Chapter 5

"W-What?!" Monique was shocked when she heard Selena's words. She usually watched apocalypse movies but she never thought of experiencing it herself.

Her body shook from fear and her hands clenched. Her mind is thinking of what will happen to her and her family if this apocalypse persists.

No one likes the changes in this world. Even those bad people who were locked up and now lingering outside hate to admit that they preferred to be locked up inside the jail than being a food stocks of these zombies.

Suddenly, a lazy silhouette of a young girl appeared in her mind. That little girl's apathetic face when approving their resignation.

'Does she know about the apocalypse?' she contemplates. She shook her head.

'Impossible. She's just the abandoned daughter of Hunter Family' she dismissed that thought. After all, Hazel cannot inherit the old mansion without the approval of Old Master Hunter.

'So, how can I go back?' she thought and her eyes glinted.

'I don't care if she knows the coming of apocalypse or not. There's only one way to go back' she clenched her hand into a fist. She must go back!

She looked towards the direction of main mansion of the Hunter Family. If the Hunter Family comes to know the mystery of Tancongco Forest, will they find a way to get it back? She smirked.

She doesn't care anymore about Hazel. She only knows that Tancongco Forest is the only safe haven right now.

"Miss!" a man's voice loudly called out to her. Her mind came back to reality after planning everything.

"Are you alright?" the man asked while Selena frowned. A minute ago, she saw the innocent and ignorant eyes the young woman in front of her. After saying 'Welcome to Zombie Apocalypse', the young woman showed shock and fear.

"I-I'm fine" she stuttered and pretended to be pitiful in front of Selena and Jared. After all, no one can resists a pitiful woman. Specially Jared. A man has a side of protecting a weak woman. However, she doesn't know that Jared is unlike the other men out there.

Right now, Selena saw that the eyes of young woman in front of her no longer has the color of innocence and ignorance. Like, she suddenly got tainted just by a bit of splashed ink. She got lost interest of her.

She knows many people like her before the apocalypse. Their heart blackened so what will they become during this apocalypse?

Well, she doesn't want to know. Isn't better to be spectator at the side?

On the other hand, Jared Palma looked at the young woman beside. He scrutinized her and got disappointed. Like Selena, he is also aware of the young woman's sudden change.

He and Selena are childhood friends. They grow up together and shared many secrets to each other. Their friendship tightened when the apocalypse started.

The turning of their family and relative are huge blow to both of them and aggrievedly kill their families who are turned into zombies. Only two of them survived.

Meanwhile, the Main Mansion of Hunter Family are in chaos. Just like what happened outside the main mansion, those people who bathed with blood rain earlier are now turned into zombies.

Luckily, only few got bath with blood rain so unlike the outside of main mansion, they easily dealt with them. Master Hunter, Hazel's biological father, sighed a heavy relief. Fortunately, none of his family turned into zombies.

"Where's Dad?" David asked anxiously. Even though he seems to always argue with his old man, the old man is still his father after all. Who wanted to see their own father in danger?

"The Old Master is staying inside Young Master Lucas's residence" his personal butler replied. He sighed and glad that the Hunter Family has connected land in the city. So, they all live within the Compound (houses within the land they owned).

"Investigate what's happening outside right now!" he ordered to his men. His men are retired soldiers he hired before. Their loyalty is not based on money but they voluntarily served him like a dog.

"Yes!" and they disappeared in thin air. David is no longer shocked to see it every time he ordered them.

"Daddy!" a sweet voice called him out. He turned around and saw his daughter. His heart softened. Honestly, he doesn't despise his real biological daughter but he really couldn't find fault on his fake daughter's claims.

Every time Liezel cried out with grievance, the maids and butlers all verified it. Even though she's not his biological daughter but he saw her grows up well. It's not biased to punish her biological daughter over her fake daughter right? There's even witnesses.

Also, every time Liezel claimed that Hazel bullied her, Hazel didn't defend herself once except this morning. It is the first time he saw her resentment and disappointed face. He frowned and started to doubt himself. Is he bias?

"Daddy! There are many monsters outside!" Liezel cried and hugged him tightly while trembling. David sighed and hugged her back. Anyway, he'll find a way to coax Hazel after finding out what happened outside.

"Master! Man is no longer the top of food chain" a masked man appeared right beside him and whispered to his ear. His face darkened.

"Gather the Imperial Guards!" he ordered.

By the way, only men of the family know the existence of true family history as being part of Imperial Family. It is to prevent outsiders to peek on their family secrets.

The daughters of Hunter Family are obligated to marry a man they are fated with. It means they are belong to their husband's family. Isnt it letting the women know about family secrets are also letting the outsiders know their weakness? That's the reason why.

However, Liezel was shocked to see the man clothed in black beside her father. She couldn't hear what he is saying but she feel intimidated just by looking at him. It's so suffocating!

David nodded and the black clothed man disappeared in think air which made Liezel stunned in her spot.

"Daddy, who is he?" she asked. She's curious of the black clothed man and felt that she could get what she wanted if she somehow get acknowledged by him.

"Don't bother. Go to your room" David coldly said as he saw his daughter's greedy eyes in a second. It may be a sudden change but it is enough for him to see her motive.

"Liezel, don't eat more than you can chew" he hinted. He turned around and left.

Liezel was drained of color after hearing his father's words.

'Did he know something? Impossible!' she thought and panic.

'I need to get rid of Hazel as soon as possible!' she decided and left.

Hazel Tancongco is staying lazily inside her room for three days already. She purposely waited for three days to come because of what happened in her first lifetime.

She was suddenly getting sick in her first lifetime and passed away after three days. She deliberately wait for three days just to find out if there's an external factor contributed to her death at that time. However, she's been looking around her territory and found nothing.

"Young Mistress, if you're looking for something, just ask me. I will answer as much as I know" Antonette came up beside her.

Antonette couldn't stop but offer herself to Hazel Tancongco if she wanted to know more about the territory as she grow up here.

Hazel Tancongco scratched her head and continue contemplating.

"Then, can you tell me the secret of old mansion?" Hazel Tancongco doesn't need to speak around the bush just to point out her goal.

Antonette smiled and curtsied to her, "Please follow me, Young Mistress" as she said mysteriously and walked towards the central room.

It is place inside the old mansion where the Previous Masters gathered his/her men for various planning.

Hazel Tancongco looked around and found no fluctuation of mana or any sorts while using mana detection.

Antonette smiled when she saw her Young Mistress is scanning around the room with her mana.

"Young Mistress, as a only trusted servant left by Great Old Master, you're Great Grandfather, I have the duty and responsibility to find a new suitable master of this old mansion" as she started to introduce herself as the only left servant of Eight Master of old mansion seriously and her body exuded a mana pressure to suppress Hazel.

At first, she wanted to go easy on her if she's just an ordinary person but Antonette found out her a bit of mana fluctuation inside Hazel.

It is just a small amount of mana that is enough for her suppress but she was stunned when Hazel released her mana at this time to fight against her mana fluctuation.

There's a heavy air pressure around them while their mana fluctuations clash! Antonette's face turned paler than before and she coughed out blood.

"H-How?" she stuttered and her face showed fear and excitement.

She couldn't believe that a small amount of Hazel's mana fluctuation caused so much destruction.

Also, she detected that Hazel is still holding back herself in order not to hurt her more.

And then, silence...

Hazel's face darkened after the clashes. She's afraid of consequences if she didn't hold back herself.

Even though she just came back from her three lifetimes to this first lifetime of hers, she still be able to use her mana like how she could use it to her third lifetime mana to her fourth lifetime before.

Yes, she can use it without the hindrance of Heavenly Guards.

Each world planes have Heavenly Guards.

Heavenly Guards are those heavenly bodies who guarded the world from external forces that doesn't belong to the world they have guarded on.

If the Heavenly Guards detected an unusual force that doesn't belong to the world they are guarding, that unusual force must be eliminated immediately.

Even if there are changes inside the world, Heavenly Guard will not interfere. Their existence solely for protection.

Even if there's an apocalypse happening inside the world they are guarding, they have no ability to help them inside unless the caused of the apocalypse come from unusual force.

Unusual force refers to the any type of matter that doesn't belong to the world they are guarding.

In short, the transformation of Earth into Zombie Apocalypse doesn't belong to unusual force but a phenomenal disaster formed naturally within the Earth.

Also, Heavenly Guards are also doing their massive detection of looking for unusual force when the gathering of red clouds happened.

However, they never detected such thing and let the world in chaos.

Also, Hazel Tancongco was not eliminated from her second, third and fourth lifetime because her unusuality itself doesn't belong to unusual force.

Rather, she suspected that her reincarnation from one world to another came from the help of old mansion.

That's why she couldn't help but be listless. What would happen if she find out the reason of reincarnation?

Antonette kneeled down and kowtowed in front of Hazel Tancongco.

"I, Antonette, the servant of Luis De Lacquise Hunter, welcome the new master of old mansion Hazel Tancongco" she kowtowed twelve times in front of her. Her elegance stunned Hazel. Is she really a maid of this mansion?! Why does she feel that she's being deceived by her?

"Please meet the Spiritual Guard of Old Hunter Mansion" Antonette Aquino stood up and raised her head to look towards Hazel.

Suddenly, the Tancongco Forest shook with excitement and their leaves are full of luster like they are bathed in divine light.

Next, Antonette's eyes brightened like sun rays but tainted with green lights. Like, she naturally belong to nature without undergoing natural process of birth.

Her white hair is changing into shiny green hair while her shrunken skin is now filled with vitality of life. In short, she turned into a Young Lady from a rich family without blemishes.

Hazel's eyes widened and somehow it reminds her of what her master from her second lifetime said.

"There two forces of energy in the Cultivation World - the vitality or life energy and the void or absence of life energy"

"The Tree of Life which is full of vitality or life energy is supervised by the Elf from generation to generation."

"The tree of Life becomes the source of energy for cultivation."

"Fire, Water, Wood, Wind, Lightning, Darkness and Divine are the six main energies in which are formed from Life Energy."

"If you found an Elf, it means you are destined to help them in exchange for any of your wishes"

"However, if a God of Elf acknowledged you as a master, it means you are destined to change the world and all vitalities in the world will follow your command without exchange" her master told her while smiling. He caressed his long beared as he looked tenderly on Hazel who was still thirteen years old and just joined the sect recently.

"Then, how can I identify a God of Elf among elves?" she asked curiously.

Her master caressed her hair lovingly while his eyes are full of loneliness and helplessness. Like, he expected his discipline to meet the God of Elf someday.

"Well, the God of Life can only acknowledged one master in his/her lifetime. All vitalities in the world will bow down in front of their master"

"I, Antonette Aquino, the God of Elf welcome the master" and kneeled while her body is still fluctuating the energy of life.

Hazel came back to her senses when she heard of what Antonette said and smirked.

Well, isn't it surprising?