Ch 5: The hell whit the butterflys all eat those with some lemons! finale

...More or less 30 minutes before the tentacle show...


Right before assaulting my almost exhausted "lil lambs brides who dared to bullie me out of my Zen Dream" ; i contemplated for a second or two abaut telling them or not the news of my morning catch or about : their new sister Eve and my so called lil innocent trip or adventure inside the enemy Dark Elves base .

But i reconsider it because we still got more or less 20 min to half hour before arriving in there ; since I'm taking my sweet time with Eve to reach there ; And since they are not so totally out of commission "yettt.. !"

I just summoned a second me not a clone but always me whit the help of my so called miniomnipresence ; And started my 3 steps wife bullying program.... :


First step: `Divide and Conquer` by separating them , got Nol at the edge of the bed and Lucie the other side .


Second step : `Pudding~Time` : by teasing their Elvish sensitive ears who're the best erogenous spot of Elves when attacked only by their mate ; and the response which was instant didn't failed to impress me .

"...Kyaaaa" ! "A laud and for sure fake protest in the background . From kisses and liking their "ears" while i fondled their breasts and rubbed their clitoris ; and when they were more than ready.


Got to third step and finall : `Bon Appetite for me time`: I turned and put Nol on my lap reversed holding her from behind : (i used 4 arms and hands on Nol to keep her on place and play her like a guitar).

I have raised her from behind using one of my left side hands on her waist, and my second left hand i used it to rub her wet and swollen folds of her "honey cup" ; one hand on her right breast and the last one > i used it to hold and turn her face for kisses while positioning her on top of my erection and slowly letting her sit on it getting her tight cunt penetrated slowly while kissing and yup i just literally manhandled "Aaah" Nol .

"So good aah yea mmmmh ~ mmmhmmh!"


And Lucie once at the other side of the bed, but still on top of her but not for long; i turned her around put her on "all fours" and begin to play with her asscheeks like "PLAY DOH" sinking my fingers on them, rubbing and changing their shape, kissing them and since my seed gets absorbed in a few sec without trace and outside of my "partner body" it will simply evaporate ; i begin to return the early favour by a slow culingus from behind, "Mmmmh !" while playing with her ass ; Lucie turned her head to see me hidden behind her huge ass.

"Ahhh! : one finger down on her vulva "ahhh !" my tongue inside "Aaaa !" and sec hand on her right asscheek "rub~rub"and "mmmhmmh! "


And Nol" ahhh !" ahhh !"piak~piak" while making her jump up and down like a basketball increasing the speed of my thrust faster and deeper "ahhh.!"


And since Lucie was very close to her big orgasm ; i stopped the "oral ministrations" stand up and in one swift movement i pushed my member all the way in one smoth move before she could even protest abaut stopping my abuse.

"..Yeaah..!" and started to pound her into oblivion while groping her breasts with both hands from behind and play with them wildly .

"...Lucie :" Ah… ah… ahh…!" yes more yes "agh…!."so deep... Ahhh... ! ...I'm... Ahhh..!" ahhh..!" ..I'm..!..i..comingggg..!"...

~ And Nol's insides too begin to contracted to And i started to speed up.. "Ah… ah… ahh…!".. o yea Nol " agh….ahhh..!" fasterrrr..!aaaah..!" "comingg..ahhhhhhhhoooooo!" .

Lucie "Aaaaaargh! " and i emptied myself whit a grunt while twitching ; And man the double ejaculation in the same time was soo intense I'm definitely going to do it more often. "Hurrrrgh. !" and I'm done for now..and so all three of us come in same time .

....few min later.....

"Girls!"~i said few min later after getting back our breath or better said their breath since i can literally live whitdout even breathing but i definitely love to ;so i helped them reposition themselves better by flanking me from both sides while i was holding them in my arms whit exhausted but very content and happy look on our faces . I absorbed my sec self looked at them and start to speak .


"Got some news!"~i spoke while doing the impossible task of looking at both of them in the same time hehe , so i just took their heads and put them on my chest and started to tell them about my lil morning adventure on fantasy lands of Alfheim .


From waiting Eve arrival, because i knew she would come to warn Nol about the Dark Elves trio invasion ; about my so called kidnapping and rape attempt plan, getting some really wierd "giggles" from Nol and a preoccupied body squeeze at first but soon turned into a dry laugh at the end from Lucie.


Surprisingly when Eve come into the picture ; There was no negative comments about her" probably the coming to warning them part , played a big role in it"


And when i made my intention clear baut making her their new sister all i got from them was a "humming" positive nod in acceptance, like it was an obvious thing to do from each one of them for different reasons, which i didn't even bother to comprehend ; but being like opend books :

Nol's probably was thinking abaut solidifying the pace by taking Eve as my bride; and Lucie simply appreciating Eve character.

But i got a feeling Nol was definitely scheming something since it was a gut feeling.


And "hehe!" and hell brake luse when i begin on telling them abaut what i just did "2 min ago" at Dark Elves Fortress ; Were i literally just tentacle assault and imprison the entire Dark Elves Race and I'm taking them to meet our new friends for "nice willingly pace talks".


"...Tentacles like those from human books!?" Lucie said while turning around to look on my eyes very excited and expectantly for a positive response ; and from everething that happened that's the only this she's interested in!?.

"Well Wow just wow that's just cool ; hahaha never chang Lucie hahaha never do!" ~ while she gives me cute but confused look.

Nol"Giggle" while Lucie pouts cutely at us.

"Don't be a meanie !" A fake angry Lucie said looking more sweet than threatening while i was kissing her forehead.


Sephy "Ok here is my plan!" i started to explain as we cleaned ourselves fast and yea dress up while giving them all the details also fast about their help; some questions here and there ; and yes Lucie did brought back "the tentacle thingy" again and i rubbed my temples for the first time in my new life.

"Damm i think i just scrued myself whit that!" while mentality panicking about that since I'm not into wierd stuff


>>>Back to the Fortress Of The Dark Elves.


Sephy"Oky sweety show it's about to begin!"~ i started to explain Eve what's to come by speaking directly to her mind so she doesn't panic or something.

Eve ~ "Eeeee..! Master is that you!" and my exe. was forcibly shouted down ; while i was mumbling.

"Master I'm a Master now, what the hell i don't wana be a "Master, I wana be hubby, darling and on ; getting confused look from sweet lil innocent Eve.

Sephy"Nevermind!" ~ i said while shaking my head and continued by saying.

"...Oky guest in coming ; >>"puff!" ~ and a new me hugging Nol and Lucie comes into the picture ~ obviously getting all the attention and more aggressive and very preucupate looks on my prisoner's faces .

Misery face literally turned dark skinned like most of hers sibling ; Delva looks resigned ; Elda is hmm acting strange ; And the rest of the Dark Elves or the lil ones how i like to call them they are unusual calm hmm strange like having Tarzan fun on the trees or something.

A smiling Lucie approached Eve who was looking worried but soon calmed down and smiled to her back .

"...Little sister Eve nice to meet you! ; as our new "bride sister" and took hold of Eve by hugging her .

And Eve face was precious when she was mechanical responding back to Lucie questions and the sudden hug , then they separate and Lucie dragged Eve for girls talk, no longer seemed to be interested in the tentacle show anymore or for now.

"Well heloo in there neighbor's!" ~ a giggling Nol was addressing to my bondaged victims .

"...Giggling .."long time not seen and i see you girls meet our mate and husband and you are enjoying yourself quite a lot" hehehe!" ~ whit covered mouth obachan style while having fun from seeing the reactions of the gagged and bounded struggling Dark Elves in the air .


Nol"But enough about that!" hitting her stave on the ground to get their attention ; while her playfulness face gone replaced by a serious one .

"We need to talk! ~ i got a message from our beloved mother" ~ and that got their full and undivided attention .

"...And before eny doubts about it or accusation pointed as lies you elders can testify and confirm : that i never lie abaut something like this or lie in general..!".


I ungagged and lower them so they could communicate between themselves ; and continued.

"...Our mother decided to entrust this world and us to our husband!"~ she paused and look araund then continued. .

"...For some of us husband and "Master" for everyone else as mother decided before going to eternal slumber !" And here we come to wierd out expression area , including getting a deadpan from me while i mumble :

"...I hated being called a "Master!" which got me a sly and playful look from her ; damm she got me big time back in there ; But after our lil game, she became serious again and signed me to release them .

Sephy"im going to release your all, but I'm warning you to behave or else > i cloaked myself a very threatening shape similar to [Susanoo x Kurama]> mini version ; and i felt like crap because it felt like bullying them especially when their face colour begin to drain ; Damm that was not my intention. And so after a few sec of looking at them i gentle lay them down and released from their confinement .


I unsummoned my [vines-roots] letting them be absorbed into the soil and approach together whit my girls , well more like flanked from both sides by Nol and now both free from girl talk Eve and Lucie who eyes were lingering on the absorbed plant-roots or zaa tentacleszz .


After getting back their bearings my lil Dark Elves stayed on their guard while been in a confused state of mind . But Delva begin a good Leader calmed them down especially Misery who got her magic and "Artefact Stave" back and Elda was!?.

Well Elda was uncharacteristic behaving , i was really expecting her to lash out on us or me for the fact especially ; but she was very very tame and .. girlish looking, shy and omg it's she blushing..omg... soooo cutee..!!?.


And then : i mokuton again a big table and seats getting their guard up fast but when concluded a breath of relief was heard and we all sit down after filling the table whit hundreds of beverages and all kinds of cookies from Earth .

When we began to make ourselves comfortable i got in trouble since my three companions, wanted to stay very close or better said on my lap ; So since there was only two of me and three of my girls i summoned one more me and fixing everything by making them accommodate in my newly baked laps and all that right under the dumbfounded looks of the Dark Elves whose eyes were so uncharacteristically big right now.


And soon the awkward and tense situation shifted into a : Precious Kodak moments to be cached on film while we began to talk and socialize .


And call me a social awkward or a social inept person ; but i kinda got of intimidated by all this .The happy smiling faces of Eve and Lucie contrasting Nol's 10 second of serious for now attitude ; And when we began to talk

Delva had the "I wana look tough look but I'm failing because I'm a lil insecure right now" aaand her lil favourite sis Eve was "lovey dovey whit me look ;

Misery" ill eat you up and make you take responsibility for making me feel this way!" and for the first time in the history she ignored Nol's presence which never happened before like ever ;

And Elda was!? i would really love to say been Elda but she was not a muscles brain right now but..!? : more like cute and unusual shy plus tomboy but not Tsundere either ; hell it's so confusing kinda look .


And i hade to shut down my olfactory senses because of so very much pheromone and arousal in da air ; from multiple directions in the same time.

And when i started to celebrate thanking creation or heaven for the fact that the others or the lil ones are like puppies and still asexual since having an small exotic and erotic small army on your ass can be very be nevermind....

But wait i freaking celebrate way to soon because whit the excuse of making herself more comfortable on my lap while having a poker face Nol and by very good and creative use of magic literally melted my crotch area garments followed by a very fast catching and stroking of my member right under my incredulous and panicking expression and a few seconds later when my rod was pointing up in the sky Nol impaled herself while maintaining a very dignified and very village leader like kinda of imagine .

"..Craps tanks creation that i frozen time around us at first and i casted an illusion for cover up later when i resume time flow ; And so no one noticed or suspected anything well apart a big eye Lucie who i think she's got it .

And here comes my tormented Pace talks:


The first part was whit all 11 Dark Elves who composed their village Eve included they all heard the short version of who I'm, and their Mother Holy-Tree decision and got no proper adjectives to describe the emotional cocktail found in there .


And the final part of talks were without the seven young asexual members of Dark Elves Kind, who went away looking kindalike lost puppies, while carrying many sweets and beverages whit them but not sad.


And soone we got to the part were we need to : Bury the Hatchet ; and learn to live and coexisting together in pace and harmony whitdout eny form of conflict under my direct supervision since they became now my responsibility ; which was somehow hard on me since my lolly-obachan on my lap was making things very hard on me .


And finally an aperantly alrigh me on the surface but not so much under, who begin to explain whit a straight face my plans on relocation and combining of both villages into a new in the near future no more High or Dark just Elves village .


And soon as i finished my reasoning in my unreasonable situation ; i froze time apart for me and Nol only, i bend Nol on the table and i pounded her for more than 10 minutes whit supersonic speeds until i was both satisfied and avenged .

And once Nol was online again, i decided to leave with my three brides, giving some time to digest this life changing crazy day events info and decisions to the now more relaxed leading trio of the Dark Elves Race ..P.S use you imagination for the expression , reactions and turmoil of those lil lambs or puppies was it! ; since i wasn't Bichy Yuichi to be pushed as they pleased .


And so we are home again, joined by my new bride Eve after many minutes of embracing Delva while assuring that "Everything will be alright" but getting jealous looks from Misery and Elda and the lil ones; "Hmm strange why the lil ones act that way hmm nevermind! ".


"...Have i ever mentioned how much i just love the feeling of being crushed to death by the almighty breasts of hehe Lucie and Eve, and got the feeling the [Old Allied Task Force] reformed now whit the new member added will do their best to crush "the enemy" and subject of their bullying which is "Me" .

>>by the way. "Cuz..I'm..happy.. come along! " Pharrell again...


Right now I'm alone whit Nol in the "Master bedroom" were we are talking about very Important Matters of Elvish race survival while Nol's sitting on my lap in a very serious and old fashion manner while rubbing herself on me or my everlasting boner...very...important matters indeed.


Lucie took the unwilling to separate Eve outside the room for what she said more "girls talk" ; and me and Nol are ahem talking baut today's matter and our new neighbor's thing plus she just thrown in a matter of "race survival" by letting me know a certain lil " Tsundere princess" called Firis needs to be presented and well in poor words : i need to knock her up" by doing the"discovery channel" thingy called "mating" .

"...Oh man : i just seriously hate my life sometimes .. NOTT !" :))

And ofc she just had to leave me alone just like that : "like tent in da pants" that lil..




Once upon a time, there was a little boy , who was daydreaming abaut the future especially after a certain event.

You see ! the lil boy hade a big secret : he has seen by mistake something he shouldn't see in the first place and that was his dady being bullied by his mumy, which was a very traumatizing experience to say ; but dady was having so much fun under his mumy, who seemed to be screaming dady name, in low restrain but happy voice while riding his dad sweat and...

And the lil boy grew up whit a big healthy curiosity of female body anatomy, his very first "precious toy" was not your every day "superhero action figure" or the precious "cowboy gun" but it was a "girl doll" > gifted by dad on his birthday ;

Why!? ~ because everytime the kid was gone missing, he would be find watching "dolls" on the window shoop of "toys store"and....

And so a 7 years boy today got an earfull from momy because he was caught under the bed sheet whit a lil girl of his age but while getting lectured by his mother he didn't miss his father's eyes filled whit a proud glint...

At the age of 13 years old the boy turned into a man while lucky girl was 16 and ; and boy did he had the time of his life that day or what!.. ;

Got married at 19 but divorced at 24 and escaped from home ; married again at the age of 26 but this time was a happy one were life was so good that it hoped never to end...

But it did ended by death...

And so after more than 250 years plus an unidentified period of time who can be literally between a few months to millions of years the boy now truly a man was lost on memory lane while resting alone in Nol's Master bedroom.

"...This is confusing a man again twice! once in my old life ..! ~ that doesn't count ; or twice because i lost twice my virginity yesterday night.. And it's so confusing !?"..regaining his bearings back it begin to think about "present time" and the unexpected changes in his new life .

"...Who, were ,well? but at least I'm no longer feeling lost! ". breathing in relief.

"..Hmm..! Isekai Daydreaming i said out loud and began to think about it.


Before in theory when i was a hard core Otaku i dream about what I'm experiencing right now; but now was well..! ; Well Anime, Manga and so it's freaking mind blowing and confusing .


"...Wow"! just "wow"! brainstorming time :

~ In my past life I would love a joyride into multiple worlds if i hade the opportunity only as a batchelor .... .

~ I would be blowing my brain out about what girls i would choose to court and make her or them mine, from a impossible huge list of perfect girls-women if i hade multiverse travel option. .

~ But ofc "Pokemon collection" is a No~no since it's an impossible dream to begin whit ; because trying to genuinely live a happy life whit more then a girl-woman it's unrealistic in the first place ; only in special circumstances you can make it happen like twins or sisters friends who want to marry the same man or something like that; And that if you succeed choose from a huge list of "gorgeous girls" , maybe 2 or 3 max in special circumstances only.. !?

~ But knowing myself in a normal situation i would: probably ended whit one wife > for the rest of my life and lived happy ever after or tried to while going to other words adventuring in normal conditions; But here and now I'm already married whit two gorgeous brides and I'm about to make Eve my third and got the feeling that Firis is very soon as the fourth > and yea don't forget about Delva, Misery and Elda man my old self would have an aneurysm..

" wife's....sweet mother of... ! oh man ~ i said while removing laugh tears from my eyes .

"..Pfff... ! : I'm moving a lil to fast ain't i ! ; well to fast for my tastes !" ; ~ Since no dates, no time to better know each other ; knowing their story more or less doesn't count isn't it ; hell i like watched the hentai once and never did it again.

~ So the whole ten yards dates and courting and getting to know ourselves better it's out of question since ....

"Yeapp Elves in heat kinda ruining the whole courtship deal thingy!".

~ At least i have my [miniomnipresence] who makes me be in 256 places whit 256 bodys or living 256 lives at once at the same time ;

plus the "seven mature no longer asexual Elves" ..

"..I'm scrued ain't i !.? ; not that I'm complaing about it ; it's just that they are going to rape me if im going to ignore their obvious body craving ; especially after meeting a human male for the first time and activating their so called no longer asexual .....instincts....

~`well how do they say no point crying about spilled milk except for breastmilk.. !". and yet while thinking about all that my smile never left my face.


While he was lost in my so called "existential debate" the Master bedroom door was opened and the figure of a beautiful silver haired girl sneak in > dress in well : -if you would be a married man and you wife would come in your bedroom dressed like this > you would get an instant boner and an "anime nose bleed"...and here in this world it's simply described as "casual wear or every day wear" it!?".


I noticed Eve entering "shyly" into the bedroom and getting close to me , while i was sitting on my back at the edge of the bed whit my feet on the ground .She laid on her knees, near my legs and began to declared her "oath or her pledge" to me while she started to undress me > my pants first while I was dumbfounded and rooted in my place .

And the reason !? I'm conflicted it's : FIRST i want her, or better said; i want her in my life and to make her happy; not wanting to change anything abaut her, because i love her the way she is .

SECONDLY I'm not found of submissive master and servant acts , because it feels like "violating" and also "hmm" I'm a giver and less of a "taker" and it's kind of conflicts whit everything baut what I'm and what I want.....


Sephy> i just let out the air i didn't even knew i was holding inside my lungs and before Eve was about to take my penis in her hand... i embraced her lifted her face by her chin slowly ....and looked into her eyes genuine smiling at her > and kissed her gentle taking all the time we needed while > whispering inside her mind my "eternal oath" to her ....

I Sephyross> take you Evelyn Celebrìan or Eve Ross for now on as my "bride" forever and eternal as my "equal" and promise to> love and to care about you. Make your heart beat beautiful and fast, fill your stomach whit butterflies and your belly if you wish whit many babies and never forget or ignore you for eternity..

"Do yo accept it my beloved bride..?".


Evelyn> " i froze first.. my chosen one interrupted my pledge ...but next he kissed me and made his own pledge to me asking me if i accept? i.i.tears falling from my eyes to my my cheeks but they were no tears of pain or sadness>.

"I accept my beloved husband !" Eve Ross it sounds so good.


Sephy> after she stopped kissing me, time seemed to stop frozen and "...I accept...! my "Beloved Husband" and theat beautiful smile turned from beautiful "shining Moon" to a "blinding Sun".....

And so i begin to cover Eve with kisses on het face slowly and gentle ; but even if Eve wouldn't voice it out because how she was made ; i did noticed in her eyes the more than just "Hunger" she was in "Heat" and i kicked myself for trying to treat her like a normal human being

And i complied to her needs by getting seriously while beginning to suck her lips, insert my tongue in search out for hers, when we stopped for air: i would end the kiss by biting her lower lip and start again while i slowly undressed ourself the old fashioned way. cheating.....

A min later: we were naked on bed with me on top of her: raining kisses everywhere i could reach on her neck, above her breasts returning every time back to her lips while playing her body like a guitar, her legs were already hugging my waist, trying to keep me in place afraid that i would leave and squeezing to the point of feeling our bodies fussing as one together. Her ears are sensitive so i begin to caress them first and ending whit kisses on them , i took a lil time to do what was reserved to her Mate only. And her eyes were content filled whit joy surrendered to my will . Sometimes an "ahhh" and "mmmh" escape from her mouth while she tried covering her mouth timidly ; And so we pushed forward since she was more than ready to begin with so i begin to lower my kisses again : nek area, breasts and nipples, abdomen .The mix of voluptuous and slight muscle excited me and finally > im between her thick tights kissing them while my hand were squeezing her asscheeks were i could reach and slowly approach he beautiful vagina and caressed it with my lips > kissing and slowly licking teasing her catching her between my lips ; and the increasing grip of her legs on neck and shoulders begin to pull me in closer , while rubbing and gently sucking her insides . And she was done > the sweetest moan followed by a hi pinched scream as she could make.

"Aaaaaaaaahm !" love juices splashed on my face > which i just welcomed them happy not a drop to be wasted "slurp!" they tasted like wild honey "slurp"!.

~ I gentle released myself from her legs grip

i clean my face whit my hand and resume my kisses and rubbing my face up to her belly, feeling the first orgasm after effect linger on her muscles contracting and relaxing, i tasted the sweat of her belly button licking my way under her breasts and on > licking and kissing her nipples one by one ending whit a gentle bite getting.

"Ahhh" ! > a loud and satisfying "whimper" from Eve and so we ended face to face again while rubbing the glands of my member on her long time ready dripping wet and warm folds of her vagina and.

~ No words were necessary : a kiss while our lips were soone joined by our tongues while releasing my penis from my hand inserting it slowly at beginning and one push all the way "Aaaaaaaaahm" ! ...just perfect.

One swift move and we united in both places in the same time ; We calmed our breathing whit sweet smiles on our face and eyes; who were making promises for tender love .

And so i moved a lil bit back and straight forward "ahhh!" and again "ahhh!" and a lil faster and deeper and more intense while : our eye contact never stopped and moved more wildly, faster enjoying the feeling of being connected together > so deep and lost the count of time lost in our passion and after a few minutes there it is...! .

The vice grip of Eve insides on my throbbing member buried deep inside of the deepest part of Eve ; and the contracting muscles of her tight vagina .

And Holy Mother of Elves . "ahhh"!...."Aaaaa"! "Aaaaaaaaahm"! .

I can feel my seed invading her warm wet inside > who squeeze me so pleasant while i shoot rope after rope of my seed .

"Ahhh..! gu.d.d.. ! so.. very goodd.. ! i said while resting my face and lips > on the crook of her neck gentle hugging ourselve feeling so good and lost "in paradise!" .

~I got the feeling tonight love making will be very long and hell that I'm complaing .


Outside the room, my two naughty and perpetual horny brides plus a newcomer named Firis were: listening our love making ; which i noticed them when I was about to start round two whit Eve ; well more like she decided to go on top of me Quoting her to please her husband and mast.. something since it was her duty as a bride and maid and again something about masta... nah i must a hear it rong; well she did say all that while riding me and rubbing her underbelly above her genital area were a strange shiny tattoo was forming saying something about eternal marriage even if we reincarnated again .

"...Marriage i love the sound of that!". even if it did scared me a lil bit ; but Elves dont really make eny sense enyway. So I'll live to tell the story.


While Nol and Lucie were exchanging playfull looks who seemed to promise just one thing : and that was more bullying on poor and innocent, defenceless lil me ; But i didn't give them more time for their schemes since before they even had the chanse to enter three lil new me suddenly emerged from the floor catching them by surprise ; one gently embraced Lucie from behind who instinctively defended herself by fighting back using her own ass ; And i must say that was just good strategic thinking ,since those are truly weapons of mass destruction after all.

And my sweet Nol ; let's just say she ended on my shoulders ; in what i intended to be a normal and innocent posture who somehow for some mysterious reasons turned into a very explicit and compromising position: because my mouth ended up touching her nonexistent underwear.

Yeaa picture that my poor, lil, innocent, lolly Nol who got so ticklish from my breath while she would keep me prisoner between her tights ; "obviously because she was afraid to fall right!". Sureee let's just pretend that's how it's . Definitely not a freaking plot armor or something like my pervi loly's doing.


And the newcomer Firis who was behind Nol and Lucie almost summoned her weapons first when she noticed me emerge from the floor, but soone relaxed and enjoyed the show whit big eyes and a tomato red face ; amazed by seeing Nol's very rare and girlish behaviour while screaming and Lucie scared at beginning and giggling after while saying :

" See big sister our husband never forget for a second about us hehehe..!" ~ "boing" boing!" asscheeks sounds in da background.


I took Nol seated on my shoulders and Lucie bridal style and left not waiting for eny explanation to be done in here ; not because i was enbarest or something like that.

I got Nol and Lucie in separated rooms and made the "proper redo of our first time" by giving them to my "unique oath" of marriage who ended whit happy tears and let say hugs. But strangely when i arrived at the stage of filling their belly's whit babies of the oath they seemed happier for some reason?? strange !. But who I'm to judge them and their ways ; ending bullied again were Nol was particularly more aggressive than ever.

...and !?


And so leaving my last "Me" alone in a awkward silence whit the Tsundere silver hair princess.

And for the first time in my life i felt a sudden urge to scratch my head "anime stile" ; but i was saved by the introduction of the third no longer asexual High Elf and last mature member of Highs Elves Race and very soon to be my wife.

"Cool.. !" ~ isn't it how things work out ,no dates, no strange struggles just like in anime hentai".

"...My name is Firis of the house of Hagerhelm" she said in a aristocratic and dignified manner while turning her head to the left just after looking at me for a second whit an oblivious blush on her face.

Yeaa a genuine "Tsundere princess" we got in here.


Like most Elves she was more or less a head shorter than me ; only Elda made the exception by reaching my nose whit her forehead ; and if i might say she's strangely very similar to Eve and Grayfia Lucifuge but more of a childish vers of it.

Whit red eyes, long pointy ears, smal nose, cute lips and Firis silver hair tied into two pigtails who reaches down her knees whit neon blue tips at the end forming two bangs reaching her chin.

Her body hehe same Succubus story, huge breast, bodecius ass whit thick long tights and legs; overall something found only in fantasy.

Dressed up!? ; well who are we kidding, more than usual but still naked i mean covered a lot but the rong place leggings arms and some of the privates ; you got the point.

And the attitude? "hehe!" cute actually: let me elaborate more on that: an aristocratic 1200 years old tsundere whit superior attitude normally when she dealt whit the young ones; but appearances can be deceiving since Firis is in reality very shy and kind ; she's just a lil sterne considering Dark and High Elves history .


"it's a pleasure to meet and make your acquaintance Firis ~ Is there a chance you'll allow me the great pleasure of joining me as my "host and guide" in exploration of your lovely Village; Because even arrived here by a day , I never actually had the opportunity to visit it...!" i asked her while i looked into her eyes smiling ; feeling amused by her reaction and that cute increasing red hue on her cheeks while she was thinking really hard about something in particular.


Sephy "And i would love to know more about you, considering our future together, so we can take this like a date!" And so the silence that accompanied us was broken by the :

"...Yessss" from the room were Lucie was followed by Nol's "Ahhhhhhhh!" yes more hubby!".


And Firis's face begin to change colour ; well more like gradually becoming more red up to the ears and only smoke was missing for the anime theme.

And she accepted the hand i have offered and went out for some "fresh air" yea for fresh air definitely.. "hehe" i was struggling not to laugh abaut this situation.


...How dis we just ended like this !?"...


I meant Firis rubbing herself on the tent formed on my pants, while I'm cupping her her humongous breast from behind her and have inserted one finger or maybe two deep inside her wet cunt!?.

Well in my defence she's the one who made me do it."Nod~nod!"

....well it all started.....

Well you see left alone whit one hot and horny lil elf called Firis which in a normal situation would be a very bad idea ; because she was reeking with lust and i was already reaching my limits by having sex and love whit my current three wives in the same time (and 3 in the same time are my current limit because of "senses overload" and if more join and all become a "fast shooter" and i don't mean the Counter Strike type).


So it hits me "a date" and i never actually got to visit the village and i know nothing about it . And she can make a good guide and host. And that is what we just did, but there was not much to visit to begin with.

"...Here is Milis home and that's Lucie place , village hall and that's where i live while turning her head sideways whit a burning red face which reached her ears to.

"Cough~ cough!" here is bla and here it's bla bla more and

"I'm I'm scrued ain't i !? ".


Ok there is no escaping it so let's play along. First i excuse myself for a few seconds and i do the [Time-space Domain] thingy back at Nol's place translated in : After a few hours of making sex-love Nol it's finally out but still on top of of me while clutching my penis so hard inside of her , unable to bully me by waking me rudely from my Zen~Dream next day.

" by being K.O "huray my win.. !".


Eve it's on my left side looking cute while drooling on my chest ; and another anime bucket list thingy ; while mumbling in her sleep something about precious master and beloved husband .

"I think I'm must heard it rong definitely rong no doubt about it!".


Lucie on my right side holding my arm tightly between her breasts while sleeping whit an innocent smile on her face; but dont let that innocent smile fool you, because under the appearance of that innocent smile, there is very hungry predator like a fox rdy to devour and try to dry me out, not that I'm complain baut it just saying it.

And since all three are out in the dream world.

preaty much tucked in one bed sleeping exhausted hugging themselves while all be out a few minutes...brb..

...back at .....

I have returned to Firis after one min and accepted her invitation to her place, under the excuse "wink~wink" of seeing the so called : Authentic, Ancient, Legacy, Ceremony, Elvish Iitems, and her personal weapons collection too. Which it's translated in :

Trick me to enter her home, were she can seduce and have her ways while taking advantage of poor lil defenceless me "nod, nod!"

'And the things i gota do for my Alfheim "nod, nod!"

Well after a good dose of teasing from her by picking items slowly using strange poses like hmm : imagine a hot milf elf olmost naked going on "all fours" to pick bla, bla items plus red ears and cheeks plus a very visible dump wet crouch equal a hot show.


Firis sensing that the seduction involved aka following the teaching of elder Nol from [The Great Book Artefact of Knowledge from Human race] : aka doing sexy position while presenting Elves culture dressed well you get the point.


And now payback time from me , it all started while Firis took one wierd vase made of wood used in a Holy-tree annual ceremony.

I approached her from behind and hugged her while i put my chin on her right shoulder holding her by the waist while looking very interested abaut the object she was showing me.


"So how did i ended this way!?" well plot armour kicked in and .. nah just fool luck since I'm here on Alfheim right.

It appears that my sudden hug followed by hold on waist who was more like undeboobs resulted in pushing her ass on my erection .

" So Firis" i say in her ear while brushing my lips delicately .

Firis "Hmmm" ! "shivering " not able of vocalising anything else from this point on.

"I loved the presentation" ! i said to her while caressing her flat slight muscular stomach whit one hand.

" And the date !" while rubbing my face on hers.

" Hmmm" ! Firis said again enjoying my intimate attention .

" But you didn't invite me for all that did you !?".


Firis feeling his hot breath brushing her skin made her knees softer, it didn't help the fact he touched her "sensitive ears" and feeling his manly member poking her from behind even if it was under the soft material of his clothes . But the last drop was the gentle caress which started from under her breasts which was slowly going down, brushing her "ass" and reaching the external part of her tight and the sudden sneak between her legs were he used his fingers to pick up and collect her love juices who were running wild down her legs

And the cherry in the top was showing it to her at first and licking it and after ; and she was literally down falling on her knees still embraced by her future man when she lost strength in her knees but she was hold by the two strong manly hands, keeping her from falling down ending in a very compromising position were she was at his mercy which she didn't dislike it at all.

Firis" ! i said while cupping one of her breasts whit one of my hands while my second one reached her crotch .

"Yeass!"~ she answered while i was rubbing the folds and clit of her vagina.

"We should move to bed for better comfort" ! i said to her while playing whit her nipple and clitoris.

"Ahhh!"~but she didn't respond but pushed her bump further back.

"Ahhh!"~ and increased the speed of the rubbing .


So since it went on like this were Firis showed no intention of moving from the spot ; ans since rubbing myself like this didn't cut it out for me .

I begin to undress myself by lowering my pants and releasing my throbbing penis ; than whit the hand that i was using to tease her "clit" i position my member glands between Firis wet folds of her swollen vagina rubbing my penis gland this time on her crotch while i play with her breasts.


"Ahhh!" ~Put it in i want it impregnate me!" Firis said while turning her face my direction for the first time since I embraced her.

"Gulp!"~ i respond by biting gently her "ear", making her whole body tremble and arch back "ahhhhhhhh"! and i took advantage of the shift by helping myself further with both hands putting her on "all fours" admiring her one sec the roundness of her ass and her breasts swinging 'gulp!"


"Are you ready Firis!?~ i asked in her ear from behind.

" Yess!" ~simple but good for me.

So i moved away the bikini fabric that was covering her crotch area and approach it whit my face and give a lick while cupping her generous asscheeks .

"Aaaaah !"..but seeing Firis was more than ready hell she was more than ready from beginning ; so i started by lubricating my own member gland and watched amazed how my member gland was stretching her swollen lips and how my entire length was slowly disappearing inside her followed by a . "Aaaaghhhh !" ~ a satisfying grunt and a lil stream of blood going out by piercing her vagina all the way reaching Firis cervix.

"Aaaaaahmm!"~she screamed and i just stopped in order to savour this moment "Mmmhmmh.. !" the view from were i stand is so exciting since I'm completely buried deep inside of her from behind while Firis it's on her knees, whit her ass up and head down on the floor and my both hands are on her asscheeks "Oooohhh!" ~ i can't stop myself so i begin to pound her "Ahhh"! again "Ahhh"! and again faster "Ahhh..i reach for her breasts Ohhhh..!" and never stopped the pounding until her insides decided to tighten even more in order to hold me prisoner inside her but feeling my own throbbing member i speed up my thrust and we came together hard ~ "Hah…. ah… ahh…."! AAaarghhhhh... !" i could feel my seed invading her baby making chamber while i was throbbing and Firis was twitching while i was embracing her from behind. And so after a few minutes of pleasant silence were we enjoying the after effect of our first time she proved again of being an Elf by pure hornyness just like the rest of my Elvish brides

Firis was not satisfied with just once and when she regained her bearings she mount me, this time whit a "tsundere" attitude while requesting my full attention.

I caressed her cute face while looking in her eyes whit love and tenderness which intimidated her approached her face and began to kiss her slowly and tenderly while whispering sweet words who made her melt under my attention. I separated from her giving her just the space she needed to do what she pleased . Firis shyly captured my penis whit both of her hands being amazed about the look of it and began to rubb it against her folds and suddenly like a flip switch she turned very erotic leaving her shyness and Tsundere behaviour behind.

Firis looked into my eyes whit love while slowly buried my member inside her hot vagina.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" So gud !" she exclaimed pushing her head back while arching her back in the same time enjoying her first small orgasm from the penetration. Only after a few seconds she began to move slowly up and down while trembling and again looking into my eyes. I approached her not so humble breasts whit both of my hands and begin to play whit them while moving my own hips.

"Ahhhhhhhh! ~ and that was my signal to increase the movement while approachin her face and begin to kiss Firis wildly repositioning one of my hands under her asscheeks for better grip.

Firis insides were contracting so much that i was afraid it might push out my member from her tightness but i embraced her even tighter ending whit stronger and faster thrust.

"Husb.. Ahhhhh.. ! ..I'm comingg.. ! Ahhh!".

Firis stamina was better compared to the rest of my brides she only fainted after one hour and half of continuous sex, in different positions whit a content look on her face still on top of me while still twitching here and there making a face that it was unbefitting of a proud Tsundere warrior.

A gently brush of chakra on our skin to clean ourselves up and we teleport at Nol's place; falling asleep all five together on the "ex queen size bed" now a "super deluxe king size". Hehe before falling asleep i noticed : Delva, Elda and Misery teleporting back to their Fortress after spying on us all night : it seemed that Delva finally convinced them to go back; No they didn't come whit bad intentions, if more it looked like they were about to budge in to join us by their expression while Misery tights continued to rubb themselves ; But she did left her magic Familiar behind a red eye crow .

Hmm gota visit them tomorrow whit Eve i thought before going in search for my Zen dream .


~ Next day very early morning and my third day in this reality ~


And surprise ,surprise my sweet Zen dream was again interrupted by those horny succubus wife's of mine. And when i thought that i exhaust them enough; but by the look on their eyes who was similar of a ovulating and rdy to conceive woman's who's rdy to get pregnant anytime .

"Here we go. Did i perhaps mentioned how much I just loved Alfheim.. !" ..hehe!"

>>few hours late morning >>


After what it's became our permanent newlyweds routine : attempt of bullying me by waking me up while been sexually assaulted by my brides even my innocent Eve > who later bites them back by turning them into unconscious whit happy faces PUDDING.


Later after the unconditional surrender of the [Allied Elvish Taskforce] : i prepared breakfast before their awakening. Simple stuff a big variety of filed bread whit veggies and meat and a mix of pies, geting salty or sweet varieties for everyone; then milk whit honey, tea and freshly squeezed fruit juices.

We enjoyed our breakfast getting many compliments on my freshly baked food and teasing from a mischievous Nol who's sitting on my lap the naughty way, figure that .

And after i feed up my super saiyan wife's who can freely compete whit Goku and Vegeta by literally erasing enough food needed to feed a dozen of very hungry peeps ; it's seems my seed who can't get them pregnant yet, but reinforce slowly their bodys requires a big amount of sustenance under the form of food and so five new gluttons were born.

After breakfast we went for a relaxing dip in a beautiful pond near the village .

So we were enjoying ourselves in the newly modified ex pond now more like a Japanese Onsen whit crystal clear warm water and lotus flowers on the surface of it , while being surrounded by my very tired but satisfied four brides; and while i was thinking abaut the need of bigger and better places to live together whit my ever expanding family ; especially when in the near future i intended in relocating both villages into one big village. need to....but i caught in the relaxed range of my senses some well expected and very welcomed visitors .


First arrival was Elda who stopped a dozen meters away and watching us on top of a tree branch and looked funny more exactly thorn apart between wanting to to approach us and girlish behaviour like a hightschool girl who wanted to confess while looking very cute.


Soon after Elda arrival Misery joined her even if in truth she was the first to came but stayed very fare away using magic means to observe us, well more like observe me while mumbling things like "need to take responsibility for making her feel like this" over and over whit red ears and cheeks , while rubbing her tights together.


And the last to followed was Delva who looked very exhausted for some reason, She tried to scold them at first but soon she quit and joined in the newcomer duo who was stalking us stealthy or at least they thought they were.


Nol noticed them to and tried to let me know about it, but i sent a whisper in her mind and she responded whit her cute lolly giggles .


Elda was acting like a lil girl looking at the happy family bathing together and her ears begin to turn red thinking about how would it feel to be in Nol's place right now.


Misery just arrived and didn't even spared a look at Nol but watched intensely her future mate while incessantly rubbing her legs together while her hand was on her breast near the heart.


And Delva was just about to give them a earful again but gaved up soon when she noticed how lost in their world they were and joined them watching her lil sister Eve who was literally glowing whit happiness while being embraced by Sephy.


"Booo.. !" .


"Kyaaa... !"


"Got you...lil peeping naughty girls!" .


"Hehe! Just look what the cat caught in here!" i said while holding three scared lil Dark Elves caught in his arms before falling.


"I was about to bring Eve over to your place just after breakfast and our relaxing bath but since you girls come first why dont you just join us, you girls gota get used to each other's presence since we are going to live together from now on!".

But no response !?. Elda is holding me tight and started to sniff me while her face were on the crock of my neck.

Misery put her breasts on my second me face pushing me further in while holding me tight whit her legs shivering like a leaf.

And Delva was tamer whit a lesser grip on me but keep mumbling something baut being my fault over and over while she rubs her face buried on my chest, and that's new...


So i just teleported to de edge of our natural jacuzzi whit them still in my arms . I tried to gently let them on their feet, but they didn't let go increasing the grip on me tighter



" Forget about bathing whit them ,will you" ! Nol said whit a preoccupied sight.

"They are in worse heat than we used to be at first because their Dark elf legacy and animalistic side!".


"Take care of them husband or their heat will turn into suffering and keep increasing, just leave the romance later pounding first romance later, just get used to it already we are not humans after all !" .


"Yes husband take care of sister Delva!" ! said a very pleading preoccupied Eve .


"Do it my husband or will get worse and i know about it since it happened to me last night and i only met you for little time!" said Firis while encouraging me to take care of them.


I looked at the three newly arrived Dark Elves and sight, i knew this will happen sooner or later, but I'm still adjusting whit the whole hot Elves chasing me instead of the other way around idea...


"As we said get used with it husband !" said Nol and Lucie while others just nodded.


"Oky.. all just do that!" i said freaking a lil bit.


"All be right back in a few minutes!" i said while teleporting at Nol's place whit the three of them.


Once arrived i seated myself whit them attach on all of me on the edge of the bed in the master room, and worked my magic fast, you know the time and space bubble whit time difference. fast .


I decided to give Elda my full attention first by raising myself on my feet whit her still hugging me tight; We separated ourselves from the rest by walking away stopping near the window sitting her on the edge comfortably getting a sad and confused reaction from her.


" Elda"! look at me! I'm going to take care of you my cute and precious tomboy!" i said while raising Elda chin giving her a peck on her lips while her eyes grew big and tried to desperately hug me again .


"Cute...!? I'm a brute not womanly like the rest" ! Elda said while buried her face back into my chest.


"You are cute.. actually a very adorable and sweet..and anybody in my place would say the same since eny man in my shoes would feel to be the most fortunate man in the whole world by having you as his bride "! .


" Really" ...!?she said giving me critical damage by cuteness overload , whit hope in her voice and facial expression .


"Yes"! i nod while looking whit affection in her now big surprised eyes who looks at me.


"Please"! Elda said whit rugged breath while she locked her legs on me and looked expectantly.

"make it stop "! she said in a girlish innocent tone.

"im hot and my body feels wierd"!

and not wanting to prolong this situation enymore.


" I will" ! and i separated her legs opened whilde took my penis in my hand while she was looking whit big eyes and red cheeks.

I removed the underwear fabric who covered her entrance rubbed my gland on her swollen red folds in order to lubricate myself but she decided to pull me in by using her legs.

"sssss!ssss!" and "ahhhhhhhh" ! and just like that she lost her purity and got her very first small orgasm...while i grunted because of the mix or burning furnace hotness and tightness .


"Please "! Elda said while trying to make me move ...and i just did that, i approached her her face begun to kiss her while beginning to move my hips in the same time .


"Ahhh" ! and i speed up while holding her by her muscular ass and continue to pound her faster.

"Ah… ah… ahh… agh….!"she was screaming while her face went again on the crook of my neck leaving me access to her long cute ears .

"Ah… ah… ahh… agh….!"ahhh!" and continued for many minutes.

"Ahhh"! and here it comes her insides begin to contract and her grip not only inside but on the hugg wanting to keep me in place, but i speed up and soon ....

"Aaaaaaaaahm.. ! oh yeaa so gudd~ ah yes!" i said while been buried deep inside of her and while released every drop of my seed inside of her getting a lil distracted by her intoxicating smell of her natural body odour and sweat plus the iron blood smell.

So warm while arching her back and toes followed by the lost of her consciousness; i gentle let her stay comfortable on the bed and focus my attention on Misery who was almost frozen in time.

I got ahold of my second body which was holding her and i repositioned ourselves by going a few meters away from the bed getting a whimper in the process and struggle when

i try to put her on a huge furr found on the floor. She tried to hold me desperately keeping me attach to her whit her arms around my neck who was pushing me further inside of her cleavage; so i seated myself down on the furr whit her still attached under me and repositioned ourselves more comfortable .


"Misery!" ~ i said while trying to get her attention, but she to lost in her own lil world, to focused on rubbing herself on me .


"I'm going to make a woman out of you!".. and that got her attention.

"My woman!" and i got small nod from her while she opened whilde her legs.


"Take responsibility for what you done to me!" she said while easing the hold on me and opening her legs further in a "M" position for better access, biting her lips while looking at me whit her red eyes making her look so damm erotic.


I just removed everything from the path tearing her bikini and climbed on her face to face and we united in one swift move taking her lips and sheltered myself all the way . "Aaaaaargh"! but no pause her eyes said everything .. kept on moving so i just did that .

"Hah…. ah… ahh…!." and sweaty fleshy sounds and hurried breaths were the only thing present while I was trying fast and hard to scratch that terrible "ich" .

"Hah…. ah… ahh….!" faster and deeper..she stopped the kiss when the first small orgasm hinted her so i approached her breasts whit my mouth trying to get ahold on her hidden nipples who were inverted .

"Hah…. ah… ahh…." and when i succeeded to get it and suck her nipple she screamed like a banshee.

"Aaaaaaaaa!" and i continued to pound her while keeping her in place under me whit her legs now on my waist and my mouth on her huge breast sucking like a hungry newborn child... rubbing my member inside of her very fast.

"Hah.. ah.. ahh..!" and nothing else mattered "Piak and Ahh"! i was moving and Misery was screaming while being on cloud nine.

I increased my thrust speed while gently biting her excited hard nipple while my penis began to grow and twitch and her insides was squeezing me like trying olready to milk me dry.

"Aaaaaahmm!" and there it is.. ropes of my seed was filling her inside while an ahego formed on her face.... and pudding..i gave her a few minutes to enjoy her first release and the after orgasm and when she calmed down i covered her gaved a kiss on her forehead , and i focused on my last bride.


"My sweet lil Delva all take all your burdens away from you!" i whisper in her ear after i made Misery comfortable on the bed near Elda.


I did expected more reactions from Delva but all i got was a unexpected shy nod from her head placed on my shoulder while she increased the grip of her hugg around my torso as i was holding her on my lap whit her legs around my waist while I'm seated on the edge of bed holding her by the ass while Delva was discreetly rubbing her crotch against mine but since I was naked my penis was between her asscheeks feeling her burning heat and wetness.


Delva was uncharacteristic tame, very actually contrasting the river of love juices leaked on my crutch and shuttered from every hot breath I released near her ear .


"So pure" ! : just i said out loud.

"Nothing like the sterne leader i met a day ago my sweet Delva!" i said while my hand left her ass travelling through her spine reaching and brushing her hair making her shiver even more.


"I love this side of you or better said your true self"! :i said while turning her face my direction ending looking into her beautiful eyes and before she expected i took her lips into mine. Delva eyes grew big but she surrender fast to my passion responding in a clumsy fashion who made her even more attractive, but soon she stopped and spoke for the first time.


"You really meant it abaut taking away all my burdens!?" Delva said while hope in her trembling voice looking almost ready to cry.


"Yes... i do ! is my responsibility as your husband to take care of you Delva but also of your sisters all of them forever." ! i said while removing the tear running on her cheek .

"Forever and ever !"


"Forever all take care of my precious and irreplaceable brides to love and care for them spending my life in order to make them truly happy, making their beautiful hearts beat beautiful and fast, filing their stomach whit butterflies, and if they wish for I'll put lots of lil baby's in their belly when.. the time is right and never abandon or forget about them because all of you are right for me!" i said looking straight into Delva eyes whit love and conviction and at the end she was the one to steal my lips and restart the kissing with more passion.


Her breath was getting more laboured and juices amount increased leaking from

her soaked, swollen pussy lips, but suddenly she surprised me again for the second time Delva slowly raised herself as took ahold of my penis rubbing and feeling whit her hand then she position at the entrance of her pussy between her swollen lips and gently seated on my lap while my member was slowly going deep ignoring the barrier and reaching all the way to the end , all that while my mouth was covering hers exchanging needy kisses while my right hand removed from her ass took one pebbled peak between my fingers and started to squeeze it. But Delva didn't waited for long and began to go up and down shaking while increasing the speed until soon was like a crazed animal, as I moaned and groaned because of sudden change of tempo and her tightness squeezing me crazy. Her actions became wild. She pulled my hair roughly, increasing the speed riding me like there is no tomorrow crying out every here and there while my mouth now reach her left nipple taking in my mouth between my lips and gently biting it and licking .


"Oh holy-tree dear mother Sephy my dear husband it's feels so…good I'm melting i feel like meltingggg. "Aaaaaaaaahm.. !"her head falling back and all her muscles contracting while i was sending my seed deep inside of her, together were enjoying a surreal release falling together on the bed still connected and hugged.

Perfect flavoured Pudding... and a content "Mhhh"! escaped my mouth and begin to enjoy the silence while Delva was out.


I was really surprised by how things gone , surprised by Delva uncharacteristic behaviour her shyness and the tame side, but also by the sudden wild side.


But the silence was soon broken by the movement from the bed and two freshly made women and brides begin to approach us whit new confidence in their eyes promised lots of >>pudding by bullying.... but i just look whit a face saying "Bring it On".

..i forget to mention i love being bed because i can take it....and soon after.... tablets do turn.....ask baut it:))



A few hours later :


If my first time whit Lucie was very close to normal love making ,taking in consideration the fact : we just met and and one hour later i was no longer "asexual" and "virgin" buried deep inside of her... and spent around six hours having border line love-sex well technically one hour and half of sex-love while she was out cold for plus about three hours of cuddling and resting.


Whit Nol "well"!? i got willingly reverse rape and loved it; she just lost her purity and we went around one hour and half of intense sex since > I had to turn the tables on her; but even in her "bodecius adult from" she ended knocked out pretty fast.

And after we did the three some for one hour to and fallen asleep whit big and content smiles on our faces like wining at lotery or something. In the morning i got my first attempt of bullying; And all this in less than 24 h.


Whit Eve was the closest thing to normal love making ; apart for the "super heat" who was driving her mad and the little tiny-mini Master thingy .But even whit her Dark Elf legacy she burned fast after one hour, after we eventual we were joined by Nol and Lucie.


And whit Firis hehe was more of a pure sex thing at the beginning since she did a big number on me by getting me all worked up and turned very passionate later ; And the warrior thing did work in her favour yes it was intense but she got more stamina and resisted more and we never even joined others after for more sex only for sleep.


But the trio of Dark Elves hehe that really did a number one me .I was expecting them to surprised me , but maybe the advance state of arousal being like an animal in heat really put me in a wierd position. i mean the contrast of their personalities:

the muscles brain right!? turning all shy cute innocent and girlish wow i didn't see that coming or expect it .

omg is pretty much Dark Nol version : a playful seductress always in control and yet she was nothing like that .

gulp was not the disciplined leader full of confidence and in control but a lil girl weak shy and innocent.

And their Dark elf animalistic side let say it gaved them no advantage not at all. Their first time was intense but fast ,and after losing their virginity, they regain the lost control and confidence or more or less, and i did spent one hour and half of gentle and playful love and sex moment all of them which i enjoyed very much.


Which takes me to my next thought: -"Now that I got all seven matured Elves as my gorgeous wife's or the no longer asexual Elves population of Alfheim . Doesn't that mean my morning bullying just increased!?, by adding more bullies .

"Hahaha nahh just more Pudding " ! .. :)))
