyone less ominous. "I see…your family tells me you work at the forge under a…Gundrik Brighthammer?" That's right, let's talk about my duties at the blacksmith. Easy questions, no magic here! Hahaha…

"Smithing is a noble profession. But my curiosity must know where it is you go at night. Your mother says it is a regular occurrence for you to leave after supper and return in the early morn." So much for the softball questions, then. This one is going to be tricky…