`Everything suddenly come to halt. And my sudden mood swing didn't escaped unnoticed through our emphatic link and not only by my two new companions very soon to be my brides who now stopped too and began to look at me while I continued my little mental talk with the one managing this realm...strangely i was feeling a lil excited about it even if you took into consideration that my balzz are literally turning blue right now while protesting.
<☆☆☆>:- "So visitor... i see you are in my twin sister realm and.. you got accepted by her..!? i see hmm...!!" the voice was of a mature male who mumbled the last part. But kept going..
<☆☆☆>:- i got your message abaut the circumstances of your arrival in here and the request for exploring our realm. But i know nothing about you : apart from little things and my sister approval !".
"-Can we meet..!?" i asked being curious about the big boss in here..
<☆☆☆>:- "Affirmative" !" he responded..
"I sense you are on Earth..France near Paris..i can come in there in a sec if you want it..!?"..i told him..
<☆☆☆>:-"Wow!" good senses !,ok come we got some talk to do!". and he disconnected..
"Oky doky!" i mumbled to myself while looking at the girls who were waiting for me.
`Since i knew exactly were he was i offered to join him. He was in some rural place in France so i locked in and teleported to his location ; not before whit great reluctance and pain both on my soul and body especially my crotch area ; i hade to unsealed myself from the girls losing their warm in the process and also losing to throbbing mass my boner gained from our let's just say :
"innocent interaction maybe.. !"
I was fast in giving them all the needed explanations and assurance abaut : finishing what we just started, in a few minutes after i returned from earth since there's a time flow difference between Earth and Alfheim like "a min in here worth many hours on Earth"...
`Receiving back critical inducing damage by pouting followed by sad and unwilling to separate look which olmost melted me ; and not being able to leave them alone i appear to divide in two, a twin me appearing next to old lil me while i puffs away by tele ...To Earth....
.....Earth France Beaune...
I teleported at the entrance of beautiful but simple old fashioned mansion, made of wood and stone ; that reminding me of those cabanas in the woods but not the creepy ones type...
`I admired it for a few sec and approach the door whit the intention of knock a few times, but the door was suddenly opened before i even had the chance to do it...
"not creepy at all.. !"
<☆☆☆>:-"Hello there stranger!" the one who opened the door was a handsome mature male around his mid thirties. He was just a few centimetres shorter than me araund 1,75 m tall but whit a slim body configuration..
He had a shoulder length long blondish hair tied into a ponytail and a very nice looking ponytail if i might add ; his eyes had a surprisingly strange mix of amethyst at the exterior and a silverish and greenish nuance at interior which surprised me a lot since it's pretty unusual.
Overall he is kinda pleasant to the eye and to have araund : when you add the family man vibe he emanates .He had a dignified appearance very manly and good looking if i might say ; whit a kind and mature everlasting smile plastered on his face: which gives away a touch of confidence and also curiosity while measuring me whit his eyes from head to toes...
`My first impression about my host was very pleasant one it felt like: cool, gofy and maybe a lil mischievous but in a good way..
"But the million dollar question is : why does he seemed so weak, like he bearly has any Divine Energy to begin with he looks so fragile so what it's the right word so ..
`Maybe I'm overthinking it after all sometimes appearances can be deceiving .. well nevermind!"..
<☆☆☆>:-"Hello there stranger and welcome to my humble home: and our mine and my twin sister domain!"...my host said while keeping his smile on the face..
<☆☆☆>:-Im sorry couldn't respond in time to your message, i was busy you know taking kids to school , doing some cooking".. he said while smiling .
"And yea dealing whit some sort of space anomaly which thinking about it now.. it should be your doing" he said while looking expectantly at me or better said like he olready knew..
"Helo in there my name is Sephyross but you can call me Sephy and i paused..mister!? .
i said while reaching one of my hand for his for a handshake..
`Wow just wow my first DIVINITY encounter is : A family man indeed dressed elegant but whit an apron on the top hehe ..house chores cooking and kids nice..
And his kind looks is feels so genuine and no exaggerated celestial beauty appearance like in those cultivation stories..
Wow is that an apron whit dragonflies and butterflies on it hehe..looks like he was cooking; a man of my taste, i love spending time in the kitchen..
<☆☆☆>:-Oh yea..forgive my manners my name is
`Sry for the troubles i might cause you. But i do hope we will go along ; this is my first encounter of this kind in my short and fresh existence as a Divinity !"..i said while bowing slightly my head , receiving back the same courtesy..
`And nice looking apron but the way! love the colours!"i ended my compliment whit a small smile..
`Lovely place you have in here it feels just like Home!".. i said while admiring his Adobe.. and followed his invitation to sit down while asking me if he could offer me something to drink like a good host...
"Water please; and I'm sry to hear about your unpleasant encounters whit the
`Oh don't worry about it..the fact my sister acknowledges you, speaks volumes of yourself "hehe!" actually rivers of words since well?: put in simple words: is the second time she did in a close to one million year ; and even the first time took it quite a while!".. my host said while filing and passing me a glass of water.
`So i guess..? i should tell you more abaut me and the reason of my intrusion in your realm or better i can!"..but i don't end what i was abaut to say because the door entrance opens and we hear a female voice .....
<###>:" I'm home hun!"..
"Welcome back love! ..in the kitchen" Alexander answered to what would it be his wife if my guess is right and they speak in French language...
<###>"Heloo honey..oh i see ..!!?..we have guests!?".. the new lady who just joined us exclaimed while trying to understand who is their guest by looking at my whit curiosity and a lil confusion..
`Wow they look like a perfect pair made for each other . The newly arrived woman and my host wife is simply described as a mature beauty in her late twenties early thirties a head shorter then her husband around 1,65 m tall..dark raven haired whit a typical chic classic French angular bob cut hairstyle matching perfect whit her beautiful milky white skinned face and those amazing dark eyes which have a violet crow at exterior which gives her a very unique vibe..
She is very well endowed like they say well placed in the right places ; dressed into a classy business woman suit adorned whit quiet of big number of well crafted jewelry items which looks great on her screaming "good taste!"...
And yet whit all this she never for once lost her motherly touch..
I did noticed that the females in this reality are very beautiful and well endowed compared to my so called old Earth hell even males are better looking ...
And I'm not even talking about my future brides who are in league of they own .But strangely they don't look much like their anime counterpart ; let's say their bodies proportions are less exaggerated in real life but still absurd good looking well more accurate is to say bombshells .
`The first thing i noticed about her is: a touch of divinity :like every cell's in her body are soaked whit divine energy making her close to let's say a DemiGod or DemiDivinity more or less ;it's like a small part of what Alexander is missing is found inside of her .
`Heloo madame, my name is Sephy short for Sephyross ; I'm a friend and coworker of Alexander you might say !".. I'm looking at Alexander for help..
`Oh sweetheart he is a fellow God but not one of those obnoxious pesky ones; he's a good guy even my sister Claire approved of him!" and so just like that Alexander dropped the bomb..
<###>"Ooo hello mr SEPHYROSS my name is MARGARET ".. she presents herself while responding to my hand shake while looking well let's stick to surprised..
`Just sephy madame i dont hold much abaut titles ; actually I'm a ferm believer in earning everything in life respect and titles are included to for who ever cares about those in the first place to begin with! " it was my response earning an approval nod from my host...
`So a God!". Margaret says whit a wierd out kinda face..
`Actually DIVINITY > is the right term; and don't worry madame ; i consider myself well no different from everybody else since my origin is human after all so.. I'm just more powerful and some more!"..
`DIVINITY!?"..both of them said in the same time, whit question marks over their heads well more like especially Margaret...
And since i sensed confusion in their faces , i gaved them the description and difference between a God and a Divinity which cleared everything.
But not before asking permission from my" host" which i recieved under the form of affirmative head skate and a" go on got no secrets to my wife kind a way " which pushed my respect for him even further..
`And after a gaved them a short version of my story and how i ended up in their realm and what are my intentions..
`While i was entertaining my host's and ""ruler of the world couple"" by explaining myself and the reasons etc... in their home, in the same time....
On the other side of the universe, my other self or better said my second avatar always me since i can be in 256 places in the same time..
`I was accompanying my new favourite cute/sexy couple of horny Milf and lolly obachan Elves to their village . And we were preaty close to high elves village to begin whit but we were walking very slowly in order to enjoy our lil date in the middle of nature, whit Nol on my back and Lucie in my arms princes carry .And i simply loved every single second of it.
`Back on earth ,my storytelling was over ;
And i was enjoying their reactions while their faces were priceless "Polaroid time kinda precious moment" and : pity, surprised, amazed and more pity again and bafflement pity again and somehow in the middle of the story i ended up being embraced by the two of them and on.
Wow i just gaved them a water down version of my life story and they react like this . it makes me wonder how would they react to the full story..
`I guess could be worse!? you could say , but it ended well and got a long way ahead of me but I'm ready for it !".
`So the chatter continued for some time, until my host changed the topic this time he spoke about himself and his twin sister:
- Abaut their birth together as twins in the same time, baut their confusion being born from nothing whit instinctive knowledge about themselves, purpose ,limitation, about looking for this dimension for close to one million years; taking care of the human race for many thousands of years from the shadows following a preset script..
`Abaut their involvement trying to keep on the right track
`Abaut his sister
And i sensed some pain in there; plus some things were kept out like keeping them as secret which is cool since is their business after all..
`Were she built her own
And because the attachment to her children se became their [Holy-tree] which should be a provisory thing at first but it turned into a permanent job later, and beginning to decay because of too much love....motherly love...
Abaut his life ,at beginning pretty much following his sister and helping her whit and in everything, and getting afraid for her future , and leaving her when she made her choice , about returning to
Abaut some wierd encounters whit Outsiders who tried to force reincarnation some spirits here usually more frequently in the last months and keep increasing for some reason ..
And before the end of their task their first pleasant encounter whit a kind elder
I did ask some questions about the
I told them about my offer to help Claire or the current Holy-tree and her refusal .
And i got mixed reactions :from
At the end of our heart to heart talk, i felt we became very close friends and i received their blessing to stay ; it appears they decide everything together just like a family and that increased further my respect for Alexander.
They were some questions here and there but the question of century was:
`Why did you choose to abandon your own dream..!?". Which not so surprisingly come from Margaret ..
`I guess it looks like that isn't it? .. i was expecting more or less something like that, because it does look like a love story ending bad or not the way it should!".i said while looking sad and resigned..
"Sure you can sephy we are friends now". Margaret answer me whit a kind smile on her face..
~`Thanks you very much you're a very sweet woman ; Alexander it's a very fortunate man!" i said while looking at the grinning husband.
`Hmmm..! i could come whit the : "when you truly love someone you should let them go!"
i made a lil pause and kept going..
`But that's only half of the truth, the other half is.. let me put things this way.. !"
`If it were possible for me to going back to my supposed home and family what next !?
"...heloo I'm back from the death!. but I'm not really your husband and daddy isn't it !? ; or if i could return before my own death, i can lie my way into my family hearts !? ; after all I'm not the original but a splinter or a copy of it that shouldn't even remember anything to begin with?..
~"i...understand!". Margaret lowered her head whit a pale face while thinking about it this way then fear followed by some hesitation, confusion and there it goes realisation>Oo..
.....new life new name new path...
~`And finally i asked if there is a problem whit my pursuit for the elves girls..who got me an 100% approval from a smirking
And if i hade the system i would feel like losing 50 % of Margaret freshly gained affection whit a wierd out face because of what i just implied.
I guess multiple partners story is to much for her, and that reaction made me explain my mini-omnipresence and how i can exist in 256 bodys at the same time and being all of them in the same time and summoned a few of me and omg Margaret. exe . burned> crushed and died , and
...P.S Margaret affection meter raised again to 100 percent:))
`And so our meeting ended whit the blessings from the
.....I'm so in trouble.....
`So after my pleasant lil encounter whit the current [finale boss] in here. i had to abort the avatar exploration on earth whit the purpose of personality making some cash exchanging some precious ores and stones plus some shopping because.
Me on Alfheim and company arrived at their Elves Village and things got a lil hot since the girl became extremely frisky once we entered into Nol's house .
`And Yes i can multitask but for this kinda of stuff i wana be 100 % percent involved in ; especially for the first time call me fool or a old fashioned sentimental but first time is to memorable and i just want to do it properly; even if i think is a little too fast but fuck the Butterflies they can chaise someone else I'm done whit them.
`So me on Earth puffed away reuniting whit myself on Alfheim..but not before leaving a long range durable clone from exploration purposes..
...a couple of hours early....
`After going to met this dimension owner whit the help of mini-omnipresence avatar nr two, i explained to the girls more or less what is going on, and i proposed to go to their village first.
`So i approached my lil Nol and yes i already consider them mine since i have made my mind and I'm sure that is a mutual since the link early formed thingy is getting stronger whit every passing second to the point i no we feel everything and I'm not walking away from what's coming hehe i doubt it's even possible at this point enymore..
Even if i have always been a
~`I unsummoned back the bed into my inventory and approached Nol still having four pair of arms and hands which didn't disgust them but the opposite and i took ahold of her and turn her araund putting her on my back , whit her arms araund of my neck getting a welp from her while i cupped her cute petite asscheeks whit two of my hands.
`And i directed to my second target, who have eyes big like sausages , and who doesn't even wait for me to pull her but jumped directly into my arms while losing her sheet that covered her, not carrying at all about it ; and aloud me to position her in a princes carry while embracing my neck to; i pulled back the sheet and lightly covered her. And i think i hade noticed a playfull grin on her face.
So i started walking versus their village while holding both of them in my tender care knowing exactly were to go by myself and i broke the pleasant silence after a few dozen of steps. :
sephy>:- so girls did you talked whit the holy-tree by any chances?..
`And we talked about many things we could while walking slowly enjoying ourselves just like a date, since the village was very close from our first meeting point..
`I really wanted to know more about them since I genuinely care about them plus the chatting really helped us cool down a lil bit the libido..well not much really but still.
`And i learn plenty about them and their lifestyle, culture and their ways..which it is preaty simple lifestyle, because of their lifespans and conection to nature they took everything on their own slow pace at difference of humans and their frenetic lifestyle who always seemed to be in a perpetual hurry ...
`I have learn about, their conflict whit the dark elves which never made eny sense to me , yea battle for the energies produced by
`And also i learn about the members of High-Elves village and got relieved about the fact only three of them are matured and no longer asexual Elves adults and the rest are still very young after Elvish standard's and a breath in relief since i dodge a close bullet in here which meant no meaningless sex is going to happened.."I'm not into pokemon hunt".
`Nature and on but when we were close to the village :i changed the topic knowing what's going to happen once we enter inside Nol's >house, basically i explained them my true intentions and what i want from them making clear especially baut the part:
- "if we going do that then they will belong to me and all belong to them forever", and all never let them go which basically turned into a love and marriage declaration.
And the result of my declaration turned into what it seemed physical impossible in theory more attachment which looks kinda funny since our bodies are literally fussing together and the once so called calmed libido returned full force plus ultra and for a sec it must've been my imagination but for a second i noticed heart shape in their eyes.>..."gulp". butterflies come in here i got some lemons!"...
....next day....
I just wake up whit a content smile who spoke more then a thousands words,:
I felt like being reborn again ,but properly this time and experienced the flavour of what truly happiness tasted like .....Birds singing, Flowers bloomin and the Butterflies?
Well i just eaten those damm insects and taste like honey :)) and cherry .... poppp..
Im happy for more than one reason:
-first :
.....flashback.... yesterday evening.....
Before arriving at Nol's "home" When we were very close to the village , girls hands turned very frisky and faces rubbing more frantic and wet spots begin to form on clothes and Lucie sheet that barely covered her.
So inside Nol's homey adobe on a tree Elvish style . I have put down Lucie losing her cover in the process the sheet then i turned around Nol in one swift move facing my face dangerously close and gived a short peck on her lips and whisper in her long cute elf ear: (blowing air at the end.).
-"your younger sister needs preferential attention, since you made her prepare for Messiah arrival didn't you! " .
Then i took Lucie back in my arms, not bordering ourself whit loss of the sheet(she definitely wasn't bothered!) and went next room while kissing her wildly and she definitely tried to return back my affection, whit the same drive and enthusiasm : wet and clumsy needy kisses....
I opened the door and approach the bed, while continuing to make up whit my needy soon to be bride (thinking this is it ! the last step of trully leaving my past were it should be "past", and first step to my new happy brighter life living not "existing", and my only regret now is that i wish a hade a few dates first whit my "brides" because i wana treat them right, but is out of my hands and all make up to them).
Inside i just flexed a little bit of my time and space powers : by creating a bubble the size of the room, and establishing a domain, were time flow slowed down to the rate: one min to a day, and i seated myself at the edge of the bed ,making it so
She was in her birthday suit, while i was not , so it was only fair to lose my already wet clothes to, so i made them disappear, and suddenly my hard member was free from the confines of my clothes ,and found himself imprison again but happy kind of imprisonment right between
"...Ooo my god"! heavenn..and the skin to skin contact aroused me even more "gulp"... even if it seemed impossible since you know hot sexy elf-milf ready to be eaten by me.
The response of Lucie" mmmmh" a surprised moan, followed by a instant spike of arousal proved by the very: river of love juices that covered and lubricated on spot my happy and free from pants member by rubbing herself on me, using her asscheeks by pure instinct .
I was hold prisoner by her arms around my neck and her lips on mine, who were kissing me whit hunger and passion ,(i hade fo fight the urge to grow a second pair of arms and hands to caress and grab more of her godly, obscene body) .
But i refrained myself, because i wanted the first time to be a normal one no addon no abilities no extra limbs and just the two of us , three some or more would come later ,only after we had our first the way should be.
She was responding to my own hungry and greedy kisses whit clumsy but hot and wet kisses , and tongues joined in the fray and everything gone wilder "click"and "mwah" kissing sounds and lil gasping for air here and there plus the slurping our saliva...were the only sound present in the room ,while my hands were running free for exploration .....
My newly escaped from pants member now imprison and massaged by her astonishing pice of art "asscheeks" helped by my hands by squeezing them together around my boner which was giving me the time of my life but..?
Using the new contact whit the ground by using her feet ,Lucie changed the range of movements .From rubbing while sitting on my lap, now she succeeded in going up and down and the rubb zone expanded from the ass area to her red and swollen folds of her wet and hot pussy ,my member head slowly exploring new horizons....
< sephy> :-And so while thinking about next step i found a lil suden and pleasant change.. (...o..dear...mother...of god ..) my member was slowly engulfed by her very tight boiling and wet "angle of lost paradise" and she didn't stopped her descend, holding my tighter while pushing herself.
And i felt intruding and stretching her very small and very tight virgin cunt ... "Oo..so.tight.t so ..tigh.love..it.... !
And while i was lost in the sudden shift of pleasure... feeling my penis being slowly swallowed by "paradise" enjoying this sensation i have banned myself from it for a lifetime, i sadly regained myself when i felt reaching the last roadblock before the end of the line abaut to be removed forever...and totally out of trance, when she screamed a hi pinched moan caused by the suddenly descend all the way, in one push. "Aaaaaaahm" followed by the warm wet and iron smell sensations of leaking blood. and again follow by "Hah…. ah… ahh…." gasping for air.
And everything stopped, her arms lost strength because she did experienced her first orgasm by losing her virginity and i lost the warmth of her lips , when her head descended on my shoulder slightly biting me whit her opened mouth, a gentle and erotic bite followed by more squeeze on my member who reach the finally the end of line. (and i waited ,the first time for now truly woman mine required patience especially after her first orgasm) .
~One sec, two sec and few more and she lifted her face at same level of mine ,giving me a smile like no other filling me whit unmesurablle joy, making me wana spoil her madly in that moment her delicious lips, whit the help of mine.....
~And i just did that, peeking slowly and chaste first ,while at the same time moving slowly and delicately one hand on her back, caressing and treating her skin like the most precious silk.
~And we started again, the chaste kiss was turning slowly but surely in a passionate, wet and hot like we were possessed and we abandon all reason .
..."slurp" and "click" ....
~ I lifted her slowly, by her bodacious ass,
just a little and let her descend back ,geting a "wealp" in the process, and repeat it again and again, a little more up and down while never abandon the kissing, and again and again, rubbing myself inside of her.
"Ah… ah… ahh… agh…."labours breath , accomplish groans and erotic new sounds ,begin to fill the room, and fleshy slapping were the result of trying to scratch that terrible but addictive itch, who tormented and intoxicated us, never wanting to stop ever again ,and ohohoho we did continued...faster and deeper.
"Aah" (o it does feels so good) "Mhhh..!" ohh yea "aah aah".
"So good..!" Lucie said while beginning to move by herself ,"wow i love it moree"- "aah aah" slap ,slap ,slap "yeaa moreee".. her head moved back trying to breathe and scream in the same time, giving me access to her breasts, one sec it took for me to attack them.
~I begins rub my face on them first ,while keeping my thrust steady...i kissed them ,one by one, i removed one hand from her back, going for the the breast in order to help myself better, cupping and rubbing one while putting one nipple in my mouth.
"ahhh don't bite it..*ahh!* ..ahh"...the grip tighten more on my member pushing me to the limit..and when i was enjoying multiple sensation, of the wild ride and the chase of the heavenly breasts, suddenly
" fas.te..r..." "Aaaaaaaaahm! Urrrrgh!"....and it is just perfect....! ohhh so good feeling my glands being squeezed so tight while i feel my own balls getting empty whit every rope of my seed pushed deep inside Lucie baby making room.
~And she plumped down on me, knocked out ,taking me down whit her on the surface of the bed ,remaining on top of me while i was still emptying myself inside of her ,whit a content angel like smile on her face, which was filing me whit great satisfaction...
I was enjoying the after effects of our love making in a comforting silence, listening to the breath of my lovely now bride Lucie which was resting on top of me ,hugging me lightly while she was out but still under the effect of lil spasms here and there and" it felt like heaven"( said it in my mind) while caressing her back and whit my member still inside her and good to go for more, but satisfied and happy.
~Looking at
~While being lost in thought ,i felt my sweet Lucie stirred a lil and begin to wake up ; making me move my hand from the back to her long hair and continue the caress her.
~She stopped moving a few seconds, then
i felt her inside contracted a lil bit, like a jolt and stopped after, then she began to rub her face to my chest, while i was passing my fingers in her hair .
~Lucie began to lift her head and she looked at me ,whit loving eyes ,a combo of happiness ,love and adoration filed them ,who hade a heart melting effect for my now content heart ,and a lil mischievous at the end while returning her face back on my chest while putting her hands on my waist grabbing me tight and being to slightly shake her ass stimulating me in the process.
"..oho this naughty girl wants to play!" my slight smile begin to grow big .....but not only my smile did:)) well two can play this game and girl I'm very thirsty and hungry after olmost 300 years of wandering into a desert...
~And i discreetly push up my lower part by moving my hips and voila "mmmmh" the expected result i was waiting for ,so i lower my arms on her asscheeks and being to play with them...
~Before i was to caught up in the heat of the moment and couldn't respond as i would liked to but now ...
"hmm i used my elbows to lift myself up and spinning ourselves ending whit me on top this time and Lucie ended under me "welp" she cutely screamed because of sudden shift.
Lifting myself on my knees whit one hand, while grabbing her by the waist and pulling forward me in the same time whit the other hand, still remaning connected down there, her body remained on the bed(again her reaction was cute like a lil bunny about to be eaten ).
~she tried to grab me using her legs to lock herself on my waist while i opened her legs in the famous "M" position... and i just loved what i was seeing .
~And i begin to move, very slowly "mmmmh" rubbing her inside properly this time "aghh" "mmmhmmmh" ,(i noticed the difference between elf and a human woman ,Lucie doesn't have "sweet spots" every inch of her inside is a sweet spot) and i lower myself "aghh" and being to shower her whit kisses everywhere i could reach, including her elf long cute ears, and.
"Wheeeeeeee" (earning a fake protest, apparently they are very erogenous when being intimate, but reserved to the partner) and my hands were free for exploration, "Aaaaaaaaahm": finally I can touch and play those impressing heavenly mammaries or tits.
"...this round all really take my time and i just did that.
..10 min later....
"Ah… ah… ahh… agh….".if the first time lasted 5 min (i could last longer but Lucie couldn't ,no is not an excuse:p) second time lasted 10 min (better I'm the man) and the reason is :
Lucie is well ...! extremely easy to turn into "pudding" but I'm very impressed since she did just lost her "purity" and again I find myself again :"happy face time" ^enjoying the silence^ while spooning my easy to please bride...
~After a couple of minutes my cute Lucie regained herself back .And it seems she loves to cuddle a lot, well... not only cuddles since while i was well doing the standard issue spooning by holding her from behind my soldier resting between her asscheeks( love them baut the way) and my arms araund or on top...
"you know how it is big breast and hands who are holding them because...you got the point..
...the cuddle turned to sex pretty fast i might say and we tried a few new position and we worked on Lucie 'endurance' .....she is a hard working woman isn't it.
~A couple of hours later, that actually translated in :we have made sex about 10 times and every time she kinda lost consciousness whit an interesting expression on her face and ..."yeea" Lucie> got hooked up big time, it appears my cute and perfectly legal lolly -obachan Nol brought some human ^artefacts^ (porn) who helped them in expanding their horizons *Nod~nod!* .
~And the natural sex drive after abaut two thousand of years as an asexual innocent elf being ,curiosity boost from [humanity books of expanding horizons artefacts] who increased curiosity, plus : foreigner stimulation who would be
~More then two hour of sex and some cuddle, meant around ten sec outside the time bubble which meant :we hade lots of time remaining to spend together cuddling ,without ignoring Nol and her needs for to much time. (hold on sweetheart a dozen of seconds and I'm to you.).....
...back to
After Lucie and their
~After leaving her alone ,going to have their
~She was abaut to follow them ,since it olready passed to much time ; well abaut 20 second from the marriage proposal and she is an old lady after all by human standards and she must not lose more time .
And so she began to move into the direction of the master bedroom to them to get "Ahem!".. more "Ahem!" precious research information, about mating and also joining in after Lucie turn was over .
Nol was abaut to spy them using magic and tried to open the door but realised she could sense them inside, curious about it she opened the door and couldn't see what's inside ...?
~And while Nol> was lost on thoughts.. what ever was hiding them from her sight suddenly stopped and she found herself suddenly embraced by the strong hands of her naked darling...
~One second
~sephy> i was cuddling whit my beloved and now exhausted bride Lucie> who reached enlighten by Dao of nirvana after more than three hours of intense love making and sex .
~And everything finally made sense, even if things started in a hentai way, i didn't want to end doing same thing like that protagonist
~in the words of my preferate hobbit boy
But I'm not going to manipulate or force them that's not the life i want ..since I want us to live a genuine and happy life just us ,me and my family my wife's and our future children, the way should be, simple and happy .
And I know i can do it we can make it happen since it easy actually just treat well your love ones and take care of them, the proper way.
~Anyone in my shoes would be : simply the luckiest man alive for the opportunity of having them.....
The cuddling time was heavenly and i was enjoying every single second of it and it seemed
~~a few h later ~~
~Suden movement > followed by some weight on top of me ,awaken me Lucie was hugging me ,while running her face on my chest and neck ,while still connected in the nether zone.(and got to say and admit it's so addictive)...
~Noticing> I'm awake and I was admiring her while caressing her long hair who covered us like a silky sheet and sometimes her long ears who now didn't seem too bother her to much like before( apart from lil shivers).
~She approach my face and kissed my lips, while i was lost in her newly
~After some affectionate exchange of cuddle, we talked about what happened and how much we enjoyed ourselves, then about the future about what's next.....(we stopped the love making, because a lil discomfort from Lucie privates she was wild after all).
sephy >:-Yes love..!?
Lucie>:-As much all hate to interrupt our happy time.(she said whit closed eyes , while thinking about something).
Then she spoke about the burdens as a village-elder and the hardship Nol gota face every day while i was listening quietly....
Lucie > :-You should go soon and find, my big sister Nol now she is waiting you by sometime already...And she needs you to maybe more than i did ...
sephy>:- you should not worry my sweet and beautiful bride .(I said while caressing her back. ).....
Actually ...! from the moment we left her alone until now, it only passed half of minute ,
(I hade to explain to her, while cuddling about what i did whit my domain and time flow)....
And after clean ourselves ,whit some spa kind big bubble of warm water and getting some food to eat ,from my olready cooked and preserved food stored in my inventory and some well needed rehydration, i was kicked out the bed because Lucie wanted to sleep and rest since she was a lil tired and sore:)))
we kissed one more time and wished me a good time whit i quote : my big and horny sister:))).