Due to coming of exams, updates will be resumed to regular pace only after that.

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I will try to update in between if I can...:)


"Whatever it could be, time for some violence and fun boys!"

Gredork chuckled as they all stood on the outskirts of the village eyeing it as their next prey.


Even if you die or you did not, even if you they leave or they did goes by like the smooth surface of an iceberg.

As the girls chatted about their day and even though the gossip had died down before, yet they all did not make it any hard for Cynthira to not feel like an outcast.

Waiting for her time in the queue to get to the village well to get water, she could not help but look in the direction of the passage that led to the valley side.

It had been four straight days and three more in the line would mark to be a week without Ruqui, her brother.

So many questions were revolving in her head, and to none she had answers for. It made her want to go back and look out for him.

What if he could still be there?

Where else could he go from there?

The border aligned with the forbidden forest and to make way to the Capitol, one must take the North route which goes through the middle of the village.

The people here would have detained him if seen passing that way. The only way to get out of the Lands of Saunders was to reach the Capitol and then take the pilgrimage to Middle Earth.

What if he had disguised himself and had already crossed the village?

So many questions. Each one made her want to drop the earthen pots and run in the direction of the valley side again.

"We must have come earlier. The line is so long now."

She tilted her head to see Ramirez with her friends, coming in their way and halted on their steps when their eyes got interlocked.

After being stranded by the groom, Ramirez had gained an unlimited amount of sympathy from every household in the village.

It had also made her popular amongst the girls, who spoke of her so highly for being so strong and not breaking down when the groom never showed up to the wedding.

Cynthira had no mood to wait any longer here and head out to home instead. So she moved out of the line and started walking in the other direction.

But only a few meters away and someone held her wrist stopping her, she turned to look who it was.

If it was another village stupid boy trying to mock fun at her for being the sister of the brother who chickened out on his own wedding, she was going to break those empty pots on their heads right away.

"What the...stop!"

And before he could complete it, the pot had already crashed down on the ground, luckily not on his head because of his quick reflexes to hold back.

"Let go of me this instant or else..."

"Or else what?"

Another came to the front, standing beside the one who was holding her wrist, and by looking at their faces, it seemed as if they were not from the village.

The second man was challenging her to go against or try anything smart. The line of girls watched from afar as those men surrounded Cynthira.

"Do not waste away precious time, Elijah, just get to the business."

It was a man from behind, who was sitting, leaning against the tree, only a meter or two away from them.

It confused Cynthira as to what these men wanted from her. They seemed to be intimidating and definitely not around from here. By then she was sure about it.

The wrist that the man was holding, the one beside him pulled onto her over body scarf, earning a gasp from the girl's afar. Cynthira felt so exposed and vulnerable at that moment.

"We would love to have this."

The one that was sitting, leaning on the tree trunk came up to her, totally trapping her in between the three muscular men, leaving no room for her to escape.

He had touched the sapphire stone bracelet that her brother had given to her upon bidding farewell.

She had tied it around her wrist and it made her taken aback as to why would they want the bracelet.

"It does not belong to you anyways."

He said and was about to break it off of her wrist when they got interrupted making them look the other way.

"Let her go you rascals!"

It was Ramirez and she strode forward, standing beside Cynthira, followed by her two friends.

She pilled off their hands off of her and it made the men almost hit back but Ramirez was quick to voice out.

"Run off this instant before I call the kingdom guards on you all. "

The one who had his name as Elijah was about to challenge but the other two stopped him and mouthed something in his ears before leaving.

"No matter what we women stand together."

Cynthira heard Ramirez say it making her all the more likable amongst the village girls as they admired her bravery when no one dared.

"...and for each other."

She completed it by pouring her pot of water into Cynthira's spare one because the other one had broken off.

Cymthira did not say a word and left, not before glancing at those men, making their way towards the valley side.

It made her all the more curious as to who those men were and why did they want the bracelet. Did they know about Ruqui?

"The villagers do not like the easy way then...time to resort to the hard way."

He muttered as they saw the girl striding away in the opposite direction, not knowing what the night had in stored for her and the entire village.

"Cynthira, you are home?"

It was her mother, who voiced out from the kitchen and got no response from her daughter.

Placing the earthen pot with water, she headed out again, making up her mind to go back to the spot where she last saw her brother.

"Where do you think you are going?"

Her mother came out, eyeing her questionably. Her playful naive daughter had changed after that day.

"You are not going anywhere. Help me in the kitchen."

She had no desire to lose another of her children and walked back inside, leaving no room for Cynthira to oppose.


In the coming update:

"How long do you think it has been since us being here?"

Ruqui questioned, knowing that time ran slower inside the forest than when outside. Nobody had no awareness as to why. It was all magic.

But then they could also not tell how could the army break in through the magic cast and find them.

"Princess surrender!"