"Well, I still cannot find you, my destined master. So, I need to find a way to preserve my powers. Because I am equivalent to the Tree of Life, I can at very least manipulate nature." Antonette explained as she waved her fingers on the air. The air shook around her palm and the image of entire Tancongco Forest are seen from above like using a drone to have a good view of entire territory.
"I just planted my leaking essence inside the underground mountain of Imperial Forest (Tancongco Forest, I'll used this again). It helps the forest to be filled with life energies and turned it into a fine greeneries, medicinal herbs, fruits, vegetables or trees." as she swiped left at the side of the image and a panoramic view of beautiful garden is projected.
Hazel is amazed of Antonette's ability. She looks like an A.I. robot who can manipulate the entire internet network around the world but Antonette's version is like a mini-version of it.
"Before the apocalypse, everything outside the Tancongco territory cannot be compared to our territory" Antonette smugly smirked at Hazel, who's staring at Antonette with starry eyes.
"COOL! Does it mean I can see what's happening in the entire city if I used you?" Hazel's mind focused on Antonette's ability to project images or footage without having an interest on those plants or whatever is inside the territory. She had seen most of the world before, since she lived for four lifetimes already.
Antonette was speechless of Hazel.
'That's not the point here, Master!' as she screamed inwardly.
Hazel knows what's running inside Antonette's mind but she doesn't care! She cares more about Antonette's ability!
Antonette said she can used her ability because she is her master right?
"I'll definitely do my best to have it!" she cheered to herself and nodded proudly.
"So where are we going then?" Antonette asked again as they don't initially have a goal to go outside but since they are already outside of the Tancongco territory, she needs to get something so that her trip is not wasted.
"How about we check some technology devices on the Tyson Technology Shop? I heard they have a newly invented Drones for military purpose" Hazel suggested as it only comes to her mind.
Before her death in first lifetime, she heard about those Drones. The Drones are equipped with high quality and durable materials so that it will long last compared to other drones out there.
Will Antonette have a choice? Hazel is her destined master after all. She cannot disobey her, unless it dangers Hazel.
Hazel stopped the engine and walked out of the car while Antonette ghostly silhouette followed her.
"I'll go first. I'm on my ghost clone right now. The zombies and humans cannot see me." Antonette immediately checked inside the Tyson Technology Shop without waiting for Hazel's permission.
Hazel sighed and doubted if she really has the control over Antonette. Yes, she doesn't see Antonette as a servant because of their master-servant contract but still they are still in that relationship.
She shook her head and smiled. She just stood out of the car while her eyes stared on the building of Tyson Technology Shop. It may be a small shop but it is just a small branch of the biggest main branch of Tyson Technology Corporation who has thousands of branches around the world before the apocalypse.
"If I've known about the apocalypse before my reincarnation to second lifetime, I can be at ease right now like any other transmigration novels" said to herself and unpacked the snacks she restored earlier sneakily out of Antonette's sights. She knows Antonette very well. Although Antonette is not the strict Antonette she knows in her first lifetime, she's still Antonette who doesn't like junk foods.
Fortunately, Tyson Technology Shop is on the way of their direction. Nearby the park is the Tyson Technology Shop. Although it is an open area for the park and shops, it is not filled with zombies as this place was not crowded before the apocalypse.
On the other side, Antonette went inside the Tyson Technology Shop without restrain. She some zombies lurking around the shadows but there are not many of them.
She thought of Hazel's ability to fight earlier that's why she concluded it. Her gaze swept around the first floor. It is the floor for displaying old version of mobile phones and handheld laptops. There are ten zombies around. It seems like they are the staff remaining employees before the apocalypse.
Then, she went up to the second floor. In there, she saw three locked rooms while five zombies lurked around and ten zombies tried to push through the three locked rooms.
'It seems like there are survivors here' Antonette concluded without looking inside those locked rooms.
Then, she went up again to the third floor. She gasped as she sees many drones inside the displays. They looked like a typical airplane toys for kids on the surface but they are drones with high equipped and durable materials that Hazel mentioned earlier.
"No one is here?" Antonette asked to herself and her face showed confusion.
'Aren't these things newly invented and expensive drones?' she thought and moved herself around the third floor.
'Also, there are no zombies here. How come?' Antonette began to wary as she continue her search but she finds nothing at all.
Then, her eyes glinted and immediately scrutinized the door and realized that the door has a high-equipped defense mechanism. Only the shop manager can open the third floor if the shop owner has the key for it.
Antonette sighed and entered inside the third floor again. The Drones made her attracted to it so she subconsciously touch it and was shocked when the drone she touched disappeared in front of her.
"What happened?" she thought and began to panic. After all, there are defense mechanisms outside. What's more the inside? She waited for two minutes but there is no emergency sound. She was bewildered. How come?